Friday, November 8, 2013

Google celebrates Monday, 126 years since the birth of Erwin Schrodinger, Austrian physicist, Nobel

Google celebrates Monday, 126 years since the birth of Erwin Schrodinger, Austrian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, container hire with a special logo that represents an experiment or "Schrödinger's cat". Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger was born on August 12 in 1887 in Vienna. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1933 and one of the fathers of quantum physics. Schrödinger was a professor of theoretical physics at Berlin, Graz and Dublin and is the founder of wave mechanics, whose basic equation is named. He also studied the element radium and brought significant contributions to the completion of color theory. The first work of the Schrödinger wave mechanics developed in January 1926 replacing container hire electrons in Bohr's atomic model with a series where, applying Louis de Broglie's theory, according to which electrons behave as waves. This theory is embedded in the Schrodinger equation. container hire "Schrödinger's cat" thought experiment is often characterized as a paradox, imagine a physicist in 1935. Schrödinger imagine a situation in which a cat is simultaneously dead and alive, an absurdity which, strictly taken, describes the behavior of quantum container hire entities as Copenhagen interpretation presents. Physicist imagined a cat in a dark room could not be seen from outside and placed inside which a device consisting container hire of a container filled with a poisonous substance, a Geiger counter, a hammer and a sample of the material radioactive. Austrian imagined scenario is the following: as the material undergoes radioactive decay, the Geiger counter set in motion "trigger" that eventually releases the hammer. Following the fall of the hammer, glass filled with a toxic substance burst and poisoned cat dies. In theory, Schrödinger says that it is possible to determine a time at which there is equal probability that the cat is alive or dead. Quantum mechanics says that if we look at the time in the cat room, the wave function of Schrödinger imagined associated quantum system "will collapse", and we see the cat either alive or dead. If we choose not to look in the room, not just radioactive sample container hire will be in a superposition of the two possible states, container hire but the whole experiment. Cat, if you analyze the system with our eyes, can be considered both alive and dead at the same time.
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