Friday, December 5, 2014

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Vitoslav Türk should be able to Parecag three and not two black construction | Other World
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Saga about illegal construction continues. While on the mountain Voje time ago demolished oocl belgium several decades old bungalow, Marko Jaklič already escaped demolition of their illegal construction. Saved by the fact the local community with sprembo spatial plan.
And while the media circulated information that should have Vitoslav Türk on Parecag two black construction but blogger Meteor hard otherwise you trying to prove with imagery oocl belgium in your blogger format.
He used natural material for my taste, according to the environment and money serfs obtained in a lawful manner in which the securities will be organized oocl belgium according to your taste.
Exactly, friable svojat. Very insightful findings. I hope you jump to the sky with joy when he will be demolished everything oocl belgium is set. Maybe you half a second sensory satisfaction. Then you will again Nergal, criticized and was aggressive, just like life.
About črnogradnjah in Slovenia to write a good deal. All črnogradnjam is a common one property that are the result of immature, foolish and incompetent oocl belgium bureaucracy. Slovenia is a small country with a bureaucracy flourishes, oocl belgium but so far not even a quarter oocl belgium of the country pkrita with appropriate spatial documentation, municipal spatial oocl belgium plans that would nedvomuno determine oocl belgium the areas where the construction of certain objketov possible oocl belgium and where not. Even today, it is not possible to obtain a building permit within fourteen days, even for the simplest object, let alone anything more complicated. In the first place the blame for such anarchy rules and totally incompetent administration. Slovenia is a young country. Its legislation in the field of spatial planning is created during the Drnovsek, therefore LDS government. The line minister at the time was an expert really expert Professor, dr.Pavel Gantar with its more professional Secretary of State mag. Dušan Blagajnetom-Treasurer. These two are essentially the equally brutal and incompetent operational Jazbinšku made on prodročju spatial planning in Slovenia true cost you. On the one hand they had poponoma inept team of institutions preparing legislation that has opened the doors to the various lobbies that have now with their "expertise" harajo for investors and blackmailing them with a variety of studies, which frequently tell us that water is wet, but the green grass . Of course, for such smart findings must first be a long time to wait, and finally pay dearly. Without such expertise, but it is much more where the applicant is a building permit greater capital, which testifies to the greed of experts, oocl belgium vendors mist no building permit. It is understood that the sky opened up the experts just in time vladavne toughest rogue LDS, which is led by President Drnovsek began to drown Slovenia. oocl belgium Most of the 'exploratory' houses were also been in the hands of swallows members of a political party LDS! The second is also a big mistake, which is committed Gantar and Blaganje is ekipiranje so-called MOPA, this is the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. Now this ministry somewhat drugče appointed all the staff, but by the time nagomilila both LDS protagonist remained and more has been strengthened. At the time of the reign of space Gantar and Blaganje and the Parliament carjeval Andrlič, the overproduction of so-called landscape arhitektov.To is a kind of architectural hybrid that is neither fish nor miš.Profili to respond to landscape architect, not real architects who would be able to understand and to design, neither agronomists, botanists, or have something that is not enough to meet the regulation of space, at least not such at the national level. In addition to inadequate professional ekipiranosti, it is necessary to stress that včina new staff to MOPU been compulsorily fitted with a party card LDS, be careful not to pomodte with LDS and not by SDS !!! The fruit of these incompetent people have a wide variety of protected področja.Najbolj indicative is a Natura 2000 area, where they are geniuses disable more than one third of Slovenia any construction or intervention in this area. Maybe this is the beginning of a trend that leads us to Neandretalijo. oocl belgium Namely, the economic situation in the country shows that we do not go forward, but backward and may we find that the next generation of citizens already Neanderthals. Let's leave the joke aside, let's look at what we do

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