Monday, April 20, 2015

East of Österleden as in stages to become motorway dug fragments from ancient kontajner times up. I

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Top Shared Several järnåldershus have appeared during the archaeological excavations at Österleden. Next year is given a book out of Helsingborg during that time period, and comparisons are also made with other regions in Skåne. kontajner
East of Österleden as in stages to become motorway dug fragments from ancient kontajner times up. In just over a week carries three well påpälsade archaeologists from the National Heritage Board in Lund, a final survey of the field south of Fältarpsvägen. - We can build new knowledge about the Iron Age landscape east of Helsingborg and piece it back together, including the results of the previous investigations on Frameless farm in 2000. It held a large settlement that existed from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age, around 600 BC to 600 after Christ, says archaeologist Bo Stromberg, who leads the work. The remains which are now being studied is considered to have been part of a settlement from the early Iron Age, around 500 BC to 550 AD, as previously found traces of the west of Österleden. On the eastern side, including postholes were found after two longhouse kontajner that has been partially superimposed. The archaeologist Hakan Aspeborg date tentatively houses to 500 BC and the birth of Christ. Next year he will publish a book of Helsingborg during the Iron Age in collaboration with Helsingborg museums. A lot of locally made use ceramics from roughly the same period have also appeared during the excavation. However, it has not found any jewelry or coins, at least not so far. - It is otherwise common with Roman imports from this period. Those found for example at Wycombe and Zealand but here's the plot which is quite remarkable. Perhaps helsingborgers themselves enough or maybe did not allow chieftains such at this location. kontajner Bo Strömberg kontajner hope that the picture kontajner obtained in the eastern parts of Helsingborg can then be compared with other areas, for example in Malmö and in the north-eastern Skåne. Many interesting discoveries were made including the new West Coast line would be built. He is careful to anticipate the upcoming analyzes and investigations kontajner of the artefacts found in Lund. Towards the summer expected a report on the excavations at Österleden be ready. - The scenery during the Iron Age was not static "pulsing". The buildings have shifted locally and changed quite a lot, says Bo Stromberg, including references kontajner to the results of Västkustbanan. Including the test excavations which earlier this fall was east of the Baltic trail runs the current project of over half a million dollars. In fourteen were found including a putative ancient tomb and a temporary hunting camp from the Stone Age around, just north of Gustavslundsvägen where new houses being built. And eventually maybe it could be further examinations of the neighborhood in search of new pieces of the puzzle, both west of Österleden and further east when East Frameless to be built. At the recent prospecting on the latter site has even more farm remains from the Iron Age discovered.
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