Thursday, March 13, 2014

Home About Us Our Mission Our Beliefs FAQ The GOTHARD Files Overview Introductory oocl cargo trackin

Home About Us Our Mission Our Beliefs FAQ The GOTHARD Files Overview Introductory oocl cargo tracking Gracenote Corresponding with Bill Questions from the Mailbag Response to Administrative Leave Response to Resignation Sexual Misconduct Lizzie’s Story Annette’s oocl cargo tracking Story Grace’s Story Meg’s Story Charlotte’s Story Two Witnesses for Charlotte Ruth’s Story Rachel’s Story Marcus’s Story: Invisible Electric Fence Defrauding: What does it mean? The Scandal of 1980 Introduction: the Sleeping Giant The Early Years: 1965-79 The Scandal: 1980 Failure to Reconcile: 1981-ATI Scandal Chronology, 1971 1981 The Basic Problem 1983 Transcript Silencing the Lambs Taking Up Offenses Discrediting the Truth Twisting Matthew 18 Best of RG 25 Most Popular Editor’s Picks Articles Personal Stories oocl cargo tracking Tales from Training Centers What Now? Life After ATI The Destructive Effects oocl cargo tracking of ATI & IBLP Upon Further Review: Twisted Scriptures Perspectives When the Umbrella Breaks: Sexual Abuse Resources Books A Call for Discernment Discussion
“The board of directors of the Institute for Basic Life Principles has placed its longtime leader Bill Gothard, 79, on administrative leave while the board investigates claims that he years ago engaged in sexual harassment and other misconduct…”
All articles on this site reflect the views of the author(s) oocl cargo tracking and do not necessarily reflect the views of other Recovering Grace contributors or the leadership of the site. Students who have survived Gothardism tend to end up at a wide variety of places on the spiritual and theological spectrum, thus the diversity of opinions expressed on this website reflects that. For our official statement of beliefs, click here .
Thank you Recovering Grace team! Thank you to all the women who had the courage to tell their stories of abuse and harassment that he may not prey on another victim. oocl cargo tracking Thanks to all who have shared their stories of pain, healing, recovery oocl cargo tracking and grace. It is not over. I'm sure that there is a lot of attempted manipulation going on behind the scenes, but now the world will know and be warned.
Maybe bad form but I'll repost my thoughts: Wow. Yes. Thank you to all who have shared their stories and RG for their diligence and deliberate methodical approach. You guys have told a story that's too freakin' oocl cargo tracking fat to fit under the rug. Your best imagination of Morgan Freeman's voice: "Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes really, pressure, and time." (Shawshank Redemption for those who still haven't seen an R movie:)) This is step one. Keep applying the pressure!
This may be a good example of men and women being different. We process experiences differently. Going back to the main subject here, some women need to be on the panel involved in investigating the allegations for that very reason.
Is this story confirmed yet? The only story seems to come from World Magazine, and looking around there, their articles oocl cargo tracking often seem to be loosely based in fact. If the story is true, I will be sure to offer a meatball to the FSM tonight!
I emailed IBLP directly and received confirmation from Dr. Billy Boring that this was the case. If you send them an email, they will probably send you the same thing they sent me. Here it is: Dear Sue, The Board of Directors of the Institute in Basic Life Principles is doing a very prayerful, thorough, and Biblical review in regards to the assertions brought by various individuals and groups. After completion oocl cargo tracking of the review oocl cargo tracking the Board will respond at an appropriate time, and in a Biblical oocl cargo tracking manner. Mr. Gothard is on administrative leave while the Board completes its review. He will not be involved in the operations of the ministry. The Board of Directors will be prayerfully appointing interim leadership. Dr. Billy Boring oocl cargo tracking Chairman of the Board
I feel like their "Biblical review" will be the same way ATI has always used scripture. They'll pick and choose the verses they need to defend oocl cargo tracking him. Or to actually blame those who came forward. The Board is just as guilty as Gothard is.
After reading the article that posted the bios of each board member, I am even more skeptical that this board will deal with this in an unbiased manner. I am so prayerful that they will, but on the surface the prospect of that does not look good. These appear to be men deeply entrenched, who have shown great loyalty to him over the years, and it is highly likely he picked each and every one of them for their position due to this unwavering loyalty. But, even if the investigation proves to be a kangaroo court, oocl cargo tracking I think that the organization is through either way. News is spreading like wildfire, and within a week, the world will know. This is not 1980. This is the information oocl cargo tracking age. If, in fact, the board are just spineless "yes" men, who are making this move with the intent to restore him in a number of weeks or months, with some vague confession like 1980, I t

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