Saturday, June 28, 2014

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The European Commission received notification on June 4, a proposed concentration by which the Chinese state-owned China Huaxin Post and Telecommunications Economy Development Center ("China Huaxin" metal containers China) wants to acquire metal containers sole control of the "Solutions department business "of the company Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Business (" Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise ", France) by way of purchase of shares. metal containers China Huaxin company metal containers is present on the investment market in the sector of information technology and communication. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise specializes in providing business metal containers equipment and software solutions for communication and networking. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments before 14 June 2014, by fax to 0032 2296 43 01, by email to the following address: or by post, under reference M.7244 - China Huaxin Post and Telecommunications Economy metal containers Development Center / Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Business at the following address: European Commission, DG Competition Merger Registry, 1049 Brussels. (BK)
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