Friday, June 20, 2014

$ 255,000.00 Pez Outlaw Diary ads and efforts are now connected to the charity. Helicopter Bob. Hel

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$ 255,000.00 Pez Outlaw Diary ads and efforts are now connected to the charity. Helicopter Bob. Helicopter Bob has been associated with Pez Corp USA. He and one of his buds will find a bunch of Pez dispensers in one of the buildings on Pez Pez Pal Corp. cops and the golden glow Pez dispensers were two of the more important pieces. They got Pez dispensers from there and began selling John L & other retailers. Figure permission Rudi So I show in Atlantic City & Helicopter k line japan Bob walks up, says hey I have 200 pez pal cops want to buy them? I said sure, and we settled on a price, so off he goes to get a Pez dispensers. Well, all the way back, he's busy selling Pez dispensers, one at a time for $ 5.00 each more than he agreed to sell them to me for. You would have thought this kind of thing was rare when it was actually more the norm. From Chopper Bob to 2 Andre the Dead AL on Austrian gun brokers, it was always more, and in addition k line japan to the backhanded deal going on. Ole Bob was only the first in a long line, I remember k line japan Bob said to me once "if you do not stop yelling and cussing me I will not sell it to you more Pez dispensers." In the end, I think it was my hearing. The total amount spent in this type of just a few thousand dollars. Andre Zeich. 49-8142-7991 Farmerstrasse 14c Groebenzell Germany 82194 If you have a deal by this guy. Turn sharply in the opposite direction, running as fast and far as you can. If you do business k line japan with this guy, you'll regret it in the end. One of the things I do in writing this is to track the search terms that lead people to I am some by the number of people that search for "Andre Zeich". For the life of me I can not understand why. The term "Andre Zeich" is in the top ten all time of the search terms used, leading to viewers. To say that I'm confused by this understatement of all time. Andre is the kind of guy who greets you while hiding behind a pole or something, until he is convinced that you're k line japan not mad at him. I think the man lived in constant fear that the people he was doing business with a learned everything that was generally k line japan talking or doing whatever he was doing, you're on your back. These treaties would say the 3000 Pez dispensers each and he would 6000 Pez dispensers. He would then deliver the Pez dispensers you contract for, we can begin to sell and set your price. At this point, it was quiet in touch with other traders and undercut your price to sell additional Pez dispensers also had. Then when it came, what could be the overproduction, he'd give you rest on the super cheap saying k line japan he had no idea pez corp is not overrun that he felt that it was only right that I have. This guy was a real job. So from the beginning pez colors were not my sole as promised. The total amount spent with this guy $ 471,950.00 in Pez dispensers. Andre, I think that is also a manufacturer of all those toy cars and trucks with Pez stenciled / stamped on them in black. I know it started / medals panels and light fixtures. You see Andre Zeichs main business is buying closeout in Europe. So hit stenciled logo on something that could be sold was not a big deal. Andre Zeich is also the guy who facilitated the production of Daves truck pez (black or silver cabs, glow in the dark trailer, red or orange wheels), Joe and Chicago, which Scott later copied. Andre followed the same format here. He produced a Pez dispensers are contract plus the same amount for yourself, k line japan it is unfair k line japan sales. Later I ended up buying 2 ton truck load of Pez dispensers Joe & Dave had left, and the remainder Andre (a few thousand loose Pez dispensers) "excessive". How did Andre do? Well, get a quote from Van Melles X to say carded pez dispenser, then it would be twice that or charge 5X to Pez dispensers. There you get your Pez dispensers free of charge, plus 3X immediate profit. Then at the end, when he was done undercutting your sales, k line japan you could sell the remains of Pez dispensers as 'excessive' at cost and still be 100% of the profits. I just went through all of 1998. To my surprise, I found a fax from November 1998, where I proposed a project truck pez. Pez Trucks with black cab and trailer, also pez truck with glow in the dark cab and trailer. Until January 1999, Andre & I have been close shut. My guess was shopped

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