Sunday, November 30, 2014

Most read Why do you think you acidification of the body can not doleteti? Levodesne embarrassment

Environmental impact assessment of gas terminals in the Gulf of Trieste is a professional disgrace experts, politicians and European officials! | Other World
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The Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment and the Republic of Slovenia, we get official information to all involved agree with that carrier fish species of the ecosystem of the northern Adriatic. Gentlemen, it is time to return the diploma and fold, because this is not an error but a catastrophic ignorance. Thus, a contribution of these pressing start at AAG, who fear that this will ignorance had a significant impact on the health of the population of Slovenia and Italy, where there will be construction of LNG terminals.
In Slovenia, more than 10 people, professionals, who are familiar with the gas terminals. I doubt very much that these people are known to the government and those who intend to oppose the construction of a gas arumentirano treminala in the Gulf. Without these professionals can not be reasoned oppose, let alone prevent the construction shipping container prices of the terminal. Slovenia re-treading a path that will lead to a serious dilemma. We have been burned many times. Most of the border with Croatia. Despite the shame that he experienced Pahor and his government that we are not ničizučilo. After an unacceptable termarjenu we need to take a memorandum in which we finally lost territory along the Dragonja and Muri.Kako will contact is still a question. Even now we do not have occurred to me that the arguments raised in defense of their territories. Related debacle awaits us in the dispute with Italy, which has such terminals and manages more professional basis.
I forgot my readers DS obvstiti more about that at the Faculty of gas terminals are not treated and academic Rus none magistrantu not awarded a master's degree of locating LNG terminals with particular povdsrkom marxistična at baseline.
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