Sunday, March 1, 2015

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Giant container is ready to be placed on bílaplaninu with us since Monday morning, I'm not talking about maybe a kitten here - but a monster! swap body He covers 5 trays of 10 so you can just imagine swap body hvurslags monster swap body it is. It was said to be moving in one apartment, and I met a woman last Monday when I was going to work and it was then that note with some cars that had been put up on the pavement as she was expecting a container and wanted to put him there. And I saw one little swap body compact but vóóóóó. swap body She clearly does not know what she was talking about a large container and require summing up the parking lot under the monster. OK to be there one day, but he is still there, the question to go to Kells and offered to help her empty monster so this ferlíki go now going by plane. So Polish geniuses who rent a garage here and in cars cronies swap body is what happened, they started now with style, put one pleasure cruise parking with us and one storm in December spun off the hood of the car and I was now so reversible that I called the owner of the garage and asked him to let them know. He was very surprised that they were using our car park, they rented the garage because they were going to be by petition swap body and cleaning cars, yeah sure right! They had not been men of the city if the hood was blown in some space there. Now continue with smérið ...... so last night when I was going to sleep is horrible great use of panic outside the plane and I telescope out of them are Polish men've Hoa together all Poles residing in Kópavogi to view slutty swap body as they had been buying, and I'm talking about those people are not talking in low gist, Polish sounds like an argument. Because they are buying a raggedy fleet population, they will of course store them somewhere suitable parking swap body our exceptionally well for them. And last night they ran into a little swap body trouble because the owners were so lucky to be able to put their cars to their house, but no no, where do you think they put the car? Yes, next to the container on the street. Stroke of genius. The status of the plane is said that, a giant container diagonal and next to him built up SUV. As you can see, it is beside the Jeep, it will be exciting to come home from work today and see if the jeep ferlíkið compliance. Until next time ........... framework provides.
It is good that she has been empty monster, confronted her a helping hand? But still do not quite understand this ... 100 meter container for the 100 square meter apartment !!! Where she will bring all this shit for ??? Your daughter, Eva. March 16, 2008 at. 21:20
Asgeir is a middle-aged man who likes to go on his motorbike. swap body Fishing swap body with the family and enjoy life at all. He is married and has 4 children and 3 grandchildren. View all my profile
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