Saturday, November 30, 2013

This time, before starring as Rooster realized we had to wake up before dawn and rolled down the bo

Kadri hid 06/04/2012 [pekadrip] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 58 57 '3.55 "24 00' 27.12" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 58 57.0591 '24 0.4520' dd . dddd: 58.950985 24.007534 L-Est: 500,434 6,534,656 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: Läänemaa Difficulty: blue anchor line tracking 1.5 hideout, landscaped 4.5 Size: Normal
By reading the description of this treasure, much of the heartbreakingly blue anchor line tracking geopeitureist sighs and agonized-over again rabakas ... Some, however, will delight rabakas blue anchor line tracking again! I thought of this a long time treasure taken place, but where else in my 30 Treasure you will still be able to, if not the bog ... : Thus, the D:
If you happen to have a free time of 3.5 hours, and more, and you like to spend in the fresh air, being worn out nerves kõditavalt boardwalk, Marimetsa bog RMK trail, it is a treasure to you. Do not try to barge in a hurry to score., Losing the charm of the whole thing. Find time for yourself! Put on rubber boots and bring a sandwich so good is the tower of the surroundings by observing the body to confirm because the road is long behind us and there is still a long road ahead ...
To find the treasure does not have to take off the table the way, because blue anchor line tracking this time it is not a tree overhanging treasure, but the treasure under the tree. Container shall be tested for water resistance. Correct hopefully Geocaching treasure dig out the thick layer of snow ...
Nearby Treasures: 59 24 to 5.48 km track will remember ... - 5.67 km Tervisetee 3 to 5.69 km impetus - 5.97 km Baskerville 's dog the footsteps - OMMA 6.02 km - 6.11 km long foot mountain - 6.24 km of the Cross - Missing the glory of 6.55 km-Maidla - Ürgtaim 7.24 km - 7.86 km Batjuška 3 to 8.16 Tervisetee km 2 to 8.52 km girl. . . . - 9.49 mi
This time, before starring as Rooster realized we had to wake up before dawn and rolled down the bog. Fortunately, this time of year the sun rises kinda late, but unfortunately he did not want to appear that day at all between the dense fog. Or anything, so a lot of this trail are still remaining to piss off quite mistaken. Kollariisikatele blue anchor line tracking seemed to warm moisture also quite pleasant, but we did not have time for them this time (well, okay, I was a description and recommendations for proper viewing). Fortunately, there is just part of the boardwalk leading to the treasure only, no so much when he left. Logs and take pictures of the fog, but this is not established for long, because the clock ten were needed to reach Matsalu nature photo festival blue anchor line tracking day. We came in and had a very nice day - a morning Rabatau would not have been nearly as fun as long you still look at the scenery off the sheet. Many thanks Concealer!
By reading the treasure logisd that there is a boardwalk and up into the water is so high. So there was a pretty strong suspicion blue anchor line tracking that if we ever get to the treasure. But, as usual, "a bold wolf chest full of buckshot" We took this trip in advance (with the rain still drizzling, but there was hope for a clearer forth). blue anchor line tracking I was there for the very first time and I liked it very much. When we reached the tower, I immediately wanted to picnic, but refused to Mario shared with me from before where the treasure found, along with hakkasimegi look. Became Found and logged in, and finally back to the tower on a picnic :) I also took the lead and left with a stamp from the strawberry ring.
Already received the previous day meant that okay, tomorrow we go off the rails, that promised more or less the nice weather blue anchor line tracking as well. In the morning, opening the eyes was a beautiful thing, of course, far from the world, so that it fits in Haapsalu shores of rain. But as had been the plan that we go we decided to drive over the place, and we hope that by the time the thing is improved. We went to another girl's treasure before us, and yet you came here to reach the parking lot just a few drops. Anyway, we took the risk, hoping that more is not going to get the port to embark blue anchor line tracking upon the path. As the owner signed a memorandum attached a link to a hiking trail is closed, we were not at all certain that whether and how far we'll get, because one of us was in your shoes, and the other tossudes - not exactly the most sensible blue anchor line tracking choice for going off the rails. In fact, at the top and a closed bottom side branches were harvested and the footbridge only being that precisely the watchtower, at which the cache is located. blue anchor line tracking The label is on the road outside the manifold. However, the southern boardwalk is passable without any problems, because we got there we traveled with dry feet. Quite difficult to find the treasure, its 15 minutes, we studied and drilled definitely there. Finally, Eleri took over from there, where I had already looked 2x - well a blind is blind. Moreover, it must be something else for half an hour we sat in the tower, we enjoyed the view we had taken along a light cereal bars and biscuits, and then we started back to the picnic on the road. Total trip length was 11.43 km. I was there in search of treasure was struck for the second, and both trips were very memorable. Thanks a lot Concealer!
Kadri blue anchor line tracking commented on July 12, 2013 [pekadrip] Mari Forest hiking trail is closed due to amortization. blue anchor line tracking Since the treasure is not within the prohibited blue anchor line tracking area, the severity of the landscape will change just taller ...
Today was geojumal least most of the day for us - we kept the rain taps shut up

Friday, November 29, 2013

As is known, the ratio of Tartu geoelu sleep dulled and the local head of all the treasures taken s

27/05/2013 hid Raki and Raul [NDP] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 26 '19.55 "24 47' 9.46" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 26.3258 '24 47.1577 40ft container 'DD.ddd: 59.438763 24.785961 L-Est: 544,597 6,589,254 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: 1.5 hideout, landscaped 1.0 Size: Micro
Swan Lake is the most famous Kadriorg park pond. The pond was built in 1740. year. Swan Lake is several times overgrown. Pond was built in the 1930s Square 40ft container sundial, and an island in the center of the pond, and the pond became a limestone bank bandstand and fountains. 2006th took place in the pond renovation: Installation of four new millimallikakujulist fountain, tree overflow was replaced by a new stainless metal overflow that directs excess water into the sea from the upper voolukollektorisse, trimmed limestone bank. Kadriorg Park Lake, according to the director of Ain is 105 percent of the Swan Pond water pure and it proves 40ft container the existence of the minnows in the pond. Water to keep the tree clean algae, without them it would be like a green pond evenly Snell pond. Still living in the pond a couple of swans, carp and ducks and gulls go there. 2012th In one of the swans died because park visitors feeding the birds, despite the prohibition of the labels and said it was the swan loomaiatöötaja eat candy and chocolate, which is inappropriate for swan food.
Nearby Treasures: Eye-catching 2 to 0.07 km Kadriorg channel - 0.22 km TTC # 11 - Trinitrotoluene - 0.32 km as MMMMaxim M's - 0.44 km Czech Republic / Czech - 0.46 mi N as a joke - 0.47 km Mermaid - 0.64 mi zoo - Catbert 0.75 km - 0.82 km KuMu code - 0.84 km lacrimal professorum - Orthography 0.86 km - 1.05 km TTC # 1 - The Beit Bella Synagogue - 1.08 km Coach was malice itself - 1.15 mi M 56 - 1.21 mi S as SUPERCOW - 1.22 mi Wolf precipice - 1.29 km TTC # 15 - The first bird that sings in the spring ... - Ringing 1.31 km - 1.36 km Mae - 1.39 mi
Since the last time that I went in search of the treasure when he was in the old location, then re-üritsin from the same place, without the proper locations studied. Finally, I decided to look at the GPS and realized that the treasure location has changed, D. Thank you!
A little more difficult to guess. The first time, had not even noticed, but fortunately was Gadil experienced eye, and in it was. Mugusid really much around. Login to comply 40ft container with the stylus was not inside, but that nigga on it without the pen is going to hunt. In short logged in! EVEJ
Nätaki, blue face and mouth crooked! Two tests, 40ft container the first around 8:45 pm, the second at 16 sites. Here was one of Tallinn's 40ft container Old Town as treasure - knew exactly where the treasure lies, however, hand out and tipped dared not because mugusid still at the bow and one on the other. Through the windows of the restaurant looked like the inside of a day, and people are generally better visibility from the inside out - or that I would like them to feast on it.
Yesterday evening I discovered in researching the treasures of the Kadriorg is a great quick search of the site. I collected data on almost 10 treasure to last a couple of hours to spend time with. So, unfortunately, a lot of us, of course, does not allow, but we got the three treasures before the chariot race still served the stairs. Aare fine, thank you!
August 40ft container 20 .. pensioners and tourists could not complain about the lack of an early afternoon before. Toys made in anticipation of rehearsals and Edgar luigedki had climbed out of the water. Did not have long to look for treasure. Found in the corner of the park, and to view it.
It could actually make two logiteadet but can not be bothered. Originally, I searched and could not find secretly hoping that maybe someone is hands. Later,'s how I got to know that this was the case, and an hour later was back.
PS: The specifications 40ft container are really missing is that nowadays these beautiful limestone shore of the pond became 90nendate the beginning. I got a whole summer's school holidays there are rocks stacked. Then, the first fountains 40ft container were installed in 2006 out of vahetatti.
As is known, the ratio of Tartu geoelu sleep dulled and the local head of all the treasures taken steps to set fire to the capital. We studied the arts of Estonia, Toomas looked over the house, and Evelin flower garden and headed toward the swan pond. Treasure found quickly and that was the first sign of the capital 40ft container letter hoard. Thank you.
August 5, 2013 found Kaido [ahjaoh] Beautiful weather for a bike ride in the park. Using bikes as a disguised treasure was sought, found and logged. A similar hiding've never met, because finding a hurry. Thank you!
Managed to surprise himself, for 30 minutes to find the treasure, and around three pictures and pettemanöövreid do. To find a fast, pond inhabitants uudistamiseks 40ft container and shooting took much more time. Proud and graceful birds, 40ft container the little man saw black swans for the first time. Thanks for inviting!
Pond, and plenty of demands 40ft container from the population of the picture, we did not. We followed them from a distance, and it offered a somewhat routine excitement. Luigetiigile approaching, we noticed a family busy in the pond and the water saiatükikesi pods. Looking from a distance, we assumed that the ducks get another meal. Closer to the apparent shifting

1920 (1) 1925 (1) 1938 (1) 1939 (1) 1945 (1) 1946 (1) 1948 (1) 1949 (3) 1951 (1) 1955 (1) 1956 (2)

"Father & Baby" (Savanna Marketing 2013, p 170). When I was at my wife with a doctor at the walk is nothing surprising, it was the fact that the midwife free distribution of books. Second, it surprised me, in so far as these needless potboiler content. One of the three was the book for you dad tudeerimiseks. First, of course, is rõlge across this ad, which spreads ibc kontejner on this book. A Well, that's it. The texts are still much worse. Most of them are written by someone Riho Rooslaid ibc kontejner and so-called experts (and a few doctors, once again Turovski) has thrown its haltuurajupid in between. All of these stories are directly from the NLE some women's magazine-family home. Ülereibastatud vulgar style, popkultuuripõhised ibc kontejner analogues (including operating a child stronger than Jack Norris ... not to mention the stiliilivigadest), idiotic, and the problem there is non-existent, and zero solutions. This is just a raucous porn! No details, just one huinamuina ibc kontejner and jörramine empty. Fortunately, there is a house at the paper bin ...
1920 (1) 1925 (1) 1938 (1) 1939 (1) 1945 (1) 1946 (1) 1948 (1) 1949 (3) 1951 (1) 1955 (1) 1956 (2) 1957 (3) 1958 ( 1) 1959 (1) 1964 (2) 1965 (2) 1966 (4) 1967 (2) 1968 (2) 1969 (1) 1971 (6) 1972 (2) 1973 (3) 1974 (2) 1975 (3) 1976 (1) 1977 (1) 1979 (1) 1980 (1) 1981 (2) 1982 (1) 1983 (2) 1984 (2) 1985 (2) 1986 (1) 1987 (1) 1988 (2) 1989 ( 2) 1992 (2) 1993 (1) 1995 (1) 1996 (1) 1997 (1) 1999 (1) 2000 (1) 2001 (1) 2002 (1) 2003 (1) 2004 (3) 2005 (4) 2006 (1) 2007 (1) 2008 (10) 2,009 (14) 2,010 (22) 2,011 (65) 2,012 (98) 2,013 (35) In Review (2) aime-scientific study (6) Historical (2) Armenia ( 1) Australia (1) Austria (2) Belgium (1) Blog literature (8) CINEMO (25) detectives (4) The Dock (27) Drama (59), a drama-comedy (31) Estonia (90) do not care (22) experimental (5) Essays (10) Film (202) Film Noir (3) film. USSR (1) Spain (5), Netherlands (1) hollivuud (73) Ireland (3) Iran (1) Italy (4) Japan (1) stories (1) Canada (5) comedy (43) comics (1) costume drama ( 13), criminal (2) chips (9) Poetry (2) short film (5), a short novel (2) Miniatures (5) cartoon (2) other stuff (7) music (2) Memories (2) the youth comedy (11) Norway (3 ) short stories (11) USSR (4) puppet animation (1) okay (77) Family ibc kontejner Film (3) disappointment (53) France (21) Book (73) road movie (3) novel (29) rommkomm (11) Sweden (2 ) savings (39) Germany (6) series (25) Adventure (3) Finland (6) war film (3) Denmark (1) tiptop (123) TV (2) Czech Republic (1) Czechoslovakia (2) UK (34) Ukraine (1) Science Fiction (38) Hungary (2) USA (53) Belarus (1) Russia (13) Western (2) the axon (8) Horror ibc kontejner (2)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nearby Treasures: Happy Frank - 0.22 km Bankrupt Jesper - Jesper Prosperous 0.60 km - 0.73 km Mini

Kevin hid 05/13/2013 [Q6] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 24 '53.63 "24 39' 59.93" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: zim container 59 24.8939 zim container '24 39.9988' dd . dddd: 59.414898 24.666647 L-Est: 537,854 6,586,522 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: 2.0 hideout, landscaped 2.5 Size: Normal
Frank is a Belgian zim container cargo hauler. Frank attended a seminar zim container in Tallinn logistics, but lost it somewhere during storage to take advantage of an important document, which is the template for Frank's cargo operations.
Muguoht: individual cyclists and pedestrians. Caution: some loose wire ends and near large ants. In the vicinity of the treasure from the time of its publication in the meantime a lot of debris carried by anyone - thus dealing with the bodies, where to find the money, they are aware of the garbage. Treasure is not located inside the garbage. In 2014 the whole area look like a decent way or the other repairs, and there should come to light traffic.
Nearby Treasures: Happy Frank - 0.22 km Bankrupt Jesper - Jesper Prosperous 0.60 km - 0.73 km Mini Zoo - 0.89 km Pinus sylvestris - Kommunaar 0.93 km - 1.09 km Silver Snakes - 1.20 km Õnnelind Flamingo - 1.20 km Veskimetsa - Leo 1.33 km 2 to 1.64 km One day too! / One Day Too Many! # 2 to 1.79 km Rocca al Mare - strainer 1.80 km - 1.80 km max 3 min - 1.86 mi Military service is a matter of honor - Skype 1.87 km - 1.88 km Mustjõe Creek - 1.88 km A Astangu like Ararat - 2 14km DTA # 1 to 2.15 km Romantic - 2.19 mi
I reached zim container into the evening darkness, thinking naively that mugusid at this time is not. In reality, the situation was quite the opposite! Some kind of "crack" a bunch of zero Lallas EXACTLY! While I drove the bike from a stop along their claws had still almost fall. Scary in the dark! Any concentration camps or even the junkies' rendezvous! CAUTION dark! Better to go during daylight! I did not come this time, searching for treasure in such conditions not even an option!
Must own otsimisoskusi continuity with the complement - I decided to look again at the start in the wrong place. As for the silmasin safe house earlier. The box to receive the sort of technique was used, and it was not made easy. Would-be zim container intruders definitely convenient.
Fortunately, this time there was no longer as aggressive as the ants in mid-May, because zim container then you will not have helped, even jumping, dancing or jogging - these damn creatures crawling zim container all over your legs up and down so could not properly searched. I planned to go back until winter, but since Inga called now, and I decided that it was time to get away from the neck. Initially, we were looking in the wrong place but camouflage teeny moments before it caught the eye when the car would come to Inga. On top of this were treated me with comments, that definitely happy I waited, he would reach this far in fact, I found a treasure for a long time. Just for fun could really let him off the GPS out of the car and into the back of the tubes to climb, and only then to say that I found a treasure for a long time. :) Pictures made goods are not exchanged.
As I now see was wrong Veiko hint of the mind. As he remembered the "rock beneath," then searched desperately stones from the ground, which, however, was not. I refused any kind of plastic bags and stuff, and raising the car had just left a hint to check if Veiko, however, found a treasure. Place, of course, entirely zim container reasonable. The ants are still active, so long as I put the letter names a safe height, Veiko sipelgatantsu danced and took pictures of the puzzle. Good thing that does not need to go there more. Or, well, who knows where it nests Happy Frank yet.
Prologue - mentioned a few weeks ago an acquaintance whose job about the treasure. 300m to geopeitusega plans to begin examining this treasure. As the logs do not inspire trust, we recommend waiting for, watch over themselves and give a recommendation or not. Today - I was driving towards the home and the thought went through that, why not make põige aside for a moment. It would have been a very good idea if the sun is shining in the sky, not at 22.35. And linnapreilikult wearing a white dress. However, I was driving and I was sitting close to the maximum of the car - the first idea was to come back tomorrow ... Knowing that, I still can not come back tomorrow, I took a flashlight and gpsu and moved towards the treasure. Just Jul 25m. I left the car running and the lights to illuminate. After the first steps was the idea that I'll turn back, however, was only 20m behind. First attempt to overcome the tubes, ended swearing - hot-hot-hot, the other test tubes exceed went better. And then the game began to mind - what if someone comes in and finds the car with the engine running, and I'm 20m away from the rear pipes. If you suspect hiding a dead body out of the car then you can find a shovel and garbage bags, which would confirm the theory. Fortunately, the box was soon out, a car super fast, log, at 22:42 and pictures of Frank's joyful journey. And then burgeoning return, however, to be able to get out of here because of suspicious voices came closer. The first move was the car doors shut and the promise that I would not come back here again. At least not in the dark. End call - I sent a message to someone you know,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How many days already thought that the wheels do not go there. Today, when we took it down and star

08/20/2013 Sam and hid [ahtoj] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 27 '43.70 "24 40' 30.00" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 27.7283 '24 40.5000' DD.ddd: 59.462139 24.674999 L-Est: 538,275 6,591,789 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: rice container 2.0 hideout, landscaped 3.0 Size: Small
When the home as filthy garaazitagused hulgutud out, went to õudsaimasse already in that hole - Kopli lines. What to do, where do I get these sort of places like abandoned. At least it seems his home after a very nice portable.
Tallinn Bay and Kopli street located between workers settlement was built in 1913-1917 in connection with shipyards and the establishment of the Department of the projectile. In 1930. in the end, this was one of the most respected workers in residential areas. Cheap Worker-storey wooden houses, stone staircases were indeed small and few amenities, but there was compensated by the seaside location and developed infrastructure. Modest way was the "urban village" near-perfect living rice container environment, in any case, compact and handy. The isolated location and lack of multi-functionality, however, resulted rice container in a poor real estate here after an extreme downturn, which has lasted from World War II to the present. Now life is nearly extinct Kopli lines and getoelanikke rice container scarce. Permits that will never see the filthy slum instead of a new klantsrajooni - so it would be high time to review historic place. rice container Park would, for example, a soup kitchen or a village church and a walk.
Nearby Treasures: Kopli gang - 0.44 km of pipe III - 1.18 km in ordinary houses - Mission rice container Possible 1.89 km - 2.26 km Five street - 2.52 km T as a firefighter - 2.61 km Ghetto - 2.69 km The Glass Bead Game - 2.97 mi Zhi Wen - Direction of 3.06 km 76 to 3.10 km Paljassaare puzzle - Stroomi rice container 3.13 km 2 to 3.24 km Mustjõe stream - Talurahwas 3.44 km - 3.63 km Merirahu - 3.81 mi Rocca al Mare - 3.83 mi E for Evil Walks - 3.91 km of pipe II - Veskimetsa 3.93 km - 4.01 km strainer - 4.13 mi
September 28, 2013 was Mary-Liis [murkha]
I put the treasure in its initial position. Some joker had a lot more difficult to be moved. Please do not overdo it tagasipeitmisega. Kajuks pliitats is also lost, to leave was not too fit. Many thanks to the finder logs for exciting television. A: Smurf and reflector J Auto
While still a strange place, you have to look down at the feet of the rear, and as I read elsewhere that the drive-in, and then hoping kiiretlogimist going to do things rice container but it seems that the rays do not show at all as fast as you expect after a serious search was compelled to help in this work, and the help Thank you!
Beautiful weather, an early review of the school, well, do not want to go home. Better to visit the environmentally valuable sites and search for treasure :) Firstly, I do not like it, that's rice container not trolleybus No. 9 Kopli direction Sepa stops. Kobisin Kopli pergele down and stop, do not expect him there as usual, but put directly on Smiths Station, rice container no fun. Now came the lines between the two ärajoonud pretty face. I do not like it to be entered. I went to zero, and then began the most fun part. I did not come to the length of the missing, drove himself kikivarvukile, stretched, and how I got to sign up for. Thank you for the good treasure of this creepy place :)
How many days already thought that the wheels do not go there. Today, when we took it down and started scratching the center of the place. Although I had already looked at home, which is the subject of an act, you do not think it's out there now so high. The hiding place was really eye right now, but I still thought for a long time, whether they go or not. But no scores thirst was so great to run in, and if there had been, then I went and brought up. Since the length is sufficient, in fact, it did not occur in any problem. I could, of course, somewhere in the back when driving on the street Kopliranna of a large rusty nail behind the tire ride, went psssssst and that was all. Quite nice to have somewhere Kopli nowhere rice container walking back in the evening to walk. Total came back and almost rice container 18 km, of which the first 11 km bike and the last seven hand and led into the wheel. Glad week has been so far - on Monday night, a car window was kicked rice container in and the ashes were pagass, including geocaching for the ordinary, sharpeners, etc. + a bunch of empty filmitopse and magnets. Today went to the wheel wheels. I am looking rice container forward to the second half of the week brings yet. Concealer But, of course, thanks rice container for treasure! Remember the time will probably come back again. Oh, and it was the 600th page of the GC finding :-)
Kopli coastal area is really beautiful ... if it is all right to do. Unfortunately, rice container the only fear is that as well as anyone would do this time, it was not present buyers with a price-residents. In addition, a further obstacle to the policy. And so, it all fades, and there lagunebki .. and do not know how-long-yet.
We have not found any place in this region, rice container nor horror, nor ugly. We left the car safely and without worry beyond that, more walk in and look around. After we went to the sea, and found another cache and had every k

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

a good lead! on a bike ride one of your favorite tracks! especially in the spring when the edge of

07/11/2013 hid Laur, Carol, Johanna, and Arabella [Laur] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 21 '54.60 förrådsbod "24 09' 6.54" förrådsbod WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 21.9099 '24 9.1090 'DD.ddd: 59.365166 24.151817 L-Est: 508,633 förrådsbod 6,580,803 Cards: förrådsbod Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: Tallinn Difficulty: 1.5 hideout, landscaped 2.0 Size: Small
I do not know why, but lately there have emerged a gift treasures. Well, did you also received your gift :) treasure hidden in a place where I love to walk. So there is even more reason to go check the treasure. Special treasures should be added, and that's what I do not. Whoever wants to be first find the form :) And take it all in, as a gift to all of you - one of the usual treasure in a beautiful place :)
Nearby Treasures: Maxi - 0.55 km Stargate - Nabeka 3.00 km - 3.90 km Counselor - 5.12 mi u like Ükssilm. Silver Ükssilm - Kloogaranna 5.51 km - 5.52 km pebble - 5.73 km straight line - 5.82 km Kõltsu tomcat - Moonlight 5.92 km - 6.62 km Treppoja - I BrokRogain 6.73 km - 6.79 km cliff edge - 7.02 km Brain gymnastics - the polygon 7.02 km - 7.22 km badger in the woods - 7.22 km Scouts - The Castle of 7.62 km - 8.18 km Avenger - 10x 8.26 km - 8.46 km
Low floor near the treasure came up beautifully, and RMK sites would not have been a parking space very well, because the unexpectedly large crowd had come out of the fog autumn weather förrådsbod to enjoy the seaside. Even in the immediate vicinity of the treasure walkers. Fortunately, we had already found their arrival and to view and tagasigi hidden. Aare perfectly fine, kohedasime disguise a bit more natural to some juhujalutajale excessive eye does not shine. It was the best day for the treasure, so kohavalikult, as well as perform.
Very good build quality, and a hiding place. Liked. förrådsbod Although he kinda bit off right now. But the reason is that he's so young still and experienced eye for the distinctive surroundings a bit. Aging gives it to the hideout of increasing difficulty. A couple of years later, it may already be a hard nut. Because the armature itself, the idea of a clean classic. EVEJ
October 27, 2013 held in Silver (Argentum), and Margit [sloth] to lower the bottom of the car rather than going for the treasure we saw when we were almost run over. Became a little too low, although the journey by car is pretty well traveled. Resourceful hiding :) We added a penguin and took the white car.
This was the first place where his new abilities geomobiili got a little experiment intended purpose. We drove to zero. Not that we would have been so lazy that can not be bothered to walk, but was just curious. The cache is a masterpiece, förrådsbod thanks for the gift! EVEJ
Past event around here a treasure hunt ended up being here during the peak season for mosquitoes. It is horrible when logging was bouncing from one foot to the other end to capture it, do not provide an absolute comparison of the nice autumn walk, which culminated förrådsbod in the making of the gift itself. Got yet taken a seat with a hot drink. The feeling förrådsbod was that time would stand still for a while :) Thank you!
Thanks for the gift. Is not it around here before, in search of treasure spent, now again it was a reason to enjoy this beautiful beach. Treasure Container is already approved in the past, I must certainly agree. Thank Concealer
I got a gift in the form of memories of the last time it was driving on the road in search of treasures I had received. Jim received the gift on behalf of the roadway interesting. A: The single breathalyzer test, which was +2-30 storage J: Thank chip keychain and the gift!
a good lead! on a bike ride one of your favorite tracks! especially in the spring when the edge of puddles filled the vet. thank you!
I drove the bike toward the treasure. Make briefly turned to the sea. What do I see? Naked men. I can go on. The road turns to the sea for a second time. What do I see? Naked men. It looks like a sly place. A gift to yourself: D.
September 7, 2013 was Mihkel [rmihkel87] wheel was beautifully close to zero. Chances began to treasure hiding out from afar, and then became the treasure found. Copyright highly commendable. EVEJ
Treasure was approached guess the worse routes at all. Back Race (actually half of Paldiski) was considerably better ground. Busy did not, however, vote on the bottom of the car was horrible in the meantime förrådsbod though. Pretty is not zero trüginud car, walked a little too still. förrådsbod Treasure pop up near a very nice view! Treasure is trouble for the cell shading, good for you! :) Thank you for the treasure!
Race is not the place prepared for the problem, with only occasional sun shone through the trees low to the eye. The last tip we walked the beautiful beach. At that time it was all over and only portable deserted beach in a quiet Lainelo answered ears. Thanks Concealer!
It was a real gift, I still own a second: I picked these great kibuvitsamarju and home can jam them. the place was awesome, and the treasure and the weather - everything was well organized, thank you! being t

Last time I was able to map even the top right to find a bridge but I do not know what I do not get

01.07.2013 hid Leho & Kristo [morgot] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 18 '56.30 "24 23' 26.20" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 18.9384 '24 23.4367 'DD.ddd: 59.315639 24.390612 L-Est: 522,245 6,575,341 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Puzzle Treasure County / City: Tallinn Difficulty: 3.0 hideout, landscaped 3.0 Size: Micro
Zero takes you to the highest hill in the woods. You can leave the car park sinnasamma too. The treasure itself, however, is one of the hidden side of the bridge that you need to look for yourself. Tops are a greater variety of micro. tracking china shipping
Nearby Treasures: Circuit 3: Keila - 0.06 km trail behind Keila Health - KPM 0.52 km - 0.73 km Mud Hole - 1.22 km Liivaaugu - 1.23 km You will see, however, can not be served from 2 to 1.25 km of land and sky - 1.61 mi AU feat - KeilaCAM 1.73 km - 2.17 km Jõepatrull - 2.57 mi see, but can not get to - 2.88 km Lehola Creek - 3.31 mi Jam Shelf 2 to 5.30 km Tuula - 10x 6.29 km - 6.40 km as the Q Question - The 6.41 km - 6.67 km Tõlinõmme - 7.43 km badger in the woods - 7.73 km Old Railway Dam 4 to 8.00 km
Keila recreational trails back toward the car passes under the bridge, tracking china shipping we saw one of the activities. Walked up and asked what these axles seem so interesting though? :) We met her second geopeituritega looking for treasure. Although we had planned to seek the treasure, also gave a contribution, tracking china shipping but this time unsuccessfully. Apparently, the bridge could also be wrong. tracking china shipping Greetings to new players!
1 September tracking china shipping 14, 2013 did not find Tallinn-Keila, Paldiski Tour: Lassie, and like her [like her]
Quite by chance I ran to the end of the bridge. But if I was already there, tracking china shipping of course, you had to look for the treasure. This proportion, however, did not come by accident anymore. How many times watched the painstaking review of the bridge. Second round would probably already have been drilling machine, if the treasure had not revealed itself before. In fact, I watched the treasure before the end of times, but somehow left it untouched all the time :) Very well done ;) Thank you!
Naaberaaret became concerned when searching for wisdom still open eyes traveled round to what this might be of interest to the bridge. Of course, those corrections made limited eye ring, and just before tracking china shipping the right kind of got turned around in the end. The second treasure arithmetic meanwhile, was dealing with an information stand and consulted the local potential of selected holes. Time was still on the ground, because the style of "there is not anyway" will take some time still searching. But otherwise in tip-top stuff. Thank you!
Well, when we were looking for another treasure from the sector then it would have been a sin not to deal with it. And still a little bit of time it took to deal with, after all, was the place to go, and there's even more ... . Anyway, was given away! Thanks Concealer, safe house cool!
Last time I was able to map even the top right to find a bridge but I do not know what I do not get why I did not get in there at the time. Today, we went immediately to the right of the bridge and then began searching for it. I still got screwed received full value for money. Thank you.
Finding the bridge went fairly tracking china shipping easily. But then one can not be both a bridge to hide, such as micro treasure. So found a bridge, we chose neither his party. To tinker a little bit and had to change sides. Well, it was a very good deal, and ended up finding tracking china shipping Topsik Margus happily. Jess made. Thank you, very well done!
The course was beautiful, the weather outside sportmugusid also many who may have thought that these two mature people tracking china shipping are great understanding of a different way of spending a Saturday, but we did not let ourselves be mixed, so it was a pretty good variation along the bridge climbing. Knowing that it is a mikroaardega tracking china shipping and seeing how many different hiding places, then took a little tracking china shipping baffled at the start, but still, either through experience or blind luck was something in my eye, which betrayed the hiding place. Treasure found out he was still angling and sign up. Very skillful execution, there is nothing to say, thank you.
As a logical follow-up headed to the bridge to look for the entourage still comes :) Would look really lastudki, Priit knew exactly what kind of bridge to go. We began to look for it. Priit tackle the bridge on one side and me the other. tracking china shipping Well, did not start out something smart. Then you joined tracking china shipping us bragging. I did not go to the other side of the bridge, because I thought that if there is not Priit found that when he's not there. Made-eyed observation of the bridge tracking china shipping until the bragging sounded shout "found" there where I did not go look. Good work! Now all Leho newfound treasures.
Apart from working, and before orienteeriumisteisipäevakut was fitting to look for a treasure. I found one of the second, third, and there was not enough equipment for the apparently savvy. This treasure will probably just hiding in my corner, or you receive more remote than covered the extraordinary disguise. tracking china shipping I suspect that the finding was not his role to sportmugudel. Well, I think a bit and try again soon. I'll tracking china shipping catch you!
I did not do the homework, but the problem was finding the right bridge. Treasure finding it was a little different story. I climbed and V

Monday, November 25, 2013

Their reluctance is understandable municipalities and justified - several maersk line container tra

"Pure Life" is about people who care about themselves, maersk line container tracking their children and loved ones, the neighborhood, and the nature of what happens in our life and environment of the five-, ten-, twenty-, and users from adding years. Do you live in a healthy and clean and healthy habitat, or where the environment itself, we are so utterly polluted and poisoned and all crazily off the wasting of natural resources.
Environment and natural life-saving point of view is probably the easiest maersk line container tracking to talk trash. This is what we are seeing with their own eyes, and we do not have to imagine yourself istrative document, years in the future in order to understand things. Garbage is right here in our own side.
As I wrote already, under the facts, the waste sorting required in order to reach as many things to recycle, not dump to walk because of all the possible different garbage dumps are tightly compressed and therefore there is no oxygen puudusue due to natural decomposition.
Unfortunately, a large media campaign to proceed maersk line container tracking more excited in my opinion, the wrong direction. First, there is the whole topic of garbage too bloated, so other equally important issues of environmental sustainability are left behind. Landfills are not the only big keskonnareostajad!
Second, if each one waving a large packaging to wash your dirty rushes that they will clean nicely located two streets away from the public "package container" out, you're doing the environment more harm than good!
Last week, I found myself thinking that this whole 'sorting - Cleaning - recovery "during the campaign, is one of the largest and most important things in all of our garbage maersk line container tracking campaign overlooked - how to live in a way that would be less waste! More important than its consumption residues sorting should be the question: what to consume ...
Paper containers need to be emptied maersk line container tracking our house no more than once every couple of months, with debris are removed once a week. Nearly half, if not more sellst of garbage, in fact, represents the compostable material!
Daily quantity of waste both in Estonia and in the world is steadily maersk line container tracking increasing. This is due to both the increased maersk line container tracking number of people, as well as our consumption habits. Is increasingly difficult to find places for new landfill sites, and a good example in this regard is Ragn Sells'i-decade event to build a new garbage dumps, however, that each party has been voted off the agenda - our own municipality, although not authorized to do so ... !
Their reluctance is understandable municipalities and justified - several maersk line container tracking studies show that living near landfill sites also represents a health risk. So are the people who live near the landfill more likely to develop lung cancer, leukemia, bladder and breast cancer, as well as a significantly higher proportion of birth defects.
2009 (63) August (32) A few words to begin what is pure life a little more facts about what we eat GMOs and GM food Reels or fish oil and other fossil maersk line container tracking fuels "Michael Moore's Dream" (abbreviated) Electric Cars and Trucks Garbage and waste We repair and construct what can I do? Always Coca-Cola, perhaps a little too fun a child can hear the truth from the mouth of Human Experiments Children's Products maersk line container tracking Gauze cloth diapers and eco-products for supermarkets' winter larder "We Are the bread unreasonably expensive or suspiciously cheap? Clean water - more expensive than gold. I beg your pardon, Madam Prime Minister Thoughts on the world community as the common green energy permaculture - an ecological way of everyone ... Speed limit environmental standpoint. Green Paper on "How to get rich quick 'mess, a little villa - perhaps SÄÄSTUPIRNIST again! ... Messy things saving light bulbs or reverse ... Passing thought - saving bulb versus contamination bulb August (20), October (9) January (2) 2010 (18), February (3) March (6) April (1) May (1), February (1) July (2), March (2) May (2) 2011 (5), March (2) April (1) May (2)
Pure Living Food Blog Our farm home of organic and eco store organic label Pärnu Epp Petrone blog-efficient and optimized use of water Hipsik - innovative cloth diapers honey products - eco online store Natural maersk line container tracking Family Store Healthy Choice - cheaper the postage based store that sells children's and baby products are best shop (eco-products) to - ecologically clean food, natural cosmetics greeting - an ecologically clean food, natural organic cosmetics Merchandise - based eco store. Food, detergents, clothes, health products, hair and body care, children and babies, and the other way longer. Majatohter - Natural and Engineering LLC viimistusmaterjalid Reptile - Centre for Sustainable Renovation of green building materials, natural lifestyle-related news and articles. maersk line container tracking

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sillamäe port territory may arise Russian businessmen monies petroleum refiner. Russian businessmen

Sillamäe port territory may arise Russian businessmen monies petroleum refiner. Russian businessmen belonging to the group of STK environmental impact study was commissioned in order to discuss the third September, mediated the bates by ERR radio news. The proposed oil refinery would start producing ships to use fuel oil, diesel fuel, heating oil boilers, energetic, and a number of other products. Sillamäe port, marketing manager Andrei Birovi said that businessmen of interest due to the fact that It is located in a very favorable location the bates as a crossroad between the European Union and Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union borders. "Many investors, both from west to east as naturally want to take advantage of this," said Birov. the bates According to him, refining a closed cycle, which does not have ecological repercussions. "If an investor is willing to carry out such a project, then our part, we will provide land, infrastructure and building lease," he continued. Birovi confirmed that affects the construction of a factory in Ida-Viru County the bates and the positive development of the Estonian economy. "It's not a big factory, because the bates they are planning to produce anywhere from one million tonnes per annum. Liquid oil products used as raw material. Most modern technology, the bates there should be, so I think it is very promising, forward-looking the bates project," said the marketing manager of the port. In addition to Hill Bridge planned oil refinery and cement plants, and soybean oil refinery. According Birovi cement plant construction was delayed, although currently the distant future, because it wanted to build the company's ambitions in Spain has cut domestic economic crisis. "If some concrete agreements have been signed to when everything is already on paper, and the first investment is made, the bank entered into loan agreements with companies, you may already be something specific to talk about," said Birov. However, he promised that the bridge hill and Sil territory of the port comes up short in a number of promising economic projects. It is now almost ready for a new container terminal and cargo. "Dredging will expire at the end of October, November or December, so we should be a hundred percent ready to launch a new terminal," he explained.
22:51 - Tallinn apartment building was completely renovated 162 22:17 - Tallinn and St. Petersburg began the second line of the train trips to 21:47 - The new parent can benefit calculation formula favored part-time work (4) 20:56 - Two in the school's name change (1) 20 : 35 - Yeltsin: Estonia-Russia the bates relations will definitely (1) 19:33 - 18:50 Harju KALESI burning a dwelling house - Police across the country was hit by nearly 250 speeders (8) 16:30 - Elion e-mail failures struck again 16:30 - Motocross team promises to bring the values back to Tallinn in Estonia (32) 16:12 - Nature: it was the Hansa party where everyone had a very joyful mood (5) 16:08 - Bank: The main issue is the attractiveness of public transport (1) 16:01 - Patient firm: every family physician may not recognize the disease (8) 15:09 - IRL: the band interfered the bates with city leaders should publicly apologize (2) 14:52 - Ministry: major new rail investments are not planned (1) 14:48 - Tallinn was opened in Yeltsin's bas-relief ( 3) 14:37 - 13:47 Viljandi Mayor deplores the behavior of colleagues - Catherine Ashton will be in Estonia (1) 13:04 - minister: Yeltsin's historic decisions need to be able to recognize (5) 12:48 - Lasnamäel woman was killed (three) 12:06 - In autumn, the teacher becomes a burden calculations (4) 12:04 - Modern cell therapy for Estonia is not enough money (1) 11:42 - Tomorrow, the bates commemorating the victims of Nazism and Communism (1) 11:10 - Sillamae port is planned oil refinery (1) 11:06 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture will start work on an accessory Sits 10:59 - The band drunkenly beset by Nature withdrew from candidacy for mayor (16) 10:30 - University of Tartu became a building in the street 9:58 - Viljandi city leaders went to Germany drunken performers mingle (18) 09:35 - Raivo Time to head to the state Registry (2) 9:33 - Nearly three-quarters of the inhabitants of Tallinn city does not look at all of the channels (30) 09:18 - Universities do not have all the training places this year, a full 8:54 - Pärsti the field caught fire grain dryer
A new week of changeable weather comes =,,,, +,, cp = news;;;;

I changed the status of the treasure. mol philippines The new status is

Kevin hid 27.04.2013 [Q6] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 22 '4.58 "24 38' 43.71" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 22.0763 '24 38.7285' dd . dddd: 59.367939 24.645475 L-Est: 536,702 6,581,279 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: 2.0 hideout, landscaped 1.5 Size: Micro
After the Second World War, Finland was considered as an ally of Germany lost the war among the states. Under the agreement, the Soviet Union, Finland had to compensate for the damages of war. Activity, the Finns built Nõmme about 160 one-storey mol philippines wooden barrack-type houses, which were placed to live in the home as well as losing local uusasunikke other Soviet republics.
Field Street and Avenue Rännaku parts of these houses have been preserved. Again, at the time of independence, the inhabitants of the buildings mol philippines started to upgrade their homes, but the lack of a centralized concept layout of the area.
In many lived in the building for more than one family, and it was often not possible to even do one house full time. Thus, the region has emerged from an interesting architecture, some of which have been proud of residential barrack, a few sad faces of the same appearance as before, and some of the building is up only half a mustache.
Nearby Treasures: Finland mol philippines rear quarter - 0.04 km Rail Mystery: Pääsküla - 0.35 km FLIRT: Electricity in the air - 0.75 km Pääsukesteküla pearls - 1.02 km One fable in music I hear ... - 1.11 km Rail Mystery: Stone - 1.24 km Magnet - James Herriot 1.31 km - 1.34 km Culture Layer - 1.38 km One day too! / One Day Too Many! # 6 to 1.43 km pathways Rails 2 to 1.80 km One day too! / One Day Too Many! # 5 to 1.80 km Rails pathways from 1 to 1.95 km Welcome Old - TLN Nõmme 2.00 km - 2.09 km Crypto AB? - 2.14 mi Pioneer is not afraid to ... - 2.23 km pathways Rails 3 to 2.30 km Hohenhaupt Vol.2 - 2.41 km Sports Man - 2.44 mi
We went around the object and looked here and there, until Andreas cunning face came back that he knows where the treasure is: D Then we found our really quick. I started to ask if I Aare warned that approaching from behind, but he is probably one of the Muggles safe. :) Mugu stepped closer and both got caught red-handed aardepeitja itself. Very nice unexpected meeting was acquainted, talked about the mystery of the following few words, and went apart. Greetings!
Starting close to one another treasure trails we took the drive out of here. In fact, we had been here for months, even peering. But does it really well today and did not have a great desire to stick to the fingers, and anywhere under the suspicious eyes of strangers tasks. These treasures are not our favorites. Could be expected from the eyes of strangers hail from all over the place and did not even offer great excitement. However, today we decided to go to the end. After some groping finger, and the treasure mol philippines was received today with a green dot on the map. The resulting hint will soon begin working on a puzzle.
We came near, and saw that someone else has already come. We took a break and drink your smaller then it was time to clear the fireplace. There is, however, yet actually reached otsimagi begin when the prior position okupeerinu came back. Kaaspeituriks turned out that we had previously been thought. We talked a little bit, but unfortunately, the name was asking. mol philippines Then we began to grope and soon had us in finding. Logs, we took the hint, too, but we decided to deal with it for another time to leave and head home.
I changed the status of the treasure. mol philippines The new status is "OK / Active." Updated outer container labeling, bonus treasure hint of design and attached again to the lost pencil instead mol philippines of a new one. Checked over the navigation log correlation weblogs - all ok!
It reminded one of the treasure has already become history treasures. So in a sense, as to its location on the reason why the treasure committed. mol philippines In addition to grope found. Continuation of working on some other evening as "riddles georetk 'progress.
The place is really such that each half of your fingers or a shove, mol philippines and who would not like it they are still very much comes with carrying a geokindaid, when they might need to go: D pluses, however, was that this time I had looked mol philippines just a hint of what was helpful mol philippines kõrvalseisvalt Priidu and got a confirmation of your questions. Thus, fortunately, went quite quickly and painlessly. Thank you.
Early in the morning the phone was around muguvaba mol philippines but could not decide what to usher in a wall or in a corner. I read the hint but, frankly, did not want to squeeze the hand anywhere in particular, because this place is probably where not only dogs, cats do not go yourself to alleviate. Thus, five minutes of visual search and did not want more.
We made a few terns around the object, but too many people staring at the top. Aigar went to the car to read the logs, I stared at the face of an absent stack. However, when people left, and returned Aigar hideout until I came out of his meditative condition, others had already found the treasure. Thanks, now think about what to do with a hint.
Thanks hint was the right place for quick eye and finger representations. I took a break in front of the booth and tried to overcome the mystery - had a couple of ideas, but they

Saturday, November 23, 2013

31, 63, 32 We came out of the woods to a police or fire department training course. Here, between t

Winter xdreamile I went to a small concern, since the week before the race I was feeling alternately bad and very bad. Could not understand exactly what it's about, but I'm not so terrible fatigue seem a long time ago. I slept 10-13 hours a night and still woke up this morning with fatigue, which worsened during the day. The weekend began, however, saf marine already enabled, but once got sick on Saturday, and on Sunday morning after the first show was quite good. Naturally, this created additional stress for me because I had no idea how my body intends to behave in a competition. During the week I had two races, 30 - and 15-minute, both of which were very heavy. I hoped for the best. Orienteering worry about a little bit anyway, even though Elise said she did not pay.
Our triple Women's team consisted of Elise and Marja Liisa Umbist and me. Our Elisega Ebaverre morning we drove to Tartu, Pärnu Marjaliisa came and joined us at the event center. As breakfast was Tartus took an early lead jam jar with porridge and laid the stick 9:30. Elisega we had made a plan to start easy, run and then put the body to go to. It seemed reasonable. The weather was very good, even though we were prepared for about -20, then the reality of the start of -7, windless, overcast and dry. I put the clothes saf marine back less than planned, and it was a decision saf marine for your first run hours grateful. Tegmie Marjaliisa final preparations in the car and moved the start area.
10.45st card and were given 15 minutes to plan. Overall, the plan went into making quite smoothly at the pair of worthiness saf marine and laid off by saying the two had to "work" the change, one running along the broadwalk and the second occurred after a better idea. Further unraveling the task required, each member had to take one point, they even arrived before the start to divide. saf marine For me was a container, Elise hotel and it just happened to Marjaliisale who does not love the very height of the tower.
11:00, bud. The plan was a peaceful start immediately into another minute. Our first point foresaw Ebavere hill running (because the hill was the fundamental choice of whether to do it in the first or the last point, you essentially had no choice). saf marine The impetus was a good thing I came Viljar "uphill acceleration" recall workouts. Most of the mass, especially skiers turned 37 or 35 to take, we put out after 36. First swing, it seemed that we are the only ones, however, came from behind the tracker company. However, our path was unique, and in this case the best because we followers of success in going his way. 36 were in the first place. saf marine The rise was somewhat, heart rate was in the ceiling, but the point came quite smoothly and keep a good start to an effective saf marine enabler. This 36ga became the sole Marja Liisa first woman to score a table of recipients.
37, 35 along the ski trails. The plan was to do the opposite, but the pace was high, and the excitement we put the right ski tip and went along the way. If you delve into the card afterwards, we did not lose any of the exchange, rather than vice versa. We ran all of the highs. saf marine The thing I have done so far is not long off period. However, had the stamina, to run the ski run was, I thought, why not.
31, 63, 32 We came out of the woods to a police or fire department training course. Here, between the light 31 and 32 to perform additional tasks. I ran into your container. I thought you just need somewhere to climb the container and take the point, but no, it was not quite as easy. I had to climb on top of the slope in the bottom standing container, logs from along the top, over the partition, then back down to the other side of the partition points, climb the structure of boards nailed together from the container and along a bunch of broken-down panels. Nothing complicated, but the time I went to his task after the most. Elise went to an abandoned hotel and Marja Liisa tower. 32 was right there near the side of the road.
38 The longest jooksuots this competition, however, largely along the way. Saying that both have a pretty nice run, there's the forest along the boom and bust drew me to the pulse still tangled in the meantime. Aim for the top, we paid the forest, and it was a completely different race. Marja Liisa moved to this side of the snow in a sealed an impressive rate, while the legs wobble beneath me. Forest Roads and targets were both equal runnable, runnable, or võrdelt bad, had a lot of snow. Even though we had already gone ahead though, the leg was still under the vinta, saf marine the crank, saf marine the rest did not have any specific area where individual road segments.
40, 39, 42, 43, 48, 50, 53, 57 For the most part quite similar terrain distances. Forest roads, forest, swamp. The last card was a little letter, but I managed to get into the water several times. The other, too, so that by the end of the first hour, we were all soaked feet. Although the organizers promised to reach the finish with dry feet. Was not a problem with wet feet, cold water immediately soenes to smoke inside, but I was a little loose on one tossul ribbon perched and when I noticed it was too much too late, maybe you were the ice tongue strap and sneakers. It was a bit of slop, I toss

Friday, November 22, 2013

Planes and onion domes is a pretty peculiar sight. Since the description was not read until the end

26/10/2013 hid Ahto [ahtoj] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 25 '5.31 "24 49' 50.30" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 25.0884 '24 49.8383' dd . dddd: 59.418140 24.830639 L-Est: 547,161 6,586,987 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County sea container / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: 1.5 hideout, landscaped 2.0 Size: Large
100 years ago, finished in Tallinn, Estonia theater, which is one of the symbols of statehood and the Estonian sea container culture. March bombing sea container the house was heavily damaged and was restored in 1947. Then the added elements of Stalinist architecture facing the park stairwell bulbous towers on rooftops. As such, we remember English until 2006, when the house was renovated in their natural state, and the bulbs were removed. To find a treasure in a limited area does not need to go to zero, and can be most comfortable with the bike.
Nearby Treasures: Aptetska - Sõjamäe 0.80 km - 1.15 km Jumbo - 1.75 mi Water Tower - 1.75 km Fly - 1.87 km Ruht In Gott - 2.05 km-knit T - 2.18 mi S as SUPERCOW - 2.21 mi M 56 to 2.25 km InSe No.1 - Des Anblicks - 2.40 km Gift lazy to Lauri - Eye-catching 2.43 km - 2.59 km KuMu code - 2.64 km Well Vol. 2 to 2.69 km RTL # 1 to 2.75 km Sikk gives up - 2.79 mi Wolf precipice - 2.95 km MMMMaxim as M's - zoopark 2.98 km - 3.00 km Mae - 3.03 mi
otsimisrõõmust does not have a story, I believe that the treasure had been found in one-or-so minutes anyway. rather, the bigger challenge was finding a normal parking space and access. But there's still really mysterious domes alvar lying.
I headed to the graveyard at the bush here. Kaasgeopeitur the cemetery misplaced his car approached the subject from a different angle, and so little did reach first place. To find the time is not spent, but the treasure still fast enough to put back did not get unnoticed. Thus, perhaps a little messed searchandfind. Anyway, the domes were given in the context of a very odd sight.
Planes and onion domes is a pretty peculiar sight. Since the description was not read until the end, then the moment was approaching zero suspicion that maybe should approach the other side. Fortunately, however, we have chosen sea container the right approaches sea container and soon write down the names in the logbook.
When riding a bike, then the bike became ... I hope that the last time this year winter bike again taken out of the apartment and the track started. Weather, as well as promised and the dagger is not raining sea container down from the sky. Along the newly opened Old Lake roads, which still whiff Sir Savisaare tape to cut through the smells, the rattle of lust. Even cyclists may feel himself safe because they had a strong contribution to this, in the form of bicycle paths. sea container Hoard a few hundred meters away, briefly stared at the private premises of the tag, but arrogantly continued his journey. sea container Garden went inside the agile practices that over time the tractor rpm range, which nokkis both the nose. The finding came quick and the container was impressive. However, the question arose as to why it is here? Thanks to the owner of the treasure.
There were so sibulased, sea container others quite genuine. Pref a large cask was selected, for a change, and all sorts of micro nanodele, pretty nice. Thank you! Our team went to the diary of one of the name of the accident, he actually was lying on the couch at home, pardon.
This was again one of a kind place. Although the messages are clear that wasting disabled, then just lined the roadside piles. Houses were also a touch-ridden, sea container no ajahammas sea container it was still a little red bricks carefully järanud there. Aircraft also quietly sneaked behind the fence and then quickly siuh up, I really did not managed to take off the moment the camera to capture the image. sea container Has to okay the second time to try out. Treasure was quickly sea container put back so that others do not shout out so far. Thanks, again, got wider horizons stretch: D!
We came from somewhere strap if the treasure was published descriptions by the GC-S, however, it seemed that we would still see them in the daylight "bulbs" and some ilupildidki to others. Frisky sea container today, and "thanks" to the finder of the previous experience we got was just the dome because there was no need to look for. Well, do not happen at all, and have another go tomorrow to try ascending and descending a flight winged pictures in there close. Big thanks Concealer for treasure!
Njaa. Going there was a separate opus. First, we went to the woods upper boot. Baskets full of boots found a place where the CPSU still honored. Objects were also, of course, a treasure to be found. Forever beefs others, sea container those of the Orthodox Church of spare parts.
A few days ago I went to the onions näperdamas but unfortunately it was the thing to be found. Not really that big things come to expect. The city has an eye recalibration terribly complicated,'d still like to look for the size of a grain of sand. However, sea container the joy is great, there is a hidden Linnakatu where you feel free to take advantage of a pen can hold. A very good result.
I was there before the domes are noticed, but now had a reason to even touch the switch. Initially sea container came near the course through aiaaugu, GPS was not there, the phone was in the car, only the Land Board in memory of the card image. Domes that touched touched them, but no luck. Back at the car threw a quick look at the description after the j

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Treasure Tags: picnic (4), Campfire (3) Camping (3), recommend (3), forest sony ericsson p800 hut (

Kadri and hid 27.05.2013 [alex] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 58 49 '46.89 "22 31' 24.90" dd mm.mmm WGS84: 58 49.7816 '22 31.4149' DD.ddd: 58.829693 22.523582 sony ericsson p800 L-Est: 414,736 6,522,084 Cards: Regio: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County / City: Hiiumaa Difficulty: 2.0 hiding place, a landscape 2.5 Size: Micro
Amidst the good berry and mushroom forests are located in a forest hut Hiiumaa meaning inland. SWIMMING hut at the pond. The mound behind sony ericsson p800 the pond offers the possibility of snow and sleighing. Aare was assembled materials handy, because its existence sony ericsson p800 onnikese had no idea, and he accidentally ran into the road. The pen is indeed available, but their presence does not make a bad pen. The short term, the container can also be a decent guide. As usual in my case, the coordinate of the land-office, and complain ... no need to move the stones. During the summer can be a difficult quest, but overnight camping, though I dare recommend on. Please put the container back like a letter!
Treasure Tags: picnic (4), Campfire (3) Camping (3), recommend (3), forest sony ericsson p800 hut (3), lastekäruga_ligipääsetav sony ericsson p800 (1) swimming (1), sobilik_lastega_otsimiseks (1), lumega_leitav (1) (more)
We looked at a zero point so that the eyes of the sick, but did not see anything :-) Then we began to look for ... Then we began to read the logs ... Then we started to go away ... Then finally nägigi klaire trick ;-) logs off and put back nicely. Thank you for the wonderful sony ericsson p800 geosilmade workouts.
20/28 Family Forest / Forest family 22 August 2013 15:06:00 Found it too, that we never had a cabin for us. To spot the missing bath and the water is not suitable sony ericsson p800 for children then stay overnight, we have yet to rule. In winter, perhaps :) Anyway, quite a nifty accomplishment. Mugusid off season was over and we were able to act as a time limit. Thank you!
Again, the place where I was previously involved through Hiiumaa adventurous. When it was, and with whom I went out there, who no longer remembers. But the place itself sony ericsson p800 is great and fits very well with overnight or during the day refreshing söögipausiks. Ingesting began to deal with Kadri and Alex and I went to look for it. I was looking for still more time because i have a tendency sony ericsson p800 to always look at the wrong places across the top and then to the right place for a peek. Since the treasure was put back wrong, then I saw it, you did not need to see. Back was the treasure, as it was originally placed were Concealer. And here's another little house away from the house, which, in turn, two small houses, where the inhabitants live in relative calm, as you're polite and do not slam doors ;). Thanks for the wonderful treasure: D!
We arrived so early that the only things packed Visitors staying in a hut in the car. Pending the setting of these improvements, we played the special nature photographers. Fortunately lesis palgipealses sunspots one of the lazy lizard, who promised to end capture. After leaving the lodgers had studied a little house and finding it was still necessary to go inside the house. A nice cozy Cabin, but this group who are in the back corner between two logs out of the entrance used, it was just a very friendly and tended to buzz angrily.
The whole area around the house and the contents of the uppers had been taken at several times. Even the hornets already became nervous after the kolistamise. hopeless situation sony ericsson p800 was a good idea while waiting for the end of the eye is the right thing to do with a house design does not make any sense.
Slim hope was there today to spend the night. But no, in the yard waiting sony ericsson p800 for us already really big SUV, with roof magamisvalmis erected a tent and all sorts of other necessary things for life and the rest of the widgets on the sides and the various possible locations võimatutesse approved. Well, just like in the movie. Okay, searching for treasure something does not work out, but maybe late middle aged couple preparing food on fire overnight, and we can not remain still today the courtyard itself. If you do not ask, do not know well. And suddenly we learned a lot: Yes, they are here to spend the night, yeah, they began their journey Melburnist in January 2012 and has traveled throughout Africa and most of Europe. No, they were not geopeiturid, but they had heard about this subject, and when they found out that one of them is a treasure at only 23 meters sony ericsson p800 away, were ready for a full look with eagerness. And so with that, we found you trace out of the woods. After logging in the story was that if we can not find anywhere in any of the other beds in the house, they do not even mind if we come back. Log the time of writing, however, is already known, however, that we will go back to spend the night but let's not go through a lot of friends in the backyard: a car full of noisy neighbors cyclists southern neighbors.
Here, too, at the forest hut I went two years ago. Friends sony ericsson p800 even went swimming in the pond there. We wrote a scrapbook of your entry, but the book is already out there in that time at least 10 times exchanged. Still took a bit of time searching. I found swarms of flies and red ants nest. Finally, was the treasure of the eye. Very, very well hidden. Sildike going to. After logging in floating forest ko

A separate layer Peres island farm names. Here is Pitsu, Pontu, Pauka and Laika. Here is the kangar

Hid 8/18/2013 Hannes and Triin [hpalang1] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 05 '35.00 "26 51' 20.00" dd mm.mmm roll off containers for sale WGS84: 59 5.5833 '26 51.3334 'DD.ddd: 59.093056 26.855556 L-Est: roll off containers for sale 663,625 6,553,965 Cards: Regio: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Puzzle Treasure County / City: Ida-Viru Difficulty: 2.5 hiding place, a landscape 2.0 Size: Normal
Peres is the power of the island village, then, that the last smoke may be gone this summer. But never alight with your life. Sonda-blackwater railroad created a presumption maapuudus was the driving force, and was created in 1933 to 37 state-supported service 130 homestead, a few shops, school ... Country helped settlers start, had to clean the forest for the first two hectares of arable land, built a house designed by Erika Nõva. Next was settler own. Stumps eradicated, you dug ditches and built by the prisoners.
Beautiful start, but a quick end. Christmas Day 1944 was the village clean, so clean that 49nda the deportation of times but still had to take one family ... And when the railway was taken up, with the village was ready to go. Another early 90s was a plan to bring new settlers here, but this is no longer heard anything.
The island's roll off containers for sale most powerful family, the building is designed Erika Nõva schoolhouse. In 1938 it was opened, it was the most modern, beautiful stone stairs and central heating and all, 170 students had best years hetkil. 1,964 more students are not enough commissions. And we all know that the fate of the empty buildings. Tried to get around the turn of the century to build more shelters addicts, but this plan was toppled over. And now the roof burned, floors purud.
A separate layer Peres island farm names. Here is Pitsu, Pontu, Pauka and Laika. Here is the kangaroo, hippopotamus, giraffe, and Echidna. On the piano and the trumpet of aboriginal and Mugu. But how skoorimisjanulisele geopeiturile the two layers to make visible? As said Eurostars praporštšik Olhovski whose suuvärk was about as deep spirit of darkness: ne znaješ - nautšim, a ne hotšeš - Zastava.
Container is a big lump, a fellow must first go of the button to turn it off and take a back so you put that first, roll off containers for sale and then shut the lid and turning the knob end. Lump intermediate point coordinates are listed, go and see. But the difference between the dot, you do your homework. Intermediate point coordinates: Kullavalaja worms (gray-wolf + Kutu-Spy), roll off containers for sale Tusla Echidna Bear Cave Metsaoti, Almond
The accessing of two reasonable options - you drive along the proper Oonurmest kruusakat or put down, and Tudu piilupardimaski kimad along the railway line - at least in the summer can also Linnakatu. If you are driving around, keep your eyes open - the scrub between the lost glory of more than rubles. And as for those of the whole village roll off containers for sale to the ground, is a treasure.
Kdutöö was pretty funny. But on the ground there was obfuscation. roll off containers for sale Specify the coordinates again, and then took the difference between the points without a light. In fact, it was already dark and the light bulb was the only bright thing. At the end of an hour went over megalt time. As well next to it was a path cut by the end kellasin Alex and I got some explaining apart to know that I am totally in the wrong place. Coordinate follow-up check nentsin that if 1 and 4 do not change the yield other results may be. Thank you.
The first point I stayed in the car with the engine running because the safe house was Concealer knowing kinda obvious. Merike roll off containers for sale went and disappeared for long minutes and a minute hand started to splurge. I did not understand where he went and did what, but the machine itself to hiivasin and dictated to him the numbers. Anyway, I got a very strange look at the party but all that does not kill you makes you stronger, after all. Even at the end he had some rather their moves and delivery which ended röögatusega, and the claim that there was an anaconda met. Oh, the usual thing, after all, that fear has big eyes ... it's a piece of cable was that it hissed and ran towards the forest. The barrel got me anyway briskly and keep the names of letters, thanks Concealer!
Intermediate point coordinates of the invention was quite a fun activity. Not so long ago many smugly read the names when addressing koordinaadijuppi. I thought the car leaving the site to be sure it's out there, and I went to look at something different. Apparently, there is another place a strong magnet that attracts all there, no such mega tracks inside. Alex finally had a look, that's why I do a search, roll off containers for sale and except from what I'm doing there at all. Well, what I did, I hid myself: P. But yes from where I was beginning immediately thought we got further instructions, and we moved forward. Reaches the end of it was already clear that the eastern winds havoc resonate with me and I do not see anything. Alex was almost my nose poke cache, then saw. We have logged off and went to explore the surroundings roll off containers for sale a bit. Better than I would have done it. Namely, I was just about to step in the direction of the car when the leaves on the ground in front of me suddenly began to move, and there is currently a hose end began to move. Uuuuh, there was a rather frenzied roar that was probably heard in Narva, which escaped my mouth. I was one jump two meters behind and stared fascinated eyes gravitate to crawl up "flow

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Renter said the agency has made many concessions already in the house, the architect, the construc

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24th October 2013 06:45
White lokikestega three years Brigitta doll puts a shoe box, and shuffling it back and forth along the table. Then take yourself ltc 80 pacifier mouth and sings out loud doll to sleep. This game is a great contrast to the surroundings, where the little girl with his six siblings and their mother nest.
Wall standing in the way of wool packing, 20 bars of drywall, some a mixture of bags, electrical wires. The house is heated with electric Maire one. Living with an extension cord goes - running ltc 80 washing machine, stove does not work, running a vacuum cleaner, it does not work the other domestic appliances.
Mother Maire Märdimäe is literally 48 pounds of powerlessness and anxiety. He has lost the last seven months, body weight 12 kg, because in essence ended up a single mother (invalid husband works as a builder for many years in Finland) ltc 80 unexpected role of a beggar.
Maire bought the Kose-Uuemõisa manor servants 2004th in the state. The heritage 92ruutmeetrisesse in the house to fit a large family. True, it was not a rosy life. Thick limestone home was at times threatening: vohas mushroom house, electrical wiring is burning at least three times.
NB! TV3 he was talking about, not the Channel 2 broadcast. But who are you excited to put the attention to detail! The TV show's help was just what the family needed!
Hearing that is sent back to the "My Feeling", rang Renter next morning the producer Kristi Nilovile. Renter threw an angry tone of voice to that how could they possibly dare so without any permission to demolish muinsuskaitsemälestist.
Heiki Trakmanni ltc 80 this house is not for more. Compassionate son-in-Jarko Nõmme tried to build himself the floor, ltc 80 but did not know how to do it. He paid the construction company Construction SR 280 euros for making floors, but the builders did not appear.
You can team has done in the past times of heritage houses. In this case, the Agency writes down what can and what can not. Heathland and Trakmann began, however, the demolition of the projects provided by law. Such conduct does not fit, you can makers.
Jarko Nõmme happened because of wife went to leave. He regrets that Trakmanni fell into the trap. Heathland Ekspress admits that he had a plan 'only a new kitchen done. To this end, I had the tools in place, and new kitchen furniture made himself, which is Mairel already exists. But do not put together. My fault really is that I trust people too easily, but in fact, they use me. "
Five times a criminal record Heiki Trakmann sitting in early September and again in prison. His long criminal registry is full of thefts and beatings. This time he went for five months ltc 80 detained foreign mobile punch due.
Heritage Conservation Officer Ly Renter says that can not be separated from a large family, money for interiors. Country gives each county was renovating 34,000 per year. The next year was received ltc 80 in East Harju County grants the prayers but the 250,000 ltc 80 euro ...
Renter said the agency has made many concessions already in the house, the architect, the construction of the solutions, even for free. "They could have made myself ltc 80 start to build," says the Renter. ltc 80 The building design was approved ltc 80 back in April.
"I expect that someone would notice us ..." Maire says ruefully. Tuesday of this week you received

Monday, November 18, 2013

To find the treasure you need to bring together the points of difference between the coordinates of

Triin hid 06/07/2013 [trine] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 22 '24.80 waterproof containers "24 37' 52.70" dd mm.mmm WGS84: waterproof containers 59 22.4133 '24 37.8783' dd . dddd: 59.373554 24.631306 L-Est: 535,890 6,581,897 Cards: waterproof containers Regio: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Puzzle Treasure County / City: Tallinn City Difficulty: 2.0 hiding place, a landscape 2.0 Size: Small
Heathland and Pääsküla between Pärnu road formerly passed through a thick wooded area, which was a favorite place for highwaymen. Here were besieged on the market driving the peasants, the second time was for the landlord or Postitõld kaless. The fear of their lives and property after a forced to introduce a road running parallel to the forest roads. Both were born Nõmme first streets - current psalmist, roach and agriculture. Through a forest planted with juniper was a later tee location.
In 1912. year, just before the First World War, Peter the Great bought the marine security officials Harku landlords Hermann von Harpelt plot Glehni premises at the border (the current roach and Sisask slope between the street and the Harku). They founded Aedlinna founding Association shared the land into plots that were drawn between the owners. Society was in 1915. a. Report by 162 shareholders, including waterproof containers glimpses of the Estonian names: cherry, hill, Arro, Palm and others. Formed a settlement called St. Peter in the garden city - Petrovskaja Sloboda, of course honor of Emperor Peter I, who was called the maritime security.
Perhaps you notice looking at the map, the streets make up the rest of the region Nõmme or old Pääsküla village compared to the unusually regular grid. Despite the fact that the garden city plans already in 1917. a. revolutionized sank a standstill, the signs of the times are here and there are still noticeable. I invite waterproof containers you on a journey in time and space at this time, a journey 100 years ago with Slobodan Petrovskaja.
To find the treasure you need to bring together the points of difference between the coordinates of the buildings and their descriptions with photographs taken - they can be printed out from here. Coordinates show the Land Board of the roof of the house is usually - find themselves up from what he considered hand. Peace of mind to leave the car at home, here's a nice walk or bike to roll, although the trail is walking-multiaardest little longer.
Links: No more Points Coordinates Type A Mid Point 59 22.5684 '24 37.5300' E Mid Point 59 21.3233 '24 38.1366' K intermediate point 59 22.5833 '24 37.8583' O Intermediate Point 59 22.1766 '24 38.1267' P Mid Point 59 22.1617 '24 38.2567' R intermediate point 59 22.1068 '24 38.1183' N 59 21.9500 Mid Point '24 38.6333 'V intermediate point 59 22.4384' 24 38.5550 waterproof containers '
Nearby waterproof containers Treasures: Mystery Rail: Pääsküla - 0.70 km One day is too much! / One Day Too Many! # 6 to 0.80 km FLIRT: Electricity in the air - 0.96 km Finnish Quarter - 1.02 miles Finland rear quarter - 1.03 km Rails lanes 2 to 1.38 km Rails lanes 3 to 1.47 km Rail Mystery: waterproof containers Stone - 1.53 km Daymoon - 1.61 km Crypto AB? - 1.62 km One fable in music I hear ... - Magnet 1.74 km - 1.75 km Outdoor Learning Classroom - 1.80 km Vääna Sand rail - 1.82 miles Hello, Space! - James Herriot 1.83 km - 2.06 km Rails lanes 1 to 2.11 km One day is too much! / One Day Too Many! # 5 to 2.12 km adage - 2.20 km Hohenhaupt vol.2 - 2.21 km
I do not know why I treasure this settlement pushed forward all the time - I guess it seemed too cumbersome. In fact, there was only taking in trouble in the first attempt and immediately got the correct coordinates. Kohapealgi went fast. Thank you!
I had already gone to see the jewels, and the coordinates calculated, but the site was useless emptiness. At home I read the table once more, and it turned out the task that was previously kept in some kind of error. Now, it seemed pretty logical coordinate. In fact, it was originally found and was not too far from there. There it turned out that I stayed there for some reason in the past. But the treasure was right.
Yeah, tell yourself how wonderful treasures are still common, and that can not be bothered googling for days to spend stupid puzzles to solve .... and if it is the end of the treasure where you can ride a bicycle or whatever you like to move, then I decide coordinates available peituri lazy way. But no .. what to do, so it was also quite fascinating. And the ending was quite delightful to me to an unknown place.
Heathland and Pääsküla is unknown, and hence well-known and traveled through. Most remarkable buildings are more than just a little of their backgrounds, views and grown. Therefore, it is well-established image assembly, although difficult to take. Silently we drove and walked all the seats out and got the necessary coordinates. Aare ushered us to a new place, where, strangely enough over the years have not yet been reached. Aare was a cozy place, and this finding was effortlessly. Thanks for the wonderful treasure.
Today's rainy price led us to look at pearls. It was nice to travel between the beads and pearls waterproof containers with a few still üllattasid very soon. Generally, all went as planned, and soon was a full circle, and the figures on paper. At the end, we were also lucky, as continued rain because the people had nowhere unmixed / walking. Thanks for the wonderful waterproof containers treasure. EVEJ
I sat in the car and hurts my stomach. Every once in a while became

11:31 blind seer

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Tartu Municipality has decided to take action to mitigate the shortage of kindergarten places in the rare step: the main building stx pan ocean tracking was erected to the modular structure, where there is enough space for 72 children. Usually used to make these modules Excavator, but in such a way is made abroad, even as hospitals. Tartu township developments dealing with George Raad, head of the foundation Reinpõld told that the nursery for the commissioning of special stx pan ocean tracking design to meet all the requirements and needs. Three groups of
There is an assembly of modules to take just a couple of weeks, because they came from the factory already completed stx pan ocean tracking the form, even electric heaters were placed on the wall. It was necessary to make the foundation of Tallinn auto boxes in the modules combined with each other to bring in electricity and water, and to finish the job. Everything else is not quite ready, but it will be weeks.
107 square foot three groups bedrooms, game rooms, cloakrooms and toilets. Each group has its own part, but the whole house is a walk-through. For children brought the food from the kitchen headquarters, they go play in the large playground in back of his house and get a small playground. Nursery Director Jana Rosenthal stx pan ocean tracking said that the three groups will be three to five years of age. Nursery Order does not disappear entirely a result of this step, however, stx pan ocean tracking the greater the voltage down anyway.
A little much-needed additional stx pan ocean tracking space was also immediately adjacent to an elementary school, where the ten modules were four classrooms. Unlike kindergarten, where the module is completely separate from the main house, it is like unto the building, a door through stx pan ocean tracking the school relating to the house.
Module is also a chronic lack of childcare facilities ridden Tartu city council unfamiliar topic. Deputy Mayor Argo Annuk said that the original idea was to build a modular building to a whole new plot to this, anyway you are going to kindergarten.
11:31 blind seer