Monday, June 9, 2014

The graph price and time represented as two dimensions and the volume often as a histogram undernea

Volumes in the stock market elta track and trace - general information about trading volumes | - Lvіvsky Club Treyderіv
The graph price and time represented as two dimensions and the volume often as a histogram underneath. Usually the trader when trading stocks is not much difficulty in the interpretation of the first two measures - but many find it difficult elta track and trace to understand information about volumes.
Ribbon prints we can extract the following elta track and trace information: the purchase or sale took place (red or green print), the number of lots in this transaction, while its implementation and its location (Exchange or ECN). Tape prints shows the flow passing transactions in real time and through it you can not know how much was in the past on a particular section of the trend.
Understanding the volume when trading stocks is very important, as it is perhaps elta track and trace the only option that is able to show the activity of market operators (large bidders) - those areas where there is a purchase or sale of large blocks of shares that ultimately creates movement in the market . Some OTC markets information on the volumes do not disclose - as market operators are always trying to hide their activity, so as not to give out their intentions to the public. Therefore, the theory of the interpretation of volumes and their maps are constantly evolving.
For example, some traders to trade stocks and other instruments currently use the side volume. They show the number of shares traded lot at a certain price level for the selected period.
Quite popular now becoming VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Tom Williams, who is based on three market indicators - the height of the bar's closing price and volume it has created his own method of understanding the market. It is based on the assumption that the market is manipulated, and it is run by major market players - market operators. elta track and trace Williams himself for a long time engaged in trade shares in an organization that did the same thing, and realizing their work, brought a number of laws that allowed him to find traces of the big players. His work, though not widely known, but have been recognized many experienced traders. He appeared students elta track and trace who developed the theory of volumes and created software that allows you to search and analyze stock method VSA.
It was designed by Peter Stedlmayerom (Peter Steidlmayer). The idea was to provide information on volumes in the form of a bell curve with a view to facilitate the search elta track and trace for situations on the basis of trading volumes.
Currently, this approach is becoming increasingly elta track and trace popular when trading stocks and other instruments. Around him, a lot of controversy, as it requires sufficient understanding of the essence of this technique for its proper use.
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