Monday, February 23, 2015


"I have not got a cent amortized anywhere" Bjössi in World Class claims not PID rover - "No lost business with me" settaport
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It will come to throw the District Commissioner of Kópavogi carry many containers, settaport crane, steypuklumpa and other liquidity of weights settaport shopping Smáralind to Hagasmára 1 after the District Court of Reykjanes agreed today Preamble request Smáralind ehf.
Initial claims Smáralind was against three companies. Construction company Gylfi and Gunnar hf., Based ehf. and water fountain ehf. It turned out the procedures in question liquidity was all owned construction company Gylfi and Gunnar hf. and was waived claims against the companies. Byggingarfélag Gylfi and Gunnar hf., That and build ehf., Owned trading company and entrepreneur Gylfa Héðinsson and Gunnar Þorláksson.
Background of the case is that the companies settaport were in the construction of buildings North tower Smáralind but they stopped in 2008 and is still ongoing. Tower crane, containers, camps and fences for contractors of the project, however, have been on the site since then. Soldering owner discomfort and troubles as stated in the Preamble request.
"Both are the great blemish in one tidy plot around the shopping mall and cut at the same time significantly gerðarbeiðanda usage of his plot. Characters unequivocal public danger crane towering over parking for customers Smáralind. On such a busy area of the parking lot and approach to the mall that is not justifiable to let these machines for longer than is necessary for the benefit of the project. Given that no projects have been underway in recent years, settaport it is clear that this busy area has been used as a storage area for the respondent and the uni not executing, "states.
Stated in court that executing, in this case Holding mall ehf., Has repeatedly requested that the stuff would be removed from the site, without success. Considered settaport the company's management themselves have no other choice but to request a ruling from the court for permission to require the said liquidity will be worn by the site by means of the District Commissioner of Kópavogur.
Byggingarfélag Gylfi and Gunnar hf., Considered himself entitled to keep their liquidity on the site on the basis of the purchase agreement concluded between Smáralind ehf and Fasteignafélags Íslands hf. "In addition, since the autumn of 2007 has been the informal agreement between the parties concerning the use of weights gerðarþolans gerðarbeiðanda during the construction of the North Tower parking .. executing states gerðarþolann however, not entitled to keep their liquidity on the grounds that Hagasmára 1. No contract arrangement is based on the lausaféð be on the site where the project will be completed, either written or oral. "
The District Court was not, however, Sedan ð Byggingarfélag Gylfi and Gunnar has been a party to the deed of sale, and they could not build their right to keep their liquidity on the site on the basis of "an informal agreement."
8. Red container (CAXU 287,767 / 22G1)
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Deep recession will be in orbit today storm never completed. Warned vonskuveðri southeast coast today
Kerstin apologize - over a hundred people sought her German woman was walking early in the morning. Has published pictures of the largest media world
Says he developed a cream that removes tattoo
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