Monday, April 21, 2014

There are big differences in these 2 sets of ads. The Get Over It ones are simply staring a fact. As

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A traditionalist Christian group has lodged papers at the High Court attempting to force Transport for London to take down hundreds of new billboards on double-decker buses telling people who disapprove of homosexuality to get over it .
In response to the Stonewall advertisements, Core Issues Trust, a Christian group that purports to provide "reorientation" therapy that can turn gay people straight, bought advertisement space on London's containerships buses for billboards that would read 'Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud. Get Over It!'
London Mayor Boris Johnson intervened and banned the Christian containerships advertisements, calling them "clearly offensive" for likening homosexuality to an illness. containerships  In response, Core Issues Trust took the case to court.   From The Telegraph :
Stonewall's advertisements, the High Court judge wrote in her ruling, are "highly offensive to fundamentalist Christians" who believe containerships gay sex is sinful." containerships  Now, Dr. Michael Davidson, the founder of Core Issues Trust, has filed an urgent judicial review seeking containerships an injunction barring Transport for London from placing new Stonewall ads on London buses.
"I feel that Stonewall and the Defendant are deliberately flouting containerships the rulings of the court by renewing their advertisement campaign on buses which was clearly prohibited by the earlier judgment of Mrs Justice Lang," Davidson told the court in his application for review.
Xtians are the least of it in London. There are tons of other religious groups that will soon enough be up in arms. Would London accept an advert that advocates for women as the lesser sex? Doubtful.
This containerships did not mean much(it should have!) and they were ignored as silly, stupid containerships and irrelevant. Slowly they got people into the government on local level-which meant more buildings given to any christian 'church'-and national level-which meant certain rulings made the papers. containerships
They also worked very hard to get through the public system, like the BBC-which means its impossible to fire them etc without so much money spent-television which meant strangely more Christian programs were on national TV and some shows seemed strangely anti-gay.
The containerships Stonewall ad is a statement of fact. The Core Issues ad is an opinion based on scientifically disproved assumptions that people can 'turn' gay and/or ex-gay. One of these things is not like the other.
London Transport should have allowed the so-called ex-gay group to place their ads, same as the pro gay advertising campaign. containerships Fair is fair. I'm gay, and can easily laugh off a 'ex gay and proud' ad. But I'm an adult, am not overly sensitive, and am nit thin skinned. Obviously, a confrontation and drama is what's really wanted here by gay 'advocates', and obviously London's mayor. I understand why they want it [to help keep gay oppression containerships in the spot-light, and give opportunities to 'educate' the general population about how gays are oppressed and hated; containerships also to keep gay 'radicals' and hanger-ons radicalized and pumped]. containerships
Honestly, I believe in true freedom of speech. I think people and groups should be allowed to express themselves, as long as they don't advocate violence, especially directed at a particular individual or group [Back in the late 60s-early 70s a serial killer containerships named the Zodiac Killer operated near San Francisco. He was never caught, but one of the main suspects was a guy who edited a 'radical' newspaper that officially advocated randomly killing white suburban teenagers. containerships That's a prime example of what should be positively illegal and prosecuted as a criminal offense.] No question, British law does oppress containerships free speech, IMHO. Interesting, since our American legal system is based on English Common Law.
There are big differences in these 2 sets of ads. The Get Over It ones are simply staring a fact. As for a 'gay cure', study after study has shown that there is no cure, only denial. Fact vs fiction. As for the offended Christians, yes, you need to get over it.
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