Sunday, October 20, 2013

As explained by the head of the Narva Police Sergey Andreev, the video image will come to a control

New video surveillance Narva not save you from the dark recesses of a delishek | "North Coast"
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Narva install 11 high street surveillance cameras. They will appear in busy areas, where most of the day and so many potential witnesses. Constant monitoring will be carried out Jõhvi.
In Narva City Council is preparing container track to permit the Department of Urban Development and Economics to organize a competition public procurement, and the city government - to provide the budget for next year money for the service of street surveillance cameras 11th.
The Director of the Department named Georgi Ignatov studied the market and determined that applicants for this city order will be many. "The other question is what price they will call." According to preliminary calculations, the video surveillance of streets 11 cameras will cost over three years is about 40,000 euros. Of these, 13,600 euros have already been laid in gorbyudzhete this year.
Control over the streets of the capital is by cameras. Operators can remotely direct the camera, zoom, display it on the central screen. According to Ignatov, the contract for three years, the city plans to conclude by the end of this summer. A little more time will need to purchase the Executive cameras, installation, laying electric wires, etc. "Ideally, by the middle of September, they will begin to function."
Ignatov said that the detailed container track specifications infotehnologichesky asked the city police department. In particular, each camera must be able to bring the 20-fold to using optics conduct night mode, to transmit a signal over several container track kilometers without wires.
The signal will be supplied to equipment which artist will place the police. Records must be kept for at least 30 days, but better - to 90. In addition, the equipment should allow future increases in the number of connected cameras from 11 to at least 64.
As explained by the head of the Narva Police Sergey Andreev, the video image will come to a control center in the prefecture Idaskoy Jõhvi. There is already being monitored for a similar picture of Rakvere. Servers will also be located in Narva office.
- Do not hit (the list) municipal cultural and sports facilities, such as, for example, the same ice hall - Gordeeva said, recalling that the problem of missing video manifested itself in 2012, when the Ice Hall's body was found murdered Varya Ivanova ...
In the following comments for "North Shore" Georgi Ignatov said that should not be considered a sports facility called simovolom of Narva atrocities: "One particular case can not be extrapolated to the entire future and believe that in this area, this place will always be committed crimes."
One way or another, but the places where they will be installed 11 cameras are really determined by the availability busy urban roads, intersections and shopping centers with parking. Exception is the area at night establishments "Lux", "hot" in a sense, as well as Peter's Square. Last - also, in fact, the parking lot, but it happens violations and crimes against people just came out of Ivangorod left border checkpoints.
- One of the criteria (in site selection) was the maximum coverage area. While the cameras and will stand at the crossroads in the main, but still there is the busy traffic - not only cars, but also pedestrians ... Yes, of course, it would be good to put the camera in every dark corner, but so much money we do not have.
- Only three or four cameras, we proposed to establish at intersections, and the rest - in parks and shopping centers, where most violations. And there is no parking - but the protection of public order, - the words Andreeva still has not quite clear which parks get into the lenses. - We gave the top-10 places. This is a pilot project and if it will work, as we had planned, we will additionally provide for other camcorders. Of course

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