Saturday, October 18, 2014

The second update to Xiaobian feel amazing is the original e-mail notification feature sliding Opti

Although we have not necessarily immediately play the latest iPhone delta containers 6 and 6 Plus, it was still open from the 20th to download iOS 8 to try some new features. And the past few days, I believe many of my friends are the first to have been when the martyr, the installation of the Apple's most advanced mobile systems, right? Xiao Bian also. But the impulse to upgrade to enjoy the latest "Hey Siri!" After the wake-up function, seems to have found a lot of users still seem to have this major version update iOS sidelines - which also can not blame others ... iOS 7 the previous delta containers version is really a bit difficult to use it wants, so there are a lot of reader delta containers response asking Xiao Bian iPhone delta containers 5 iOS upgrades after eight feelings, but also have Cipian birth. Concluded that there is indeed a Lag, but this delay is feeling, after more in-depth exploration through the system and found to actually be improved by setting. And personally think than can be set to turn off the part, see iOS 8 new variety of useful features, delta containers I believe that the old machine is still very worthwhile upgrade directly to use, especially in the notice that you can quickly access delta containers the column Widget , feel really drastically changed the iOS experience yet. Xiao Bian is wondering how to make your own iPhone restore the previous system of smooth, practical experience as well as some interesting new features? delta containers Then please 8 overhand delta containers experience through a small series of iOS, along with in-depth look at it.
iOS 8 in the App Switcher put a picture above looks super practical, but later I found that really rarely used contacts mug shot function. You can see the usual contact information and communications record two quick access to shortcuts, delta containers easy feeling delta containers very advanced, but after actual use, except that in the closed App brush up often when "red" somewhat unsightly addition to these emoticons , seem to feel that this feature seems to make double-press the Home button / four fingers on the brush (iPad) the App Switcher feature delta containers Lag a lot, personally delta containers feel that this part of the experience was the most unacceptable place, is not tidy . Fortunately, in-depth set iOS 8 after the turn, and finally in the mail (Mail) set the tail to find the option to turn off this feature (true hidden ... originally thought would be in the "control center" of the class place it). Anyway, after this feature is turned off, although some in the memory delta containers footprint seems there is not much change (at the most difference delta containers a 2XMB it), but a smooth handover App is really delta containers a lot higher degree, but also to solve the small series for iOS 8 The most dissatisfaction. The reason put "supporting the use of shortcut keys" setting page, in fact, I found that after the upgrade, often when you first press the Home button is easy to press the shortcut keys even touched three times, and this is really weird . One thought it was the Home key problems, but after continued use but less likely to happen again next, so I just turned off the quick key functions, delta containers but the reality is that there is such a Bug occasionally occur. In addition, I also noticed that after the update, Google delta containers Search app and Foursquare will continue to have access to location data (System column shows), so turn off these few App always accessible location setting; then Facebook in recent comes after iOS 8 updates, including the user before iOS 7 are also found, they stole "Auto Play" delta containers function delta containers to open up ... As for how to change it back? See our previous trouble teaching articles. OCD part of the term, be the first time I saw the hammer phone evaluation in mobile phone systems, this is borrowed on our instructions into it. After everyone should upgrade will find a column that is always top of the date of notification of the following functions actually had "with the 1894 year ..." This lunar date. Is to say, maybe some people for such a change would be very intimate bar (doubt), but I'd seen it ugly, so crazy looking in the end how can it off, only to discover later that ... even also in the mail settings "Other calendars" among (pictured far left, it seems that a lot of new features related to the "Mail" relevant ah). Then, although you can instantly wake Siri functionality with voice feel cool, but only when plugged in order to use such conditions, but also to the author, "obsessive-compulsive disorder to" think this feature should delta containers be on the battery life quite a big impact - is just speculation, but less anyway, so this setting also functions to shut down (maybe someday come by car while charging only open when used). Last picture is the author of After exploring the depth of the set menu, only to find that he was sharing the position seems to have been on the iCloud to an unknown account delta containers ... Although delta containers the main function is closed, but still very disturbing delta containers ah, so it is recommended that you have time you can point into the iCloud option to check Hello. Features delta containers mentioned in this small series to experience the most amazing of iOS 8, or this can add drop-down Notification Center Widget in the citation, and in pulling out would have been to replace the original picture (and also too large sheets) After the Yahoo weather, personal appearance is like the center of the current notice on the map like this. In addition to adding a more pleasing weather Widget, also put a significant reduction in time to enter the desktop shortcut Launcher fast, and hard to come can be seen in the iOS system status monitoring Widget - through the final surface of this, so I find cause system delay serious reason, it seems that the time seems to slow down the release of RAM a lot. In the beginning no switch to turn off the App emoticons, and often did not open several App delayed until the entire system is not, RAM is also only ten digits, but this does not rule out a gradual enough processor power (because in fact RAM remaining gap after turn off this option is not large).
The second update to Xiaobian feel amazing is the original e-mail notification feature sliding Options feature at the column. I made several Android phones in use on, have been unable to find the column directly in the notice delta containers "Delete / Mark as read" feature - the impression is only "sealed" only (perhaps phones are not just used?) . But this iOS 8 In addition to individually delete notification, also in the original e-mail notification bar joined the sliding deleted / marked as the ability to read, personally think that with the message preview, you can reduce the number of points which can be deleted into Mail spam of time wasted. Someone should find this small series is not even introduced to the Mac system collaboration Handoff feature, right? In fact I just rose on iOS 8 of the first things also want to try this feature, but it found that OS X Yosemite delta containers updated several times in the past, even in the author's MBA in the "normal" setting the relevant options to removed to measure ... so will not be able played was really sorry ah. Conclusions can only say that every time we update the new system after the Great, will really be put off for a little upgrade forgiven, delta containers after all, if after a delay upgrading portable phone becomes difficult to use, it really is better not to upgrade . But this small series bite the bullet delta containers and go on with their iPhone 5 attempts result, although there will inevitably be a little true or delayed, but eventually after setting also been improved by a large degree. So now enjoyed the column, such as the convenience of fast switching function via App notification feature, the system is also less likely to feel any particularly large latency problem. And although this is set in terms of the way it is very suitable for small series, but individuals can not guarantee whether delta containers it can be applied on top of the two is more like the iPhone 4S or iPad previous generations, so the friends you want to upgrade or have suggestions may still be full of delayed mental preparation ah. Finally, the current iOS feel 8 above is some bug exists (like the shortcut keys inadvertently is), plus many developers may not yet sent the appropriate App update, it is recommended that you at least see the Common App in determining the Most recently entered the program update, or is the system waits for the time being after a small update again consider upgrading Hello.
Saki @ 2014 年 9 月 22 日
5s see this covered in the article are not comfortable with it a little difficult to read smoothly delta containers + 1, iPad Air
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