Monday, October 21, 2013

- Objective - to fill the existing voids and compact the soil. In the next stage, the area is cover

Work on semi-coke dump in Kohtla-Jarve begin in September | "North Coast" container cafe
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The government in April contributed to the elimination of semi-coke fire area mountains in Kohtla-Jarve about 4.7 million euros. Following the talks, the elimination of the zone assigned to JSC Merko Ehitus , a firm that was engaged from the very beginning the work on closing the blade.
- Agreement signed last Monday (August 19), the amount of the contract is 4 million euros plus VAT. Drafting of working drawings already started - said Raimo Jaaksoo, chief specialist of the waste management of the Ministry of the Environment.
The area called the zone together with the surrounding neighborhoods container cafe is about three hectares. To begin the steep slopes make it more gentle and access roads will be built, and then start packing the soil with a vibrator.
- Objective - to fill the existing voids and compact the soil. In the next stage, the area is covered with an inert material, which shuts off the air supply to the source of fire, it is laid a layer of fresh char and then start planting. Between the layers of stacked layer gazosborki, which allows taking the gases arising from the material warms up - explains Jaaksoo.
This is done in order to prevent the possible extension of the zone of fire and smothering. In conclusion, in this area will be laid prefabricated sewage ditches, installed equipment container cafe tracking temperature conditions, which will in the future conduct constant monitoring of the situation. container cafe
- We have had to extend some, this is due to that obtained from the VKG and used to cover the fresh char, which appeal to the changeable weather conditions proved to be difficult, - explains the reasons Raimo Jaaksoo. - Work on the building are completed, which means that the mountain has found the final form, the system of collection and sewage ready to lay carpet and left to landscaping.
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