Friday, February 27, 2015

In this Regulation, the definitions in Article maersk dubai 2. Regulation maersk dubai no. 1043/201

If the difference in the configuration text below and the PDF document maersk dubai is valid PDF document. No 1044/2011. 1044/2011 maersk dubai November maersk dubai 7, 2011 regulation on imports of animal products from countries outside the EEA. CHAPTER
In this Regulation, the definitions in Article maersk dubai 2. Regulation maersk dubai no. 1043/2011 maersk dubai on the control of farmed animal health and animal trade within the European Economic Area. Additionally considered under this Regulation:
Identity verification, verification, carried out by visual inspection to animal health, veterinary documents or other documents provided for by veterinary legislation tally with the product, see. Appendix maersk dubai A.
Monitoring wholesomeness (physical check): Monitoring of the product itself, for example, by examining maersk dubai the packaging and temperature and also sampling maersk dubai and laboratory testing, see. Annex B and Annex C.
PROCESSING: Ships marine catch is processed on board, and packaged it has been filleted, split, sliced, maersk dubai skinned, minced, maersk dubai frozen or prepared in a different way. Fishing where only the freezing of whole or headed fish, frozen shrimp or boiling shrimp and shellfish are not considered maersk dubai factory.
Approval: A producer has received a numbered permit from the competent authority for processing, handling, packaging and storage of fishery products to confirm compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations are met.
Food shall ensure that no consignment from a third country are imported into the European Economic Area unless the following checks required by this Regulation. Shipments from third countries shall be imported into the territory of the EEA through border.
Must notify the Food and respective maersk dubai border 24 hours. Subject to the arrival of the consignment to the country. The notification shall be in the form of uniform CVED (CVED) see. Regulation no. 489/2010. The document shall be in four copies, maersk dubai one original and three copies, and the importer maersk dubai or his representative shall fill out section 1 on all four copies. He shall sign all copies and send to Food. Food may inspect the manifests of ships and aircraft and make sure they match the import documents. If you unload the products in any way shall be notified to Food. All shipments must be accompanied by the original maersk dubai medical maersk dubai certificate and other documents required.
Sending from a third country under the Food and veterinary border official veterinarian responsible. The official veterinarian shall be on the basis of import documents look each shipment in TRACES. The official maersk dubai veterinarian shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to upgrade TRACES.
monitoring the identity of each shipment to make sure that the products correspond to the information in the accompanying certificates maersk dubai or documents subject. Appendix A. Except in the case of consignments in bulk of the following:
where products of animal origin arrive in containers, verification that the seals fixed by the official veterinarian has been, where required maersk dubai under the legislation applicable in the EEA has not been broken and that the information in the corresponding information in the accompanying document or certificate;
on all types of product, make sure that the stamps, official maersk dubai marks and health marks indicating origin and origin are present and conform to those on the certificate or document, maersk dubai
monitoring the wholesomeness of each shipment to make sure that the products meet the requirements under the legislation applicable in the EEA and are suitable for the purpose specified in the accompanying certificate or document. This monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex C.
Upon completion maersk dubai of the required checks the official veterinarian shall issue a certificate for the relevant product shipments, which confirms the results of the checks are in accordance with Regulation no. 489/2010 maersk dubai on the entry into force of Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004 laying down the veterinary checks at border crossing points with products imported from third countries.
the import, the first work station or the first center or organization of destination, as. Regulation no. 1043/2011 on the control of farmed animal health and animal trade within the European Economic Area.
Border crossings shall comply with the conditions contained in Appendix D to this Regulation. Food agrees frontier posts and shall publish a list of approved border stations on its website.
Food should stop operations and withdraw approval maersk dubai of border posts that do not meet the conditions set out in Annex D to this Regulation and in cases where their activities could cause serious damage to health of human and animal health.
If the activities of border stations maersk dubai stopped or in the case of the new border, it shall not apply to

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