Thursday, May 21, 2015

Main disadvantages of NetBeans: Problems autocomplete (shows the methods that should not appear) Th

IDEs for Ruby on Rails | William Garnier
The use of IDEs for developing Rails is a highly controversial subject. Because of the many facilities in development with this framework, zach bates many people zach bates claim that an IDE is not required, just a simple text editor and a terminal. Others believe that, despite the high degree of automation of Rails, it is still advantageous to use an IDE. In the midst of this discussion, I believe, in the case of Ruby on Rails, the choice becomes a personal taste.
For those in the first case, the text editor of choice is also a matter zach bates of personal taste. Some feel comfortable with vi, others with Emacs. These cases are more common when there is already an intimacy with these editors - hardly anyone zach bates will learn to use Emacs to develop in Rails. For those who prefer a more friendly editor, there are options for all operating systems: Linux, zach bates Gedit, when properly configured with some of the many plugins available, it becomes a powerful development tool with code completion, for example. TextMate on Mac's and Windows Scite (also available for Linux). For tasks such as running the web server, perform migrations and generates, debugging the application or working with a version control tool (CVS, SVN, GIT, etc.), you use the terminal.
For those who prefer to use an IDE, the main advantage is not having to resort to the terminal to perform the above tasks. Everything is integrated, zach bates facilitating the work. Indeed some of these tasks are extremely simple, zach bates performing migrations. In these cases, there is little difference between using the IDE or the terminal. However, working with a version control tool and run a debugging from the command line can be cumbersome. I believe these are the main advantages of using an IDE. On the other hand, require very SDIs desktop memory, unlike text editors, and tend to be more unstable.
The IDE options for Rails are also varied, and the two main ones are the Aptana RadRails and Netbeans. In recent months I worked with both alternately and found several advantages and disadvantages to each.
Aptana RadRails zach bates can be installed as an Eclipse plugin or alone if you do not have it installed. The first time you tested it a few months ago, I found the rather unstable plugin, and with some annoying bugs. Recently, zach bates to find that there was a new version, tested again and found that this new version is much better. A few months ago, I wrote in this post that RadRails could not read database.yml file using the format zach bates described. As this review from Chris Williams, one of the RadRails developers, the new version has corrected this problem and others I had met. The latest version also features a useful Ruby Shell, including autocomplete commands and parameters, but unstable - have seen him catch a few times. Other advantages of the RadRails are buttons for quick access to the Model, View, Controller, and Helper Test equivalent to the active file DRY trouble zach bates in fixed database.yml support more complete tests (allows you to perform tests only one file at a time)
The main disadvantages of RadRails are: Problems autocomplete (does not show all methods) The console does not accept the up key to access the last statements, as in the shell Ruby unstable shell (often crashes) Server does not allow selecting a different environment of 3 defaults (development, test and production), even if you have some other environment defined in the database.yml file
The NetBeans support Rails has become stable for longer than RadRails, with a very complete editor for Ruby code. Currently, both differ in the details. NetBeans main advantages: When you select text and type (the editor surrounds the selected text with parentheses When you select text and press #, the editor surrounds the selected text with # {and} By placing the cursor over an end, the editor highlights the beginning of this block / method / class The find is easier to use (Firefox style with automatic highlight zach bates of terms as you type)
Main disadvantages of NetBeans: Problems autocomplete (shows the methods that should not appear) The console does not accept the up key to access the last statements, as in the shell SVN support rather limited Running zach bates the server does not select the environment (always use development) The Test option performs all tests (there is no option to run only one file, or just unit tests, for example)
In conclusion, the NetBeans zach bates editor seems more complete for treatment of Ruby code. However, the RadRails environment is more complete for running zach bates tests, integration with SVN and other tasks. A point where both present problems is the autocomplete - sometimes

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