Saturday, May 16, 2015

It seems that bloody regime stocks in Syria from the barrels is running out ... .okonh safmarine co

'Container' after 'drums' safmarine container tracking ... new weapons of the Syrian regime to punish Aleppo | Quds Al-Arabi Alquds Newspaper
Aleppo 'Quds Al-Arabi': of Yassin Raed al-Halabi: The Syrian military aviation bombed Frageyen two missiles targeted by the specific points in the major northern cities of Aleppo anadan city, and then the helicopters throwing seven explosive barrels on the city indiscriminately shelling out where the vibrations I heard all of the towns of the northern countryside. But this time the use of the new system to more deadly and more destructive bombs in the countryside of Aleppo ... 'containers'. safmarine container tracking Mohamed Adel Boukso Syrian activist in the city told'akadds Arab 'that anadan this time did not bomb the explosive barrels, but bombed tanks from which the T or as they are called' container ', and the container is twice the size and weight of the drum, and carrying around a tonne of explosives, while barrel holds almost half a ton, according to estimates ..ootba fall 'container' explosive deaths of more than a dozen rounds of artillery in Zahra Association battalion. safmarine container tracking He continues, just saying, 'Not only did the bombing anadan city but the helicopters bombed the small towns near the city have resorted to civilians during raids, the system wants homeless people of the city, in the collective punishment of this city, which has long out of which the most prominent revolutionaries and leaders of armed factions in the northern policy Aleppo, especially in the recent period after Leiramon operations he can not respond to the rebels is helpless in front of those harsh strikes against him by rebels Ventqm of women, children and elders, and civilians. ' And just sighs and takes a deep breath and ask, 'Where people go? Where to Stensh? Did not leave room for civilians rushing to him, anadan The city and the countryside and towns of the northern safmarine container tracking West became as do Aleppo safmarine container tracking Vakasv series on the city and its countryside '. safmarine container tracking The anadan City, a major northern countryside of Aleppo cities have been similar to the bombing of days ago more than 6 explosive barrels and 20 Grad rocket, and also bombed the city in three containers from helicopters, and still the city is under constant bombardment and destroyed more than 45 homes in the last month and killed more than The 25 civilians and a hundred wounded. That was elected to the General Authority for National'alaitlav to the forces of the revolution and the Syrian opposition ', on Sunday, the ministers of education and health in the interim government, according to a statement issued by the coalition. He said the coalition, in his statement, said that 'the General Authority for coalition elected today Muhyiddin Banana and education minister, and Adnan Mohammed Hzori health minister in the interim government, while not be elected Minister of the Interior after the absence of a candidate'. General Authority for a coalition meeting held in the Turkish city of Istanbul, began Saturday and continued until Monday, to elect a political body of the coalition, and to discuss the report on the participation in the conference 'Geneva 2' to search for a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and complete the formation of the ministries of the interim government. (Details p. 4 and 5 )
Question puzzles me: Why lane system bombards cities drums and containers this time, not a regular bomb on the least developed and that was one death. Does he have a crisis of the regime and the lack of bomb ?? I do not think as long as Russia and Iran is supplying free. But do Alvcef by methods primitive meaningful ?? Is the system wants to say that these victims do not deserve sophisticated bombs, may keep the outside of the enemy in the battle deferred for 40 years there is a death must be commensurate with the fanciest advanced Alasriala people ?? Or maybe actually these are the possibilities of the Syrian army - Is if there were a battle with Israel will use this Alpramel- answer is of course not because you need a way to throw barrels Alr Israel and is not available safmarine container tracking in Syria you can not MiG aviation aircraft and transported to the yard enemy because it would smash on the ground before taking off. But before thinking about now in this battle say the mouthpiece of the regime Let the Syrians are dying these primitive methods worthy of them. Thus bass and bass system of Ewalah. What part of Arab intellectuals still puzzled about whether the system wicking one person or A.vhm to defend him as the most beautiful and Ashraf system known by the Arabs.
It seems that bloody regime stocks in Syria from the barrels is running out ... .okonh safmarine container tracking can not import drums empty from the west and east it did not reach the level of arms in the world, but the reactionary regime as the world wars are all carried and which will not and will not use the drums ?????
The alternative is garbage containers and in the future may be water tanks ... ..kl something they Ward's important to kill it does not matter the method safmarine container tracking and style, and perhaps in the future after the entry into force of this and that will be used Hajjar to bring it down to what is the bottom of it being considered all those who down from the aircraft with dogs as squadron from pilot to captain call ?????
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