Saturday, February 7, 2015

For strange reasons,

For strange reasons, "Closer" won free classification, and then someone realized the mistake and prohibited for children under 14. If any unsuspecting child saw the movie, must have found boring. The theme is nothing childish, not to mention that there is a sex scene that the Internet is, how shall I say, too long. No doubt, "Close" is for adults, a rarity these days in which the ambition of everyone, big ones and short ones, to be a teenager. But neither is it a masterpiece. The story focuses on only the beginning and the end of each case: two half couples mingle, very discuss the relationship, they talk about sex and love, betray and are betrayed, and the elementary conclusion, for me at least was - men some are even tamales. Okay, you can have another interpr etação, container ecology store but what about the final scene (which, incidentally, did not understand that it came from)?
Basically, these people, played by Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman ("Star Wars") and Clive Owen ("King Arthur"), it's too complicated. Basically there is only this menage a quatre, no one else, as well as the first and best film of Mike Nichols, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". The same Mike, almost a legend in Hollywood for refusing to make blockbusters, directed "Lust to Love" in 71, which has its similarities with "Close". The character of Natalie, for example, is very similar to the Ann Margret in "Lust". But none of these creatures I would like to have as a friend. I do not identifi Cheese with them. Missing "Close", and sense of humor, that click, that moment when we think "Gee, it's happened to me." You know, the theme is about the difficulty in telling the truth to the beloved. This on to deny them! I have no difficulty. Not the case to echo the words of Clive and declare four pros, "Thank you for sincerity. Now go get f **** and die. " But our involvement with these people is zero.
The role of Julia is the most ungrateful, since it hardly changes during the plot. It's easy to see who Renata Sorrah container ecology store played when there was a part in the assembly of Patrick Marber in SP. It was Patrick who adapted the play for the film. Julia makes a neurotic woman and of depressed; in short, container ecology store a flat. The only reason for that two men want to marry her is that she looks a lot like Julia Roberts, ué. If you think'm exaggerating, just feel sorry that Julia gives to not have sex with Clive she just bathing. Huh? And Clive is the one who comes out best of the four, perhaps because it is more manipulative. But the talent gap is also evident in the confrontation between him and Jude. Ten to zero pro Clive.Tanto that the most powerful scene is between him and Natalie, which makes a strip tease dancer. I liked the way she says "thank container ecology store you" every two minutes.
But, you know, this is the kind of movie for those who think "Crash" reveals a lot about human relations. It is empty. We already saw a woman shooting container ecology store a rival in another drama, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," this dense yes. There was no more feeling? Pros critical Amer icanos, hyper moralists, what more striking is watch the princess of "Star Wars" stripping and listen to Julia recite a text about, uh, sperm. Remember the stir caused by the two strongest lines uttered by Cameron Diaz in "Vanilla Sky"? container ecology store It is there. But for us, that is old and not clashes that easy, "Closer" is nothing more.
Watched this movie twice, with effort in the two and still can not understand the hype around the movie because I hated the script and at least for me it does not say anything, begins and ends and ... ah, the film is it? But I'm no expert, nor cinephile, so I do not know if it's a matter of taste or I did not understand this work as praised by many ... ABC Lola October 24, 2010 16:24
"Okay", and sense of humor, that click, that moment when we think "Gee, ever happened to me" "And to be good a film need to have it? February 5, 2011 20:55
I hated that movie! And soon after he left, I had to listen to several friends repeating that he is great, because relationships are like that ... ah! All I did was sit still, container ecology store and feel sorry for who said it. Boring boring movie with characters that act as pre-teens container ecology store and sabotage their relationships. I left the theater with the feeling that everyone was talking about it only because of the strip of Natalie. June 10, 2011 17:05
Hehehe, again I disagree with your point of view :) Closer is not exactly a movie about relationships, but about communication (or lack thereof). Even if there are people like you, who say they have problems in expressing themselves, it is impossible not to recognize someone close to some of the four archetypes. Indeed, it is exact

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