Wednesday, January 29, 2014

If a government can not provide happiness tracking hamburg sud for the people (citizens), at least

Pursuing the dream life is legitimate | Journal Web
Wretched footage that came from a Kosovar refugee camp in Hungary as he scuttled rankings beautiful words of government officials in the fall that Kosovo will get visa liberalization and that "will delight was raging walks ..."
If a government can not provide happiness for the people (citizens), at least not shower them with poison vnerë because nobody wants plangu escape from the house, without any constraint. People have a right, tracking hamburg sud however invisible and institutionalized in this society, tracking hamburg sud but which can not they get no government, freedom for the wished to know. Each word of this government that takes everything tracking hamburg sud for nothing s'jep tracking hamburg sud own nationals, asylum-seekers in Kosovo address tracking hamburg sud is cynical, and seriously violates their dignity and integrity ...
According tracking hamburg sud to the data, only the first part of 2011 there were 10,300 requests made only from Kosovo and Serbia. (As Kosovo is not member of the UN, it is not treated as an independent country and asylum applications from Serbia, but most of them are made by persons of Albanian nationality.)
Kosovars make up 87% of claims in France, 57% in Belgium, 37% in Sweden and 28% in Germany. Also are over 4 thousand Kosovars who are in camps in Hungary who will soon return. Eg in Luxembourg if for June and for the entire semester is characteristic that most asylum seekers have come from Kosovo. From 89 of them, 23 are Kosovo, while 483 asylum seekers registered during the six months, Kosovars have been 63. After Kosovo comes in Bosnia on 56.
And these officials are want police action and by insulting its citizens to keep "violent" home, by taking away the right a little tracking hamburg sud to be desired tracking hamburg sud happiness, believing that they will find begging for asylum that is synonymous a minimum civilization ...
On January 6, 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address spoke of the four freedoms that Americans should be returned and all humanity: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of desirability (for minimal welfare) and freedom from fear, which are the cornerstone of a free society and worthy beings.
It means to live in a situation where one does not have to worry about such things as the next meal is coming, is there to eat drink, how he can put himself and his children, tracking hamburg sud or how to have a roof over his head. "Want" - 'with requested', in this context refers to extreme poverty, as experienced by many people in the third world.
Not wanting to do numbers, because they Kosovars have become so annoying, however, is using some of them, as to prove that not I but the numbers "see" black already, tracking hamburg sud in the free and pamvarme.
If a government can not provide happiness tracking hamburg sud for the people (citizens), at least not shower them with poison and hatred, because nobody wants plangu tracking hamburg sud escape from the house, without any constraint. People have a right, however invisible and institutionalized in this society, but which can not they get no government, freedom for the wished to know. Each word of this government that takes everything for nothing s'jep own citizens, addressed tracking hamburg sud to the Kosovar tracking hamburg sud asylum seekers is cynical, and seriously violates their dignity and integrity ... caught by a handful of powerful and confident!?
I see only black - tation - as they accuse blind exponents and power tools, heck if these numbers tracking hamburg sud say that most politicians (public officials) and members of the Assembly of Kosovo have assets over 1 million euros, while the rest live with less than 2 dollars a day, less than a cow in the EU spends on food!?
63% of the population tracking hamburg sud is between 16-64 years. Excluding the portion of the population that is in exile, it is estimated that the working age population in Kosovo constitutes 59% of the total population in Kosovo, which means about 1,210,000 people of working age.
Of course, this son of KCC (Chamber of Commerce) when he said that Kosovo offers plenty of work, but the Kosovars are papunëtorë, has said that considering tracking hamburg sud returning to the NDP to win elections, then Prime Minister in Government employ!?
While the private sector hired mainly family businesses and carriers tracking hamburg sud largely unskilled, or several jobs simultaneously, tracking hamburg sud as well as through competitions discriminatory, especially for older women.
And, if its foundations EU has been home with intent to common and deterritorializuar, then, to despise, to force fatkëqijtë dreamers, with police not to flee but to stay here, is like to keep them in a fenced camp, police and being. Exactly as in the Hungarian camp footage.
But compared tracking hamburg sud with the quality of jet

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