Monday, February 3, 2014

These acts committed in violation of the law are made to deliberately direct and clear cooperation

Rama's utter AM prosecuted Tahir | Reso
In a statement to the media after leaving Ristani prosecution explained that the dismissals and appointments made is violating the law and everything is fairly abusive. "We can not overrule place antiligji, we instead should only overrule the law," - he said.
In a statement a few days ago, Ristani stated that appointments made by the interior minister are contrary to the law "On the State Police" edward bates after not meet the mandatory criteria.
On 09/10/2013 are publicly known drastic changes in leadership corps of the State Police, which included changes removal of the Director General of Police Mr. Hysni Burgaj State, the Deputy Director of the State Police Mr. Muhamet Rrumbullaku, the Chief Directorate General of State Police and the 12 Directors of Regional Police.
On the same date, in these positions are appointed new management, where some of them were readmitted into the ranks of the State Police, while others were promoted from within the ranks of the police.
Note that during the performance and emissions of new appointments is severely violated the law on "State Police" 9749 dated 04.06.2007, namely: Appointment of Mr.. Artan Didi, Mr. Rama with a proposal by Prime Minister Mr. Tahiri, as Director General of State Police is committed in flagrant violation of the law on "State Police" 9749 dated 04.06.2007, Article 21 thereof.
b) be trained at the Police Academy, in accordance with Article 50 of this law or have finished school, according edward bates to the law on higher education as equivalent to the level of education that complies with Article 51 of this Law;
Mr. Artan Didi is removed from the ranks of the State Police in 2006 and at that time he had two degrees below the rank that the law requires to become Director edward bates General of State Police. edward bates
Mr.Artan Didi is not educated in the Police Academy in accordance with Article 50 of this law or have finished school, according to the law on higher education as equivalent to the level of education that complies with Section 51 of the same law .
2. Appointment of Mr.. Bizhga and Mr. Sokol. Mr. Altin Qato Minister. Tahiri, in the office of Deputy Director-General of Police has also become openly violating the above mentioned law in its Article 24, as both these persons do not meet the legal requirement of having the first rank leaders over a period of three years.
3. Appointments of directors of police in all 12 districts were conducted in complete opposition to all legal norms law provides for "State Police" related conditions is carried out in the Police and ranks readmission should be the person edward bates who takes an assignment such.
These acts committed in violation of the law are made to deliberately direct and clear cooperation and full of people and constitute a criminal offense denounced the "abuse of office" as provided by Article 248 of the Penal Code.
Persons reported dismissals and appointments made governing body of the State Police in flagrant violation of the law resulting in the violation of legal rights of police officers wrongfully dismissed from office or to those with full legal rights you are entitled edward bates to duty to promote and work seriously harmed and all legal functioning edward bates of the state police by appointing directors without adequate education without appropriate promotion, without experience and without observing edward bates the relevant legal procedures provided by law.
New Enver recalled that CTE can make love with that Albania inherited from fathers have left the Bureau. May violate the law, could cleanse administration, could overwhelm the state with his hordes etc.. but has done a mistake.
On the right is said to be surprised and me as principled, fair and equitable qekeni opposition, when we were not late maskarallik power without bo. Maybe you need without this variant was the more we work hykeni homeland as opposition and stay there for some twenty years, edward bates how to get jobs Dum.
O idiot, but this letter has also undertakes name, but you Castile have you scratch your head .... and even notified that you will leave the work to be drejjten kkete to mean two waffle before "firing squad" of not merrrshe like you who only wears when not to leave goalkeeper came bleak ....
Lefton, the papame not fraud ... yes I see the first is the name that you remove, from scanning (crop) and below is the organic designation and Become is about a woman who is ... Economists INVENTTARIZUESE ... So is the concrete name and position, to not do so budallalleqe, so that the choices that we hongret edward bates shkute for fur and fleece Welcome to, the assholes are so that even when Bonnie nai

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