Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Lion Man from Hohle Fels Although verktygsmakeriet cargo containers for sale well defended its

The seventh paragraph of Werner Herzog's Minnesota Declaration proclaims that Tourism is his, and travel on foot virtue. Herzog cargo containers for sale speaks from personal experience. For three weeks, winter 1974 he was hiking from Munich to Paris. A kind botvandring in order to save it in Paris critically ill actress Lotte Eisner to life. It rests ancient living conditions over the idea of the trek as penance or sacred duty. Walking in the day is in the present, almost poetic distant. We perceive ourselves as rooted and tradition-bound and so it is often enough in male-age perspective. cargo containers for sale But as a species, humans cargo containers for sale are walkers and intruder. cargo containers for sale We explain us a nest in time, birds of slow moving and relocation we are. The words are Eyvind Johnson in The Clouds cargo containers for sale over Metapontion.
I was given the opportunity to be present cargo containers for sale at a single moment in history cargo containers for sale it would be when the first modern humans left Africa. Standing there on a distant height of perhaps fifty thousand years ago and through binoculars follow a small group of wandering dark-skinned people. Men, women and children but no beasts of burden or even some dogs. If they were expelled from Paradise, or fleeing from oppression Egypt be gone. The only problem is that as this was probably not to. Certainly put any modern man in any position the first footprint outside Africa. But we do not really know when or where, even if it is reasonably occurred somewhere in the neighborhood of the Red Sea. Above all, they were not the decisive cargo containers for sale hiking which the concept of Out of Africa at first glance might lead us to think. How long mankind stood and stomped in the region and how much of a step forward and two back it was all about, we may never really know. But in any condition established and defended the bridgehead which marked the end of the beginning.
NEARLY twenty thousand years later penetrates the modern man into the Ice Age central and western Europe along river valleys relatively easily penetrated terrain. A Europe since hundreds of thousands of years successfully inhabited by Neanderthals. We really know fairly little about the contacts between us and them, but we carry in all cases their traces in our genes. The people who slowly came wandering, those who were essentially as we, in bloom at this time into full-fledged art skill. cargo containers for sale Cave paintings and ivory statuettes with a beauty that can not be questioned or perceived as rudimentary. A central question in this context is about art skills at European ground took a qualitative leap forward for thirty thousand years ago, or if the development had already been going on since tens of thousands of years. Here stands idea against idea.
During excavations cargo containers for sale in southern Africa has been found perforated shells that may have been used as beads in necklaces. It has also been found storage containers made of ostrich eggs which are decorated with simple geometric patterns. Here we are at least sixty thousand years back in time. Are these artifacts qualitatively different from cave art painting, or is it perhaps instructive years little awkward attempts that have been found? It is difficult to reproduce in detail artisteriets earliest development. Much has been lost. Others still waiting to be found. It becomes almost a bit trite to date about the moment when the divine spark was lit every time archaeologists find new art objects. cargo containers for sale A more fruitful approach might instead be thinking about art as a manifestation of the capacity for symbolic thinking rather than looking for its oldest unequivocal manifestations.
Language is the symbolic thought cardinal expression. Unfortunately, the language ability is not left so much behind in finding the places of sediments. Although early examples of pure art objects are hard to verify, there are other very early example of a way of thinking that is inherently similar. The making tool after tool in the same manner requires an abstraction cargo containers for sale to start from. A mental symbol that embodied in the hands work. Knowledge that can be learned and taught, that can be handed down between generations cargo containers for sale and groups. There are many indications that this piece of the puzzle fall into place already for half a million years ago. Since we do not talk about us but about an earlier cargo containers for sale human species, Homo heidelbergensis.
The Lion Man from Hohle Fels Although verktygsmakeriet cargo containers for sale well defended its place on the symbolic thinking time axis so will not be around the question of what lay behind the artistic explosion we encounter in European caves for thirty thousand years ago. If it was a last mutation that released a potential that has not previously been possible to realize or if it suddenly was a need for newcomers to manifest superiority group affiliation in the meeting with the more rustic and established Neanderthals are not clear. Probably contributed art of righteousness expressions that hold together our societies and gave us the evolutionary advantages. Allowed us to communicate ideas that were difficult to dress only in words. At the City Museum in Ulm, I have long stood breathless facing der Löwenmensch. A

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