Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oh what do journalism-will also tell them you saw the journalist reporter enverit.pra fault when cr

Seven out of prison, especially when killer sentenced to life sentences, are too much for a small country like Albania. But neither the number in proportion to the population or territory, nor their fate are not the main concern: the state or its system, yes. (Please understand, could have been the power of Democrats or Socialists, matters little, in both cases would have happened, because the problem is the system that, of course, is set by the local).
What does that system or to escape the country, but also the reaction to escape, should not attempt to tackle major. In the early to say that here in our country is not seen as a going concern, is not seen as a system that should exist regardless of pristine power next. Why not seen such can not be understood by a fact limit. Month when he was elected planning and introduction of tools that would facilitate the escape from the isolation of the prisoners concerned. August. For those who do not remember, August is a month between an inopportune time, 30 days without a god. This is because one party was preparing to leave power and emitted signals weakness, while the other stood in the feverish wait to take power by issuing signals revanchism. Neither party could not, could not or did not want to tackle over the scepter of government from hand to hand as normal. For the month of August was prepared fertile hamburg sud brasil ground for a spectacular escape from the prisons of Albania.
The escape is the second hamburg sud brasil time, or a premature if you like, what ordinary life imprisonment, the daily cell, which rules must undergo, have obligations, restrictions, but certainly human rights. One such prisoner is different and cheaper due to restrictions, without them, without major restrictions wall insulation concept falls. The escape of the November shtatëshes however has shed light on an alarming lack of restrictions on Albanian prisoners. Phones, flat screen televisions, stoves and kitchenware and more. But not only that: the refrigerators to not lose the rhythm of the seasons, to get cold tea, Pepsi and beer at any hour of the day or night, as in every neighborhood bar or in your house. A Faire laises who is the noise of debate in the markets, but it is a way of dog in Albanian prisons? Hm.
Even pasarratia or more precisely the reaction that the state has declared as appropriate for this case comes with furrowed respective shoulders. The first is the rush to leave Teku elsewhere hamburg sud brasil to start a game Blame unnecessary. SP as a party that has shared power with another DP since 1992 onwards, on no coalition is not in the position of blaming the predecessor. Prisons of a small country are not fighting for 'new world order' that America has opened in Iraq and Afghanistan, that Rama could accuse Obama Berisha as Bush did. The Prime Minister hamburg sud brasil and his ministers must wake up and understand that they are not in opposition, but in power. Wake up and get them the smell of a new day when it reek escape from prison or napalm.
To say nothing hamburg sud brasil of another tragic song Stanca pasarratisjes government: police guards holidays from work to prosecute them. They are living policemen dead police colleagues who share or have received benefits for the fall in the line of duty or have a special cemetery. hamburg sud brasil Zgëq lie in any province in a simple grave than 35 thousand lekëshi (or less) to receive as salary. Why should they risk life cowards? Who's homeland which task? For which country? What changes whenever the parties exchanged? Or is it that to be wrong with the human rights of European conventions spends hamburg sud brasil 50 euros per day for the prisoners, while still keeps cops 'standard Albania', with 8 euros a day?
Veliaj lecture with students of UET: national social pension will decide Krchin arrested Ilir, paid 120 thousand euros for killing competitor Paloka Mapo Newspaper: Rama entrusts Vlora police soldier Zani Çaushi Mori chips away, 6-year-old suspended from school whingers Turkish Prime Klosi blood veins of the Turkish-Albanian Brotherhood and the threat of Catholic turkofobët This is not the place for girls! Why should Balkans Berisha hamburg sud brasil also this decade reformer: Life, the game and Sinan Jul murders ... and, what remains for the rest I.Troplini: Writing hamburg sud brasil of history and lack of ethics in media measurement: Life, the game and Sinan Jul killings ... and what remains for the rest xxx: TNT immigrant: Writing of history and lack of ethics in the media
Oh what do journalism-will also tell them you saw the journalist reporter enverit.pra fault when criminals rama and meta release the prisoners guilt has jum saliu.shko introduction again we bear gjme Art.

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