Thursday, July 31, 2014

The company

News (Nouakchott) - Workers continue to branch company "Maersk" working in the field of maritime transport went on strike, demanding to meet a range of demands gray and adams and promised the company's management gray and adams responded with several months ago to no avail.
He said a representative of the workers in connection with the independent news agency that all the demands brought by workers' legal and simple and is unfair, "adding that the labor inspectors belonging to the state and all trade unions announced the eligibility of workers to meet these legitimate demands.
The company's management has threatened to disconnect all striking workers to work and bring in workers from abroad in case of continuation of the strike, and workers' representative confirmed that the company has already begun implementing gray and adams the procedures leading up to the dismissal decision is usually such inquiries and warnings for the workers to the other. The delegate added that workers strike illegal; where they put a notice with the company a month ago admitted in a strike in the event of failure to meet their demands, stressing that the company's management agreed with them more than once on a schedule to meet these demands without the implementation of the promises.
He pointed out that the most prominent of these demands to increase salaries and equality among the workers who perform the same service, and compensation for overtime, and bonuses for the danger, stressing gray and adams that workers are exposed to significant gray and adams health risks during their work, and they sometimes work 24 hours continuously.
He called on workers Mauritanian state to intervene to protect their rights, and to force the company to respond to their demands, which they described Balparwah and very simple compared to what the company achieved this great profits. The company's branch currently administered Tunisian administrative staff, after they had managed a Mauritanian.
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