Monday, February 10, 2014

The draft resolution on the issue Cham crashed yesterday in Parliament, after being held abstenues

Tema TV / AM: Cham have adopted Resolution 2004 n. PJIU requires prosecutions for Pëllumbi Servet (VIDEO) | Journal Web
During msc container tracking discussions in the Foreign Committee, Fatos Beja said that this resolution received 53 votes in favor, 4 against and 44 abstentions, and in these circumstances, Parliament does not adopt a new resolution. But, according to him, it is not recorded in the official gazette.
"You can not do a revote. There is the fact, procedures are problematic, can move in the direction of correcting procedures to come to the Constitution, but we can not violate that which is voted. I am aware that there is a problem, for you, the pioneers, I understand that it is a hardship for you, the pioneers, because it is not publicly circulated unfortunately, because even me when I saw my material, I tried to head The PJIU first that certifies and hard to find and this is the problem, "said Beja.
"I am open to any investigation regarding this matter. If it were adopted resolution then it will be published in the official gazette. Approval of the resolution can not be verified in the archives of the Assembly. I have no concern in consciousness, "Dove said in a telephone response to" News Hour ". / Bl
Here again introduced the so-called Sala ksaj çamve party .., hahaa Sala osht Dobiç to be, what regard the brain as a fawn .. Borders kta pot with nothing lef Idrizi msc container tracking qi .. pot of rrun Sumeet, launched the will to court nderum Professor Servet a dove. Cham degenerates is the ruin Idriz qelbaniku. Pfui lapanjozesh party.
In fact, I fear that the professor violated shit, no password at all for Chams resolution ... that the professor is a good man, but comes as little donkey testicle hahahahhaha msc container tracking And will this password at all for resolution Sala .... On the other hand you are like foxes Malsija has been noticed this gomarrlek to presort Tullumi and has made as ...... I do not know which came duo put their case now, even the Chams presort Pellumit testicle-hahahahaha
These bytheq ... ret of PeDese are doing garipit hardened nationalist, PJIU shall not extend more but closed the file as traitors AM berishiste komtare interests and peak, the Chams are not kept for that stupid arsehole mocked a caveman msc container tracking with some type Hamza Galway Zarbo from the Dylber .... T.Shehu as the F.Bejo, çemerit remove my hand from the sea for those who pray seat they sell bythes mother, father, daughter and wife. Do not PJIU role deçziv whore in this moment, you have alternatives in sight except msc container tracking UHRP Greek DP.
which have ratified must be true that socialist communist political morality are the eu but ended when communist LSI together with DP for the sake allegedly DP integrimit.rezoluta no value. PM must approve the resolution to win elections are won program better perspective and not with SP LSI.
- Shashke with some, but this is the Guinness scandal. Who could have news for filming session we will look gallate word. True, it is the Association introduced a resolution Camera. We defended parliament looks PR. The mo that the Web has its own archive msc container tracking .... not discuss in vain ..
The draft resolution on the issue Cham crashed yesterday in Parliament, after being held abstenues that most deputies of the Socialist Party. In Parliament msc container tracking have been 55 abstentions Socialist deputies, msc container tracking three votes against the parliamentary group of HRUP and a Socialist MP vote against the Tavo Vangeli knocked to the draft, while 53 members of the Democratic Party and other opposition parties msc container tracking voted for her. Groups parliamentary opposition bloc voted for the adoption of this resolution, while for its approval several Socialist deputies voted. msc container tracking Before the vote of the parliamentary group leader of the DP, Bamir Topi urged socialists to explain the reasons for the change of attitude towards SP Resolution, but the head of Parliament, Servet Dove, prevented this by stating that their position would determine voting. DP deputy has called on members present msc container tracking at the Assembly Hall for the adoption of Resolution by consensus, while the Socialists have refused to make any comments. msc container tracking However sources close to the SP's claim that Socialist leaders try to justify this attitude as a defense that was done Albanian immigrants in Greece, such as a resolution by them can cause reactions in Athens. Some time ago Socialist deputies expressed in the draft resolution support, but changed their position after a three-day ultimatum to Prime Nano request. Chief executive used the next meeting of Socialist parliamentarians to set the Cham issue to the draft as quite provocative. According to the head of the ruling msc container tracking socialist ways of designing an explosion that draft resolution is affecting relations between Albania and Greece.
Parliament a week earlier had declared the consensus of all parliamentary groups

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