Thursday, May 1, 2014

Legambiente Liguria years Erzelli claims that the operation was just a marketing operation that wou

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Genoa. case modulare "After college, who refuses to borrow to do the mirror of the larks, after Ericsson just moved (to rent) do not know how, he immediately started with layoffs (disguised as an incentive to abandon), also the company's president Castellano, the Esaote, announced that transfer to Erzelli only half of the current staff. The transfer case modulare will involve those who will be engaged in the area where it should rise to yet another supermarket, and in any case no one in charge of production, "it said in a statement Legambiente Liguria.
"Castellano and banks that have supported it remains a huge problem to deal with, in the company of the President of the Region Burlando, given the risk, as workers complain of the loss of hundreds of jobs."
Legambiente Liguria years Erzelli claims that the operation was just a marketing operation that would serve to bring great gains with public money to banks and landlords and real estate speculators. case modulare "Moreover, the same architect Renzo Piano had realized very early on the true meaning case modulare of the operation and he was gone, slamming the door. Many did not want to see, many have argued telling private interests of a public interest that was never really case modulare the priority case modulare of those who conceived the operation Erzelli. The Municipality of Genoa declaring the intent of the new PUC rule (proposed by Renzo Piano) of "building built on" and instead proposes to replace case modulare a storage container with a few hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of concrete, has its share of responsibility in this operation, case modulare "continued environmentalists.
"And now, as you continue? Still cement, however, and always? What settlements are possible: the university, the hospital, maybe the iit, all with public money to save the accounts of banks and builders? We think beyond case modulare the necessary findings by the Court of Auditors, the need for a rethinking of the great urban policies hitherto case modulare followed starting from Erzelli with less marketing and more citizen involvement in land use plans for shared and sustainable where prevails is clearly in the public interest, "they conclude.
And now who pays! the megalomaniac installed in the palace or the usual assholes who we are. With this operation, after the memorable companies: case modulare underpass Loading and operation SCI Pencil, still you, but ... you did not have to see more, but useless if you really hate it so much easier .... yet thou, go to jail, you know ..... it's not hard ....... Once it is certainly case modulare easier ..... even you.
In contrast to Pra we are left with the container Spinelli, once Erzelli, case modulare less than 100 meters from the houses with their noise and dust night and day, and that outside of a minimum of respect for those who live in the neighborhood. The container terminal of the New Palace, from Erzelli case modulare instead they put them, (Port Authority? Burlando? Common?) case modulare Parallel a few meters from the track that runs along the canal Pra. Track where everyone goes for a run or walk, big and small, case modulare and now we find ourselves in the place of hills noise promises (see first item in brackets) barriers case modulare to the movement of containers and trucks that lift dust we breathe deeply, case modulare and other noises that in addition to the sounds of the harbor.
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