Monday, March 16, 2015

Murmur. Silicone dressed leaves, hc cargo bamboo, tumbler, sound amplification equipment, audio CD

"In their culture, sometimes half-jokingly say," Sculptors think stones. "At sugestijuoti want some ideas. First, that the sculptors (and artists in general) hc cargo is not a strong conceptual thinking in the field, where manipulation of words. Second, recognizing that their" thinking stones hc cargo ie plastic ideas, realized works, is to translate words into the language. And finally, the third: thinking this way ("stones"), can hardly claim to be subtle, refined hc cargo thoughts.
Shelter D. 2003-2004. Polished granite and cleft, 300x450x180. "Several hc cargo sculptures Kairėnai Park, Vilnius, 2006-2007 To Navakas verbal thinking is not obsolete, we know from his writings in the press, art critics answers to questions. [....] But what is the situation in the third aspect: how much refined and delicate This" stone "Navakas mintijimas?
Great vase. 2005 polished and shaped hc cargo granite, 450x250x200. R works. "Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, 2006 City must stop and make two observations. First: the sculptor has long been thinking not only stones, but also other heavy materials. [...] Second: my head, subtle necessary refined thinking attributes - nuanced, kultūriškumas and repartee (italics - EL, for more information hc cargo see Andriuškevičius .: A. Subtle thinking stones, in: Culture bars, 1993, no. 10, p. 34-35).
Horizontal cylinder. hc cargo 2000-2004. Steel, rust, 500x900x290. International Sculpture quadrennial "European space", Riga, 2004. Since 1990, Navakas creates sculptures of rigid steel, coming down from the pedestal sculpture garden ponds, exhibition objects hanging on the wall, free exhibit space. 1994. Artist initiative, in collaboration with the Art League Gallery and "Jutempus, the old palace of Railway incorporated into the façade of the" hook "has become an iconographic symbol of change, reproduced in international journals, which covers hc cargo developments in Eastern and Central Europe. At the same time, "Three major non-autonomous" offers an interactive dialogue with the environment. Unlike arranged (be supported in a variety of architectural styles of buildings facades, jointed after two or three exhibited in urban and natural surroundings) every time you create new segments of the environment and the art object interaction hc cargo scenarios.
Five large sculptures satelitinėje Savičiūnai village, VECOC 2009 program "Art in Unusual Places", hc cargo Vilnius, 2008. Since 2000, the author interested in large volumes hc cargo of steel tanks, garbage containers used in construction, building beams remakes into sculptural objects. Currently, these Works exhibited publicly satelitinėje Savičiūnai village, where privatized machine shop premises located contemporary artists colony. It is adjacent to a former bankrupt collective farm administrators create derivative Navakas and bought diesel fuel and liquid nitrogen fertilizer (ammonia and hydrogen) hc cargo used for storage tanks. The three major non-autonomous. 1994 Welded steel sheets, hc cargo rust, 900x140x60; horizontal cylinder. 2000-2004. Steel, rust, 500x900x290; vertical cylinder. 2000-2008. Steel, rust, 900x290x450; new clothes. 2007-2008. Steel, rust, granite, polyvinyl acetate / polyester, 450x270x270 ; Tripod. 2008. Steel, rust, polyvinyl acetate / polyester, 770x220x220.
Petasites. Silicone dressed leaves, bamboo, rope, sound amplification equipment, audio CD for 30 min., Dimensions variable hc cargo Antanas Montis Museum, Palanga Navakas every time expanding arsenal of materials used. It is in search of new opportunities for plastic expression, creating sculptural objects are starting to use transparent silicone. Later it starts hc cargo to apply as standinančią, mezzanine, preserving fragile objects.
Murmur. Silicone dressed leaves, hc cargo bamboo, tumbler, sound amplification equipment, audio CD for 20 min., Dimensions variable. Gallery O / 11, Vilnius 2003, 2003-2004. traveling exhibitions hc cargo author combines the installation of redesigned household items skulptūrinėje column imprisoned royalty track record and existential Herbarium - transparent silicone impregnated incredible amount of broods burdock leaf collection. Semantic variously interpreted wiring teetering between Bauge organic discomfort and surreal elegance (see more Andriuškevičius .: A. I am a history of sculpture, in: North Athens 2003 04 19).
Flag Nemunas. 2004. July - 2005. April. Wood, rope, polivinilacetano - polyester fabric, 9800x1500x1800. Merkinė Nemunas and Neris confluence yearlong land art (Eng. Land art) project Merkys the confluence of the Nemunas and the island of recreating the ship, which destroys hc cargo the debacle, draws attention to the vitality and contextually artist's relationship to nature (in kind). Other v

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