Thursday, February 6, 2014

Specifically, members of the opposition have accused the police today that hide three events occurr

Tahiri: DP charges for concealment evergreen shipping agency of crime, coordinated attack with phony facts | Journal Web
The coordinated attack, based on fraud and phony facts, characterizes Interior Minister Samir Tahiri charges DP MPs about concealing crimes by the State Police. "Members of the opposition in recent days are trying evergreen shipping agency to put in doubt the results of the Police adding evergreen shipping agency slander crime figures. Because what they did themselves up yesterday, mistakenly recall that we do, and today, evergreen shipping agency "said Tahiri in a comment on the social network Facebook. Below complete reaction of the Minister of Interior. evergreen shipping agency
What about this would publicly apologize? 1. DP claims that have hidden injury to citizens IK lie. State Police press release distributed to the media where notified that on January 16 IK 19 years citizen is injured by a cutting tool in Kamze center and was sent to a military hospital in serious medical condition, in danger. Police have identified the author and declared it wanted. 2. DP claims evergreen shipping agency that citizens evergreen shipping agency have concealed the theft of AQ lie. State Police press release distributed to the media where notified that on January 16 in the village Torrovicë AQ citizen, has reported that two unidentified persons who went with a blue vehicle have asked them to help with car towing and then have stolen a lot of 900 thousand leks. Three. DP claims that citizens have concealed's assassination AS lie. State Police evergreen shipping agency press release distributed to the media where reportedly around 21:30 yesterday, the field - Mezez, was hit by gunfire in the direction of the police officer in charge of AS judicial police agent, who is in hospital out of danger life.
The concrete evergreen shipping agency results of the work of the State Police to fight crime, reduce the number of homicides, reducing the number of accidents evergreen shipping agency and fight corruption and organized crime, have spoiled the mood not only representatives of the underworld, but also representatives of the opposition , of which not more than 4 months ago, left them face the State Police as partisan organization serving the interests evergreen shipping agency and electoral goals rather than in the interest of citizens.
In a coordinated attack, based on deception and fabricated evidence, opposition evergreen shipping agency MPs in recent days are trying to put in doubt the results of the Police adding slander crime figures. Because what you do yourself up yesterday, mistakenly remember evergreen shipping agency that we do and today.
Ministry of Internal Affairs feels an obligation to the citizens evergreen shipping agency transparency and commitment to the truth. State Police not only not hidden anything public, but is undertaking reforms to the system such that would guarantee maximize evergreen shipping agency transparency and communication with the public.
Specifically, members of the opposition have accused the police today that hide three events occurred during the last two days. Totally untrue and journalists can easily prove this, it suffices to control the press releases of the last few days, where they will find the three cases mentioned by the opposition.
Everything appeared above proves beyond any doubt that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Police have not even the slightest intention to hide the reality of crime in the country, or worse, to manipulate the numbers of offenses. evergreen shipping agency
The only goal of the Ministry of Interior remains ongoing reform of State Police and its return to duty, to respond better evergreen shipping agency service standards that require citizens. To make better institutional duty to fight street evergreen shipping agency crime, corruption and organized crime.
Sorry to have spoiled the comfort of those who until recently kept himself untouchable, including the deridjeshëm rulers, the opposition evergreen shipping agency today. And worse comes to us not help neither today nor in the future, because we are together engaged citizens equality before the law, fairness and uncompromising fight against corruption and organized crime, including corruption hidden behind the ruins of the wall of impunity. evergreen shipping agency
Do not worry at all, that these thugs have not concerned about the police, but to attract the attention of THEIR CRIMES INVESTIGATION INTO COURT AND EXIT! The estimates do not have so much, Mr. Tahiri! Bring press spokesman to answer that they do not have another job: slander!
But why not reflected when the announcement was made of the crime. p. sh. crime was carried out on 16. at what date the notification was made by the police evergreen shipping agency Medja? evergreen shipping agency Although not stated and the date of notification? Although nji pinch late? It is here that suspicion for attempted concealment, for statistical reasons, the opposition not "armed" with evidence against.

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