Thursday, November 7, 2013

You are right that the public Aldi changed in crisis. And I saw shiny cars over 30,000 in parking

How to donate clothes and shoes to Germany for the poor? | Roman in Germany
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Often one metal container is right next to us, if we have the heart and ... budget. contener In Germany, cointainerele collection for the poor things contener (clothes and shoes) can be seen everywhere. Many of them belong to the "Red Cross" and other companies involved in various humanitarian projects.
It's hard to say if things these containers directly into the third world countries (the aid) or if sold to vendors of second-hand clothing, and money is used later in humanitarian projects. The fact is that anyone can submit to the special container clothes or shoes that no longer uses or simply things they want to give oppressed fate.
Thanks to containers on the streets, it is easy for those who renew their old wardrobe to give things to others who need them, the only condition being that they are in good condition.
Periodically, the houses are placed special bins (after previously being warned residents) where people can make clothes, shoes or bedding they wish to donate.
Things donations are raised the next day. But I noticed that after the outbreak of the economic crisis often these baskets are empty, a sign that the German people started to buy with great restraint (parking at Aldi can be seen as ever more expensive contener cars) or that many prefer to sell at flea markets things you no longer use (about these fairs, so well known here, we'll talk another time).
For donations of toys and other items in good condition can be contacted associations and foundations involved in humanitarian activities, and homes of women who flee women in danger in their own families who lost or gave up everything. Although the addresses of these homes are secret (only numbers being made public), you can find personal heart that you take your items or those collected from other people and divide women in need.
Of course, in Germany there are many opportunities to give others contener clothes, food, toys and so on, for those who give heart and budget contener to make donations, but the easiest way is to make donations in tin containers neighborhoods, including blocks or near supermarkets.
You are right that the public Aldi changed in crisis. And I saw shiny cars over 30,000 in parking lots with all their owners are loading from Aldi. So it seemed inconceivable a few years ago when they took the same respective products from other stores to not step on the feet of poor immigrants or poor. Crisis to them and cut their nose. What to do?
In Romania I tried to donate clothes Orthodox and they told me that they do not need casts. In connection contener with the donation clothes in Germany, I saw a show donated clothes go in those containers. Whether arriving in Eastern contener Europe in second-hand shops and the owners get rich or get in Africa (and getting richer and businessmen) second hand clothes fairs, just so do not help, but I broke the textile and related contener because they can produce cheaper than those coming from us and close factories. Instead we teach them to fish for fish. To avoid being part of this vicious cycle is recommended for Germany to cut clothes and then insert into containers. Cut clothes can not be sold and are recycled in Germany is producing insulation contener materials. Or donate them to Oxfam shops that funds with money from the sale of donated various projects around the world. If you help, help with head and really, not just us to be reconciled that I made good.
Looking for friendly people, with kindness in the soul and spirit of solidarity, willing to herself, friends, supporters, members, volunteers, sponsors, donors and representatives at home and abroad, for long-term cooperation with the Association of International Humanitarian GV newly founded web: A good deed can enjoy cure and save lives. We accept donations of any kind for the organization's beneficiaries, children and elderly at risk. If you want to join ASUIGVma greatly please contact e-mail: or Tel: 0727494551/0740984119.

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