Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Icelanders bought at KFC 2.2 billion Weekend in Góu Eco analysis prefab shipping container homes pr

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The Icelandic government has to pay 75 million in compensation for the container that was transported to the United States went into the sea. The container containing the personal effects associated with employee Icelandic Foreign Service. prefab shipping container homes This was agreed prefab shipping container homes in the supplementary budget adopted prefab shipping container homes by parliament earlier this month. DV tells us this in his helgarblaði today.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the Icelandic Foreign Service has not yet responded to questions regarding DV owner's, why it has been estimated at 75 million, or why the government needs to pay insurance costs. No answers are available for any employee had household effects, why it was valued as high as it is, or why the Icelandic government has to bear the cost of the damage when DV sought them.
However analyzed RUV news tonight that the value of Icelandic contemporary art have been destroyed when the container malfunction angry Eimskip cargo between Iceland and the United States in the spring. Icelandic government had to pay 75 million in compensation for work as art historians say invaluable.
The damage was already climbing up Skapti Jonsson, embassies and oxen, and his wife Kristin Þorsteinsdóttir was moved from Reykjavík to Richmond Vigriníufylki prefab shipping container homes in the United States in April this year. The furniture was moved in the container and damaged all the sea flowed into the container in atrocious weather the southern tip of Greenland. The container was the bottom of the hold of the ship and half filled with water. After he was landed in North America was he closed the harbor in Richmond 40 degrees Celsius and the sun for a few hours a day before he was customs and opened. Then first came to light damage. Valuable furniture and artwork were then gegnsósa, moldy, damaged and corrupted.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the Icelandic Foreign Service has not yet responded to questions regarding DV owner's, why it has been estimated at 75 million, or why the government needs to pay insurance costs.
Journalist had contact with the Foreign Ministry on the issue on Monday. Then knew Director in the Ministry of the case but asked for a written inquiry by email. The inquiry was sent the same day the head of the person. When questions were repeated on Wednesday obtained answers that "it could be several days in addition" until response obtained with the query.
According to information prefab shipping container homes obtained by DV insurance is a common food in the household effects around five to fifteen million. prefab shipping container homes Partial exceptional cases are personal effects prefab shipping container homes are valued at around 75 million prefab shipping container homes as personal effects that the State has granted guarantees. The most likely explanation of the stairs should cost so much is that it is expensive paintings and tableware.
Reporter contacted the Ministry of Finance to answer why the state would have to pay damages in the container. Not obtained the answers to the other but it is natural to transport household effects ambassador and embassy prefab shipping container homes staff were secured by one way or another. Correspondent prefab shipping container homes Ministry acknowledged the issue but would not disclose what had been the personal effects that made it so valuable.
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