Saturday, July 26, 2014

President Obama is, therefore, adjourned the meeting at the top until a

Decision on temporary asylum Edward Snowden, American 'traitor intelligence container sales secrets', Moscow has shown a propensity to return to the old patterns of relations with Washington, and it is no wonder Obama's decision to cancel the meeting with Putin
Ode to Edward Snowden with Šeremetjeva! Three weeks has fed the world's media as yet another container sales self-proclaimed savior of the world. container sales Ever since civilization unbridled adrenaline and complete absence of any clear paradigm of world order have become a cause global chaos every now hear various Rescuers container sales that any "discovery" of the dark side of the world, from diplomacy to espionage, or any "massacre", turn the rudder and pull the world from what they perceive as evil and daffodils.
RELATED NEWS News OBAMA MEETING CANCELED DUE Snowden with Putin Russia disappointed by the decision of U.S. President RUSSIA APPROVED Snowden TEMPORARY POLITICAL ASYLUM famous whistleblower quietly slipped out of the airport GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCES U.S. secret documents on wiretapping discover all about the spy program which was uncovered Snowden
Today Snowden, Asanga yesterday, the day before Breivik was once Boston, formerly of Chicago, everywhere Anonymus. The world of ideas and the international order without a clear model and management mechanism, there is open space for the false prophets, self-appointed saviors, terrorists, mass murderers, dictators tomorrow. How nowhere to be no alternative ideology, because they died and communism and capitalism classic, no new ideas and new platforms for yelling that drew millions in what historically meaningful project. No more, no Hitler or Lenin to gather container sales samozvance and went on a hunt to power - now shoots container sales individually, now explodes the individual.
I do not know whether three weeks in the transit area of the airport Sheremetyevo was sufficient that Edward Džouzef Snouden, as he now writes in the Cyrillic Russian provisional document, advise, and Foot comes to what he did and why, is it the discovery of the American system of global phone tapping and control of the Internet prompted complacency or sincere moral instinct. The real politics is certainly not thinking. Now, it must be because of her fear crept into some poor Džouzefa when suddenly asks his father came to Moscow, to consult container sales with him ...
When he does, wherever he is, he finds out on the evening news that Obama canceled a planned September meeting with Putin, maybe it possesses the real fear. Because, you might realize that it is transformed into a tool of trade, the hero of the media cynically reduced to a token that Moscow planned to be used in an attempt restoration of the former classic "trade off" container sales technique of US-Soviet traditions. Anyway, wrapped in a package of diplomatic anticipation of better results and progress in the broader field of mutual relations, container sales Obama's decision was, in fact, the message of rejection of such a "Cold War" political methodology. Simply put, Obama could not be retracted. How will it now, when for a long time no one will need, to draw poor Snowden, who became Džouzef?
Fear may be dragged into it, and because of those three weeks at Sheremetyevo and direct encounter with reality, which is, in the airport, around it, in a nearby hotel Novotel, which is most likely still be closed for three weeks ... came real secret places where now positioned to say nothing ... which is, therefore, quite different from his, the U.S., the ones that, well, he started to unravel container sales mails and interviews for The Guardian.
This is the reality of Russia, so direct, harsh, hard, dyed pure policy interests, composed of coarse and realistic calculation on. While Džouzef spectacular, but it is the policy of cold calculation container sales on the subject of the media's self into a hard object coveted political trade. Redeemer of the U.S. "spy evil" hostage accommodating Russian help! So much about the state of the world! Serious background
President Obama is, therefore, adjourned the meeting at the top until a "broader progress." The fact is that the United States cooperate container sales closely and successfully in a number of important issues, container sales from Afghanistan to North Korea, but it is just as easy to spot the huge differences and opposing views, from Iran to Syria. In the background of major media attention differences are even greater and more serious, because it is mostly related to military issues - the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system and the continuation of negotiations on the control and arms reduction. Mutual trade, human rights and related issues remain a standard set on this menu. Gay olimpijici and protest spilled vodka remain container sales for media entertainment!
Apparently, the menu will attempt to more closely examine and inspect the ministers of foreign affairs and defense - Kerry and Hagel sit as I write this, with Lavrov and Šojguom, and their conversation should show whether the chances of serious progress container sales and whether the United States and Russia, almost quarter of a century after the collapse of the "cold war", ready and able not only to "reset" their relations, as initially proposed by Obama's mandate, but are deeply and structurally adapt to new circumstances

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