Saturday, October 26, 2013

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New Online Events Geopolitics Opinion The Week Translations Interpress Polls Sniper Artillery and MLRS Army Corps of Engineers Aviation and Transportation Systems Strategic Missile Defense Armored Fleet Individual weapons containers and more torpedoes and mines Weapons of mass destruction Ammunition Uniforms and Personal Protection Documentary Elite Army Russian Army Special forces of the world History Photo Archive Science Soldiers' stories of survival Demobee album UIC Technology Space
Invincible and legendary U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet hastily left the Mediterranean containers and more Sea on the approach to the coast of Syria, the Russian naval group. Actually, the Sixth Fleet and Commander - Vice Adm. Craig Pandolfo have not gone away - they are still in their respective area of responsibility, including all operational reports and financial statements. On the bases of numerous Mediterranean Sixth Fleet life also flows in the usual way - clothes, leaves of absence, perimeter protection, painting fences, stealing wealth, containers and more unpaid bills for electricity, gas and fresh water. Another thing is that from the Mediterranean strangely disappeared ships of the Sixth Fleet! containers and more The fleet is, and ships not - you probably wonder - Is this possible?
Yeah, maybe, when it comes to American naval forces. In contrast to the structure of the Russian Navy, where each fleet has a constant list of the ships assigned to it, including its flagship (the Northern Fleet - TARKR "Peter the Great", the Baltic Fleet - Destroyer "Pushy", Black Sea Fleet - GRKR "Moscow", Pacific - RRC "Varyag"), the term "fleet" for the U.S. Navy - no more than the scope of responsibility. It is impossible to give a specific answer to the request, "Show the ships of the Sixth Fleet" - the fleet is changing almost containers and more daily. Here's a quantum mechanics! For example, any aircraft carrier strike group, which took the Strait of Gibraltar, is automatically assigned the designation Task Force 60 (Operational Compound 60) and AUG becomes the main striking force of the Sixth Fleet. A carrier battle group commander, respectively, is operatively connected to the post of commander of the 60, and now directly responsible for the situation in the Mediterranean. Following this logic, everyone went down into the waters of the Mediterranean amphibious assault ship and its escort receive the designation Task Force 61. Now they - the main amphibious forces of the Sixth Fleet. Any squadron of destroyers in the Mediterranean becomes DESRON SIX ZERO (and simply - "minonosnuyu squadron 60"), will leave the destroyers - "minonosnaya squadron 60" disbanded. As the Americans can not get lost in this cycle, and you do not accidentally lose your six dozen destroyers, the world's containers and more oceans? Imagine this conversation on the sidelines of the Pentagon: - Where is the destroyer, "John Paul Jones"? - Last year, he was seen off the coast of Jamaica ... - Damn, he is scheduled to arrive in Norfolk in September. Where has he gone? A "John Paul Jones" quietly containers and more rusting containers and more in the harbor of Pearl Harbor, waiting for a new order, which may be to send him to the coast of Greenland. Avoid this mess is assisted by three things: a specific home port for each ship (standard and mandatory international practice), rather unclear division of the Atlantic and Pacific Command, and, most importantly, regardless of the number of the fleet, the American ships brought into permanent divisions, battle groups and aircraft carrier strike groups.
Refueling at full speed Any carrier usually for many years at a constant list of ships and their escorts a clear structure with permanent wing squadrons that are sometimes attributed to decades of this aircraft carrier. And nothing else. For example, an aircraft carrier "Abraham Lincoln" together with the guided-missile cruiser "Cape St. George", the four-Aegis destroyers ("Sterret", "Haslam", "Momsen" and "Shoup"), and several support ships and frigates, form the "aircraft carrier battle group number 9. " Based on this concept, each of the six American fleets constantly has in its composition (ie - in the area of responsibility) of one or more aircraft carrier containers and more battle groups, amphibious groups or divisions of destroyers, of which formed and state of the fleet. The ships come and go, but the number containers and more is always the same. And now - seeing on the horizon, the Russian squadron, most of the American ships rushed to leave the Sixth Fleet area of responsibility, leaving the Mediterranean frontier of NATO, sorry, bare behinds. Speaking in Russian - Sixth Fleet ceased to exist, remaining only in the form of paper instructions and deserted piers Mediterranean bases. History And this is not new - a similar scenario acted brave British containers and more sailors who barely getting information out to sea the German battleship "Tirpitz" abandoned to their fate unarmed transports convoy PQ-17 and shamefully fled on 30-node run. It is significant containers and more that the British fleet, at least not inferior to the German ships and even had the advantage due to the presence of carrier-based aircraft

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