Saturday, February 21, 2015

Council or developer provides and publishes information about how often the sanitation process. The

Ísafjarðarbær responsible for the collection of waste from all residential urban municipality and container plants for residential housing in rural areas. Ísafjarðarbær dispose of waste from residential and commercial enterprises under the provisions of this Convention and Regulation No. 737/2003 on waste.
Council and the Environment responsible for waste management on behalf Ísafjarðarbær and communication with parties oocl container tracking related to the challenges. Council may delegate the implementation of the collection, management and collection facilities reception and sorting and disposal of waste. Anyone who takes on the tasks must have license from the health Centre or Environment Agency, as applicable.
Waste management and disposal should be under the control of the technical division Ísafjarðarbær. Ísafjarðarbær, in consultation with the developer / contractor, responsible for the population receive information about the classification and other waste, the receipt and disposal.
It is forbidden to leave or store rubbish, garden waste and garbage in the open, the streets, walking oocl container tracking paths, public areas or beaches in the municipality. Equipment and components that are not in general or constant use shall be stored so that neighbors and passers by have not troubles. It is prohibited to store registered vehicles without registration plates, trailer, tools, machinery, boats or other objects on public spaces, on the streets or in public. Should the landlord of the provisions of this Convention on the treatment oocl container tracking and storage of waste shall be waste they notify Eco Ísafjarðarbær that initiate them to the rectification.
In rural areas may, in consultation with veterinary install containers for waste beaten track instead of applying domestic waste per household. Location container shall be such that access to it is good. The containers may only set of domestic.
It is forbidden to make garden waste, soil materials, scrap and other coarse waste in trash containers are designed for general domestic waste. Agrochemicals, including rocks, breakers, etc., must be submitted to an approved receiving and sorting plants (discharge points). Environment may, in special cases, set up temporary containers for such waste, eg in relation to environmental efforts.
Walk the way of containers for waste and garbage storage as not to cause discomfort or improved cleanness. Keep them as needed and they cleaned regularly. Sorpgeymslu may only be used for the storage of waste. Waste receptacles shall be fitted with equipment waste they are easy to release. oocl container tracking
Refuse stores must be accessible and stand as close involvement in the plot. They shall where possible placed together if apartment blocks oocl container tracking is the case, drums shall not be more than necessary. Keep a passable way to waste storage and garbage containers and clearing away the snow in winter. When the dog is confined on the premises and available on a plot within our dogs fence shall ensure that access may be freely garbage containers emissions. Otherwise, refer to the Building and the Regulation on waste.
At the collection centers shall receive classified waste for recovery and / or recycling of homes and small businesses. oocl container tracking It is forbidden to release another waste collection stations and the categories specified by the labeling of each collection.
Council or developer provides and publishes information about how often the sanitation process. The decision on the frequency of waste collection should be made in consultation with veterinary and developer / contractor. Changes shall be notified to the townspeople with reasonable notice.
Council collects a fee for waste disposal in accordance with paragraph 1. Article oocl container tracking 11. Act. 55/2003 on waste. The municipality may charge a fee for all other waste and related oocl container tracking activities in accordance with paragraph 2. Article oocl container tracking 11. Act. They shall be determined and collected according to the tariff set by the provisions of Article 11. Act. 55/2003 on waste and on the recommendation of Health, pursuant to. Article 25. Act. 7/1998 on hygiene and pollution, as amended.
Expenditures for maintenance and disposal of waste collected by the same rates and maturities. Charges are levied on each property, organization or company that enjoys the aforementioned services. The municipality shall publish the tariff in B Official Journal. The tariff shall refer to this Convention.
If the landlord to offer complaint waste, shall establish such a complaint to the contractor. If the landlord did not have received adequate resolution oocl container tracking he can appeal to Ísafjarðarbær or Public Health Centre.
Approval is issued under the provisions of paragraph 5. Article 4. Act. 55/2003 on waste, as. the provisions of Article 25. Act. 7/1998 on hygiene and pollution, and are hereby confirmed to enter into force immediately. oocl container tracking
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