Monday, October 28, 2013

Now imagine the jokes and devilish plans in our head: imagine what it would be troublesome to put c

After the news a few days ago (plus euphoria caused .. and growing fatigue that I feel), we begin to return to a normal way and eventually .. to May and from. So I still gather strength to write something more serious stuff, I think entertain you with a little random in the past.
Let everything be some years when we planned contain an outing at beutorii beer. It was at numismatist, numismatic fair attended by half time and dojo to wander into town to do some shopping perhaps. Not much, but enough to feel her cringe and true.
What's a good life together, we thought he should be peeled twice as good, so I invited us love his sister and nephew. " It was a weekend, so they could release both to work and school schedule. With great glee we strategically placed in his car love chicks back, gentlemen front, plus one small bag of tourist head cover, which, contain unlike what I have to Corsa can take more than one purse and some mineral water.
Once passed through Prague (and absolutely impressed contain by the beauty of the city, even if I visited contain the night), we stopped in a parking lot and I slumbered 2-3 hours. Mircea contain is usually as good if the road feels exhausted to sleep half an hour even stopped somewhere, but, ladies, keep, sleep sleep straight folks driving it bravely.
Before we get camera in the receipt (planned that later), we have stuck to some shopping, and our mouth that just had to eat. I got sausage, some delicacies for lustful us, plus an assortment of cheese that I love Mircea's sister and her family. I put all bulendrele contain in the trunk and we put on a walk and took pictures.
As evening came, we gathered contain and new legs to the car, got in it, destination contain hotel a few kilometers from the city center. Because we ovaries frozen, and cold, heat was released, so within minutes we were revived.
Immediately the car but the air seemed to be deteriorating rapidly. Perceptible contain stench caught the "quick" contain and force max. 3 minutes, and the car was pretty good mood dissipated. I began to snort, ashamed to ask who's escaped. Eventually, the sister took courage and asked amused "Hey, that is bad guts at this hour?". After the fun question, we realized that all personal guts stay well, thanks for asking.
Aha, so it was not that, plus the smell started to go to a combination of corpse, dressed in unwashed socks. It was clear something inhuman means, because we had experienced none with such flair. I felt suddenly bald nose hair and the smell was starting to confuse us. How temporary freeze sounds better than smother the smell aceala criminal, opened all the windows of the car up to get to the hotel.
In the hotel parking lot and opened her luggage, contain find out where it comes from unique flavor. From cheese that you like them so much. It seems that it was packed too clever by those at the store, plus the contribution of heat given machine suddenly gave "life". Right next to us was parked a Golf, left the trunk open (perhaps to the Proprietor longer take the luggage). contain
Now imagine the jokes and devilish plans in our head: imagine what it would be troublesome to put cheese in the human machine contain (somewhere where you will not find it too fast) and see morning faces poor fool. And how he would sell the car 100 euros, something like cuckoos from Mythbusters (or have been), the left a pig carcass in the car, so compromise and metal body could move your nose hair.
The good thing for our victim was that despite their opinion about Romanian, we are still civilized men, so we took ourselves "stinky" in the room (with fridge, thankfully) and we proceeded to fucking future anyone. Plus the cold and laughing shift suddenly reminded contain us that each have a bladder and smell not only missing (although I say without fear of error that the cheese that was so dirty that he no longer felt if we drop the us).
Despite the initial intention to seek any container of "chemical waste" sister re-wrapped cheese and promised that if they start the car stinking long way home, threw before you leave us to stand to the occasion by Germany. Ironically, that little stinky ceased (probably has consumed miasma first night, holy know), contain so I got in Timisoara nostrils unstressed intact livers.
Also ironically, cumnaţii ate the cheese and they swore it was sensational. They offered to give us aducăo piece, but I preferred not to mock our luck. Berlin that evening the smell us about low mood cheese "special" contain even as

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