Saturday, August 30, 2014

My admin voice aspirasidiri CONDEMNATION Laknatullah vehemently against pict container tracking the

My admin voice aspirasidiri CONDEMNATION Laknatullah vehemently against pict container tracking the Zionist regime for committing attacks against my brothers .... Gazza .... Hell, Hell Zionist, Crushed, Crushed Zionists. Ihzihum Wansurna alaihim .... I pray that the people of Palestine persevere and continue to fight to defend even the Zionist regime attacked the arrogance of the Zionist regime ... Win or Win as a martyr to meet God ... Yujahidu Fi Sabilillah na na ... Fayaktalun wayuk echoes. keep fighting .... .... either you kill or be killed ... God .... Yes We Can not Fight Like They pray ..... but Kemi ... Wamautana, Bimauti Martyrs ... .seperti THEM .. Ijabata li two '
Your Parents, Guardians, Pupils, Students, Teachers, Want Exchanging views, Have a question you want to share, I have a problem in education? You are invited to interact with me +++ click the link ++++ online guidance ++++ click the link ++++
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله, من أحق الناس بحسن صحابتي? قال أمك, قال ثم من? قال أمك, قال ثم من? قال أمك, قال ثم من, قال أبوك
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallaahu 'anhu, the youth said, "A man came to Allah's blessings' alaihi wasallam and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, upon whom I should dedicate the first time?' Shalallaahu Prophet 'alaihi wasallam said,' Mom! ' And that person back and ask, 'Then who will?' Shalallaahu Prophet 'alaihi wasallam said,' Mom! ' The person asked again, 'Then who will?' He replied, 'Your mother.' The person asked again, 'Then who else,' the Prophet peace and blessings alaihi wasallam pict container tracking said, 'Then your father.' "(HR. Bukhari no. 5971 and Muslim, no. 2548)
Fasting wisdom to appreciate the seriousness of which is fast even in difficult circumstances. In our country, the reality of the country's fast harmonious and peaceful, is different from the rest of the countries that are melaluai turbulence. Mention of Egypt and Syria, the general condition of the country today. Especially African countries. What's the difference between them in fasting compared to us? Allah burdens not a person that is willing to pay, the word is often repeated when we berwirid. Would not it be great test God then rank them higher through?
What to do battle in the struggle for conversation Ramadan increased their knowledge in themselves. Learn, increase their knowledge, it is mandatory. The title of each student, to learn their status with the meaning of struggle. Resistance to menutut knowledge absurdly dugaannya. We used to hear the issue of students drop outs due to no funding due to poverty. We could hear a brother who sacrifice ideals for giving way to the other siblings. We used to hear a mother pict container tracking forced to earn a living for themselves pict container tracking mengagahkan ensure children can besekolah like everyone else. This is wisdom. Mengagahi pict container tracking alone in the circumstances pict container tracking should be enhanced by the determination to learn to appreciate Ramadan is we operate.
The same wherever we are. There we will be tested. Where in Africa is tested by adversity. We tested with luxury. In Palestine one time difficult to find a place to learn, we are presented with a center of learning scattered here and there. pict container tracking We tested with the luxury and convenience. We tested pict container tracking by internal tests. That can help us sleep with wind gusts of luxury. That makes us fall asleep dangan passion entertainment. Ask to our youth what they want. Sure we can guess what their answer.
Resistance occurs in up everywhere, who's managed to deal with it, the knowledge will bring it to a more glorious future. pict container tracking Not just in the world but also to the hereafter

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