Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Scientist regretted that part of the communist ideologues created clichés and life in today

This interview - the historian AURIMAS Swedes, who has written books Matrix Captive (cover - with barely visible, only tilted against the light visible to the public, disintegrating numbered), which is about how it was formed by an alternative reality, or, more precisely, an alternative picture of the past.
Pancerov journalist David did a great job, he draws up a long text and journalist feather outlining what is much more difficult to explain in the book, but the end justifies the means. Purpose - to indicate to a small number (which go netting because specialization is very difficult or easy generalizations, and is engaged in the tradition of the Soviet successor pezantys about how to restore a free Lithuania is just wrong and flawed former "bourgeois" and other exploitative Lithuania continued) used storage containers how and in what ways have been developed ideological myth, starting with the exclusive Russian role in the development of Lithuanian past to a strict anti-Christian positioning.
Reading a book - like other books about the Communist past - not amazed what methods were similar in the past and how they never surrendered, now, if they are considered to be proven.
All fed up endless propaganda current trend called communist Russia. Russia today is a normal capitalist country with its millionaires and unemployed. Yes, Russia, as well as any other state has its own interests. Yes, it is concerned and the neighboring countries. This is natural. Incorporating such resources Russia, surely has a bright future and is not afraid of her. I think we would be much wiser to complete the primitive anti-Russian propaganda, because we really are doing the Russians have already lost its attraction.
Scientist regretted that part of the communist ideologues created clichés and life in today's used storage containers Lithuania. The inner turmoil, fear to make decisions unsure of yourself - these wounds still unhealed Lithuanian consciousness. Therefore, should not think that the March 11, 1990 the day after the body was washed Lithuanian invaders all dirt.
"I have a suspicion that the history of Lithuania had not just false, but also turn it into a brutal uninteresting. It was necessary to disfigure not only content, but also aesthetic. When I look into the reinforced concrete language in which to write the history of those times works, it makes you want to throw the book out of hand. Check the appearance of Juozas Žiugžda edited the first Lithuanian history Triton black covers. The mere appearance might scare "- ridicules Soviet ideologists zeal Lithuania distort history interviewer joked.
- There were some very important events, phenomena and processes in the history of Lithuania, by the very next day after the occupation of our country used storage containers wanted to erase, forget or distort sat in Moscow Communist Party ideologues.
The state, in this case, is no exception - the human biography also Horizontal method consists of the following events, situated in time and space. Of our generations used storage containers of history breaks apart into small pieces of stained glass, which would no longer be possible to gather at one thing, if it lost in space and time dimensions. Or if they are highly distorted.
For this reason, the Soviet ideologues sought not only to force the public to forget Luzino Lithuania, associated with our statehood, historical events. It was just part of the job. Moscow used storage containers and Vilnius-based PARTINI ideologues were very important to re-tell what civilizacinėje and cultural used storage containers space located in Lithuania.
Lithuania is the state boundary. Even the most modern Lithuanian historians, the assigned interesting ideas about what and where we are mentions Lithuania as a border country. How to tell the professor Edward Gudavičius, who created the original concept of the history of civilization, Lithuania, we are the most eastern country in Western European civilization. We are very fortunate that the medieval era europietizacijos we got into the process space.
However, being a party to the boundaries are constantly confronted with a serious problem - for us it is very difficult to construct, used storage containers strengthen and protect used storage containers your identity. Both the East and West of us consistently achieved strong ideological impulses used storage containers emitting certain images. They change our way of thinking and feeling about their state and nation. Seeing this change we usually get scared and try to turn in on itself like a turtle shell. The twenty-first century, it seems to me such an attitude is not constructive. However, during the Soviet Lithuanian society, trying to resist deformation mechanisms of historical consciousness, no other behavioral model, apart from blind defense could use.
In Soviet times, Lithuania was to falsify history to the maximum prominent manner East civilizational space, the role of the Russian factor. They say that all the time we were in this part of space, constantly feeling the "big brother" of aid.
- It was emphasized even in the kurioziškiausiose situations. For example, used storage containers in terms of culture and cultural cooperation between peoples. " Then opened up to the unpaved ground

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