Tuesday, June 3, 2014

About the unpredictability, I would argue. Excitement began when slipped oocl line information that

Just recently there was an article that bitcoin price reached $ 100. But this kriptovalyuta not reassured. This post is not a call to purchase litecoin. It rests solely with narrative character. All the rest is solely within a single Exchange. Just yesterday morning, the price of one litecoin was 20-23 rubles. That evening they cost already 45-48. In the chat all in shock, blamed on April 1 and other absurdities. Second day in April ustakanilos 60 rubles, but ... litecoin volume exceeded $ 8.5 million less than a day, reported a $ 5 million first of April was only $ 2.1 million Why such a jump? My opinion - the speculation and the desire of people to cash in on litecoin, as the growth of bitcoin they missed. Began to spread the rumor that once grew so bitcoin, all other kriptovalyuty should also crawl up sharply. On this occasion, the number of users has increased dramatically, which resulted in a huge influx oocl line of money and even greater demand for litecion. Most horror happening around 19:30 to 22:00. Number of guests exceeded 10,000. Number of registered online users reached 5000. On assurances administration began DDoS. Website lay. A second before this price litecoin was already about 88 rubles apiece. Site work intermittently restored. Many were not credited to the account. Chaos. oocl line Instantaneous began buying, prices, nobody oocl line watched. Literally in 3 minutes cost jumped up to 150 rubles. Nerves were frayed, his head, stumbling against each other, racing thoughts, "What do you do? What will happen next? Merge or wait? ". At this point, for sale almost dried up, with the amount of orders were from 200 to 500. Nobody wanted to sell. Approximately 10 seconds later appeared the first proposals for the 140, then the price began to fall. For some time the price ranged from 120 to 140. Remembering oocl line yesterday morning - 20 rubles. Increase oocl line of 650% in two days. Mentally count the number of missed apartments and cars. Our view again falls on the current offers. Forward. Another leap, this time flying down. Poluminutnoe drain 90, linger for a few seconds, oocl line and flew up perezakup. Blown away from the table precipitated gray hair, they are no longer useful to us. After 20-25 minutes Exchange starts to work quickly and without a glitch, everything goes back to normal. Here's a chart with the jump in numbers: Currently rate is 133-136 rubles per litecoin. Maximum sale yet kept on 160.Obem sales LTC / RUR on this exchange is 198,711 LTC / 15,318,008 RUR. What will happen next? Unknown. Such inadequate price growth may well lead to a fall. If the rumors are true, the Exchange oocl line will support MtGox litecoin and prices soar again 3-4 times the current state. If not, it is likely - the collapse, because such growth can not be sustained. PS If you are after reading suddenly decided to buy litecoin, while the rate falls dramatically after your purchase, you should not blame anyone but myself.
As for me, it's too quick money to them covets. Quick means unpredictable. Even I have put in this 10k dollars over the day would be lost as the nerves are not restored, it's not worth it. Yes, I would per night (probably) would have raised oocl line 55k, but if it has not given up the slack at some point. Total continuous tachycardia day + month later with bated breath every half hour to monitor the situation. It's oocl line not worth it.
In a nice little book on treyderstvu exchanges remarkably observed: "The feeling of satisfaction from trading does not happen because you guessed the trend and made a profit, but because you predicted oocl line the trend and made a profit."
About the unpredictability, I would argue. Excitement began when slipped oocl line information that mt.gox going to open trading in tandem with LTC. Slipped even a link on the ticker with LTC domain mt.gox, hence the hype. Will rebuttal information - will be the same sharp plums. Will pull the cat's gum - likely rate plan will be omitted.
The same rumor and went towards NMC. And most likely the rumor true. Closes on April 10th mtgox conclusion on their code. It was possible to tell a single tool for the transfer of money between the exchanges. What would keep people they should think (insert) new ways of dealing with money. And ignore analogues Bitcoins here is clearly not in their favor. So time will tell ...
Suspected chip in 2 nights, purchased at 48. Next day it did a pirouette around 62 and returned to 46-47. I waited until 58 and make it to the merged. Well, nothing, but others do not worried and took his evening x4. I think that will soon burst. And even now already purchased no sense - except to fill permanent skachkáh that skillful people arrange to quietly withdraw their millions.
UFO flew and published this inscription here
Exchange litecoin, and the purchase / sale of any kriptovalyut now resembles a madhouse. Couple skilled players in the market now litecoin COX entire market. Poured into the

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