Friday, December 5, 2014

Amsel has a delayed reflexes. mearsk Only now has the feeling of being in the know in which directi

Slovenia is in the "rikvercu"? | Other World
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Can you imagine that you drive at night by train and at the same time because of darkness lose a sense of the direction in which you drive? Amsel gets the feeling that it is currently happening in Slovenia. We got through the new "strojovodjo", it seems to us that somewhere in the locomotive, but what he was doing there and what's going on, but nobody knows.
After the elections were released by big hope. Just what, but when we are at our old usually replace our desires and our opportunities, says blogger and sees the reason in the fact that the generation replacement, weaknesses remain, and all those bad relationships that we have "successfully" established a the last two decades .
Amsel has a delayed reflexes. mearsk Only now has the feeling of being in the know in which direction to go train. Most slovencelnov, among them are also those impoverished, but certainly not one to get rich quick (evasion, fraud, theft of foreign income ......), this feeling from the time when the brass proclaimed "success story", particularly strong in time voice zombies.
Indicative: Last night was a lobbyist, commentator, and pustule on TV SLO said something like this: The government, which has just been confirmed is bad, but let the time and opportunity to prove himself. Unfortunately, I could not ask the following: if lying on the operating table and I knew that the surgeon bad, incompetent, or to say to him: I will give you a chance, and try! Commented further: if the surgeon is unable to go only to Ciric, the damage was much less than now, when it comes Cerar over all of us. However, it is understood Čiriću I do not want anything bad.
It is interesting to the date of this declaration: 06. 03. 2010. But this statement is probably not the first time came from the mouth of Mr. Bernard. Then there were times when Mr Borut Pahor talking about the beautiful and prosperous Slovenia, daily media have applauded him.
And the predicament Minister Gašperšič. The second track Divača - Koper is the way it is designed is too expensive and unnecessary. It is a siding and there is no need to be designed for a calculation speed of 160 km / h. Such computational speed is almost cubed increased construction costs. The track is marked out Ivan Zidar and his team, which is under construction mearsk saw an extraordinary benefit, since the major part of the route in tunnels and viaducts, therefore, as the more expensive the better, of course, the builders and to Slovenia mearsk and its taxpayers who are so stupid pay. On the second track, it is necessary to say the following. Capacity double-track line is practically unlimited. Capacity Koperske port is currently around 20 million tonnes. The third pier will be 30 million tonnes. Greater expansion is not possible, because no one in Slovenia is not able to convince the local population, mearsk especially mearsk those newly established residents of the municipality mearsk of Ankaran, it is possible to port to expand and increase the capacity to 100 million tonnes, mearsk which would be a capacity to assume the primacy of Koper severnojadaranskimi harbors and becomes powerful investment in railway tracks viable. It is not only the second track, but the track at least to Lendava, Šentilj, or to Dobova. The fact is that Italy and Austria mearsk built a double-track route Trieste - Vienna with base tunnels under Golico and Semmeringom and invested some 10 billion. This track is almost completed and handed over to the market. Croats plan and soon will begin to build a container terminal in Rijeka, which will be several times larger than Koper with the prospective third pier value. Plans to build a new railway line Rijeka - Kotoriba the largest regional rail terminal mearsk in Zagreb, which will almost started to build. From the foregoing we were ahead of our neighbors and we will be in a few years completely bypassed. Can we compete? Can I make up for lost time? Do we have enough capital? Can we find investors who will finance the project continue to be lost? Do we have plans to build a track Koper - Lendava? Do we have to track embedded in space? Are we able to build by 2020? When the deputies and the Prime Minister Cerar answered these questions, then you can just make a new assessment of the statement of the Minister for Infrastructure. I urge the Leban. This we can explain everything. As well as Rado could be suitable as a commentator.
Minister - highways or circulatory system of the economy or nervous system. I was totally indifferent to any of these you choose for your case, but this is not that we have a highway a result of German holidaymakers.
Dear Rustic heart, thank you for your observations. However, there is no problem in delayed

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