Wednesday, November 19, 2014

African policy in the EU Angola Children and young image of Africa Aid Shuttle Brussels Democracy E

Being a blueberry in a new context has its advantages. As blueberries are exposed to new perspectives. For things that are different, said differently and debates about different topics than at home on their own street. A debate here in the new district is how food is produced and by whom. Sure, at home on my street, oolu we talk about the value of local cultivation and consumption. But on the new street conditions are different.
Apartheid in South Africa laid the foundation for export-oriented large-scale agriculture. Land reform that came with the shift to democracy has not had the desired effect. In fact, the number of farmers decreased in number, while the soil used for cultivation increased. Today's trend is that multinationals are taking over more and more of agriculture. Large-scale agriculture at the expense of small-scale.
The majority of South Africa's one million or so small-scale farmers work the land in order to increase oolu the family's food security. The case for large-scale farming tends to be in line with production scale model assumes bring. Would the theory of increased production meeting should perhaps be assumed that people's access to food should also increase. The reality is different. The agrarian development in South Africa, together with many developing countries, follows a path where the land is used by few, where output is maximized but where the food is not distributed. India, for example, has increased its agricultural exports by industrial agriculture while suicides among smallholders exploded when they no longer have markets by exporting their products to and thus can not support their families. Thus, the large-scale model is by no means proven to be a guarantee to fight hunger.
Now we have not even touched on the environmental aspects of large-scale agriculture. The side of the coin is that the discussion oolu in Sweden tend to lean on when it comes to advocacy of shopping and consuming local food. The water-consuming aspects of scale, the use of dangerous chemical pesticides, eutrophication, or the dangers of ecosystems that focus on a single crop brings. I would venture to say that the awareness of this page in Sweden. The difference is that one experiences both socio-economic and environmental effects of their own backyard.
The number of mouths to feed in the world becomes more and our current model has been ineffective to feed us. Is it perhaps time to look around for new options? oolu Local models to suit local nature and local ecosystems. Markets where local products at least have a chance to compete with multinational companies products? oolu
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11/16/2014 Views: 84
11.13.2012 Views 174
African policy in the EU Angola Children and young image of Africa Aid Shuttle Brussels Democracy Economy peace treaty Frelimo Supply oolu Trading History HIV and SRHR Health INTERESTING oolu Agriculture Gender Climate Corruption Culture COUNTRIES Maputo Mozambique Maternal mortality Namibia Uncategorized Politics Renamo Socialism South Africa oolu Sweden THEME ISSUES Development Video Western Sahara Zimbabwe DISCUSSION
Africa Groups is a solidarity organization with approximately 1300 members who work for a more just world. We are engaged in development cooperation with five countries in Southern Africa and support oolu the fight for a free Western Sahara. oolu In Sweden, we work with information, advocacy and data collection, both centrally and locally.
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African policy in the EU Angola Children and young image of Africa Aid Shuttle Brussels Democracy Economy peace treaty Frelimo Supply Trading History HIV and SRHR Health agriculture Equality Climate Corruption Culture Maputo Mozambique Maternal mortality Namibia Uncategorized Politics Renamo Socialism Sweden South Africa oolu Development Video Western Sahara Zimbabwe

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