Saturday, July 12, 2014

The official opening was held Friday, April 20, 2012, 80 students participated in the event in Roma

2nd place for LTC in the national environmental education competition "Friends of Nature protects Earth" | Bulletin Carei
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On 19-22 April 2012 the national stage of the competition held environmental education "Friends of Nature used shipping containers protects Earth!" Whose host was Satu Mare. This competition brought together representatives so many Palaces and children's used shipping containers clubs and many representatives of educational institutions in the country. The event was the fourth edition, being organized by the Circle of Chemistry - Ecology at the Children's Palace in partnership with Satu Mare Satu Mare County School Inspectorate, the Environmental Protection used shipping containers Agency, the County Council School "Octavian Goga" and Kindergarten "Darling".
The official opening was held Friday, April 20, 2012, 80 students participated in the event in Romania. Were present student used shipping containers teams from various children's clubs Aiud (Alba), Moreni (Dâmboviţa County), Sighişoara (Mureş County) Drăgăşani (Vâlcea County), Victoria (Brasov county), Targu Lapus (Maramures County) motru (Gorj) HALAUCESTI (Iasi County) Paşcani (Iaşi), honesty used shipping containers (Bacau), and teams within Children's Palaces in Botosani (Botosani), Bistrita (Bistrita County), Oradea (Bihor county ), Piatra Neamt (Neamt county), Iasi (Iasi County) Zalau (Salaj), Craiova (Dolj county) and Targu Jiu (Gorj), students at School no. 1 bathroom Sprie (Maramures County) and Victoria High School (Brasov county).
The competition consists used shipping containers of theoretical, which ran for an hour and had to support a course on selective waste collection, practical test where work crews made onsite environmental projects, an essay and a exhibition of works made in advance. used shipping containers
High School team, led by Prof. Gabriela the particulars, was formed by Alexandra and Julia Coneac sugar A class IX and Class X Ionut Sava's who contributed to theoretical and practical tests. Another team member was Sebastian Safta careiene Class X E who contributed to sample works made in advance.
The jury was in Elizabeth Békésy - Director of the Environmental Protection Agency and also president of the jury, Ramona Mirisan - Advisor Marioara the Agency and HARC - professor of biology at School Group "Constantin Brancusi" Satu Mare.
It seems that such contests are a success not only locally, but nationally. We hope that future generations will implement environmental education used shipping containers they part now and will treat the environment responsibly and waste management by default.
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