Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ah yes, that old chestnut. Nevermind that those plans didn't offer a base of coverage that would be

“We told everyone this would happen,” says Peter Swindon, msc tracking container President and CEO of local brewer MolsonCoors, “Marijuana is a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction msc tracking container and destroys lives.
Related Nate Newton, small potatoes next to Sam Hurd Maher breaks the first rule of satire Who’s gonna smoke some weed tonight? Your favorite NFL player, that’s msc tracking container who Roger Goodell: buzzkill Revis deal nearing fruition Lard Cornerback msc tracking container to talk contract, take physical with Bucs; Nate Jackson says he smoked weed as Bronco; Rahim Moore takes blame for playoff loss; Madden calls Summerall 'voice of NFL'
It's as fundamental as writing.
Why would anyone advertise skiing high? Everyone who smokes and everyone who doesn't is well aware that it impairs you... just like booze, only with no addictive properties, and FAR less violent outbursts from users, to the tune of NONE.
Fox News deliberately misleads its audience. msc tracking container There's really no other way to look at it. The lies they tell (and repeat in the echo chamber) have been well-spelled out. Now, you apparently enjoy being lied to, directly, to your face, by someone who is ostensibly paid to keep you informed. I don't which is why Faux News isn't where I get any of my news. If I want racist dog whistle politics, though, that's where I head. Posted by SammyDEEEEEE on 2014-01-04 msc tracking container 09:23:29
Ah yes, that old chestnut. Nevermind that those plans didn't offer a base of coverage that would be considered any type of "insurance" at all. They were essentially selling people a box of air and calling it insurance.
By all means, side with the insurance companies who came up with such a "brilliant, capitalistic" plan, and ignore people who would have no coverage whatsoever if they'd happened msc tracking container to get sick while paying monthly for said plan. Posted by SammyDEEEEEE on 2014-01-04 09:20:53
Oh-OH...http:// , Posted by Chris Nigro on 2014-01-04 01:57:19
Said another way: Obama is a wealthy man who cares nothing about the middle class because it is predominantly white. He is a man whose sense of self depends on identifying with black folk who are on average less economically enfranchised, something he is not but something his father's abandonment of him and his own experiences of being discriminated against made him yearn for. And so not surprisingly his policy agenda is to finance lower class enfranchisement with middle class money. Socialist and racialist. There you have it. In the package of an essentially white dude with Kansas mannerisms. Who as it happens doesn't msc tracking container seem like all that bad a dude. Posted by JD40 on 2014-01-04 00:36:39
Socialism is a fairly broad term and context is important. I'd wager you couldn't even define what an "honest to god socialist" is without your own context, and yet you mock my use of the term. Which of us has thrown it around again? I said that Obama is not a socialist, but he has a socialist worldview. That is quite obviously true in the sense of socialism as anti-capitalism, the political socialism that is the conventionally understood modern use of the term by folks who are not literate in economic philosophy. Lauding the limits of Obama's governance as if he were on par with certain republicans is to misunderstand both my point and those republicans. Obama has made his money. Now he wants to a) remain in office flying in air force one and b) use the public coffers msc tracking container to redistribute prosperity, in that order. That is a socialist worldview even if it is not an agenda to destroy the concept of currency and privately owned productive capital. Eisenhower and 'tricky dick' would not be enamored of a man who seeks to spend the federal government into effective socialism via an indebted public msc tracking container and untold escalations in entitlements financed by borrowed money and ultimately a destroyed currency and standard of living, particularly msc tracking container if the goal is to foster the masturbatory and utterly absurd fantasy of "economic equality". Or something like that. None of which has anything to do with an 1896 political platform. Posted by JD40 on 2014-01-04 00:11:01
Colorado ski resorts and the state Tourism Office have chosen not to embrace out-of-state visitors who have come to buy cannabis, creating an opportunity for a handful of small firms that are catering to marijuana tourists.
"There has been a law on the books since the 1970s in Colorado that makes it illegal to ski, board or even get on a ski lift if under the influence," said Jennifer Rudolph, spokeswoman for Colorado Ski Country msc tracking container USA, an industry trade group that counts most of Colorado's 26 ski resorts as members.
The first one there, along with the fourth, were part of the socialist platform due to the practice of company script. Very socialist concept (at least at the time), so that you can shop someplace other than the company store. Posted by Tim Francis on 2014-01-03 23:25:52

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