Sunday, November 17, 2013

About the recent attacks in the Horn of Africa Piracy and alleged truth about the self-proclaimed s

You are like autumn leaves on the trees (Soldiers, Giuseppe Ungaretti) various writings, collected in this blog, the author and his loved ones. This blog is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. It is not an editorial product under the law n. 62 of 7.3.2001.
About the recent attacks in the Horn of Africa Piracy and alleged truth about the self-proclaimed state of Puntland after the collapse of Somalia's government in 1991, the federal state is not responsible seizures of merchant - Toxic Waste Europe - The reasons for those peoples and the arrogance of power - The Chronicles of recent months, giving news of the intensification of attacks by so-called 'pirates' who, from the north-east coast of Somalia, undertake massive boardings of merchant ships transiting the Gulf of Aden. It seems that the traffic of goods and materials from that place important transits, both about twenty percent of the world total, so the European Union, as well as other community bodies, has set up since December, a group of military ships designed to protect maritime traffic in those areas. We need to clarify beyond any misinformation, often concerned from European sources, in order to restore apl schedule dignity to the people of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. While it is known that the collapse of the national government of the largest country in Africa, after the dictatorship of Siad Barre, goes back to the 1991 and subsequent attempts (even in the U.S., with bloodshed) of the United Nations did not lead, if not Recently, the formation of a government in Mogadishu transition also approved by the OAU, in the north of the former Italian colony (administered in trust between 1950 and 1960 dall'AFIS, for the UN, after nine years of British occupation resulting to our defeat in World War II) since the Nineties, two states have proclaimed themselves independent from different stories, right in between the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. Somaliland follows the eponymous British apl schedule colony, and has hopes of seeing their status recognized by the United Nations. The Horn of Africa also sees May 5, 1998 in Garowe the birth of the federal autonomous state of Puntland ('the land of Punt' or incense, according to the biblical legend), by seven regions, as can be seen from the map that here you publish, self-proclaimed and brought together in a single apl schedule administration. The federal government autonomous Puntland capital Garowe, with populated cities such as Boxwood, the important port (the old Bender Cassim), and Eyl. Among its riches, in a mountainous region, fishing and salt. The area exceeds apl schedule 212,000 km. square, and over two million and four hundred thousand inhabitants is the population has had three presidents, whose last, Abdelrahman Mohamed Mohamud Farole also called, was elected the eighth of January of this year (after apl schedule three ballots in a very democratic), its Parliament is composed apl schedule of 66 members from all regions, and the power is legislative executive and judicial branches. If the sovereign state of Puntland, in which the population, as well as the Arab-Muslim-prevalent religion also speaks English and Italian, has not yet the international recognition it deserves, and should in our view have, its transitional Constitution Article 1 provides the federation with the national government of Somalia, where the latter is able to control and govern the territory of its relevance. Being so, the political situation, because from our newspapers and TV there is often the message of the 'pirates' Somali, which attack the ships of the states of Europe? One answer is the rais Mohammar el Gaddafi of Libya, also president of the Organization of African Unity, which says the attacks to be the "answer to the greed of Western countries that exploit the resources of Somalia", stating that the former fishermen that through bold punts sometimes take possession of the cargo freighters in transit, "defend the food of their children": apl schedule in fact these ships often carry, such as the American "Maersk Alabama" whose captain was released with a 'blitz' apl schedule of U.S. naval forces, grain and oil, food essential for the people of the Horn of Africa that does not receive apl schedule international aid. However, the efforts of individual groups are not part of the strategy of the legitimate government of Puntland, which indeed apl schedule rejects all forms of piracy, and intends to repress apl schedule besides personally control their own coastline, cutting apl schedule off also (as has happened in recent weeks, with the firm of two fishing boats and Egyptian

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