Wednesday, December 18, 2013

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Expandable elastic layout | pixeldesign
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When using flexible layout size of the main container and other (important) elements specified in em. Em is directly proportional to the size of the text or font. Thus, increasing the size of text on the page, the size of partitions specified in em, will increase proportionally.
Examples unimobunka of flexible layout can be found in my view CSS Zen Garden (limited hybrid and flexible rubber layout). As far as I know, this is the only representation CSS Zen Garden, which is flexible and accessible as much as possible at all in Neredahovana (originally specified) markup page. I'm very proud of that fact (actually, unimobunka a very good example, unimobunka but in my Opera 9.22 with a width less than 150 pixels blocks "bump" each other, the effect described above in the red rubber layout).
Flexible layout is quite a complicated thing, it's unimobunka incredibly cool and every time it is a challenge to myself first. My first acquaintance with him was on the site Tommy Olsson (which, apparently, is a good example of how to make elastic sites). It struck me, forced smile and think deeply about how little I know (impressed the hell out of me). The best example is the increase of text on sites with flexible layout: just hold down ctrl and rotate the mouse wheel.
Limit the size of an elastic block, defining the size of the outer container (using rubber or fixed width, ie creating a hybrid model). For example, # wrapper {width: 60em; max - width: 98%;}. Followers of "correct ideology" might argue that this is not truly flexible layout it with little or hybridized, unimobunka but in response unimobunka I ask: what's the difference? Thus, the "correct ideology" gorgeous and beautiful, unimobunka but not when it comes to user friendliness (golden words!)
Remember that IE 6 and lower do not support the property unimobunka max - width, make sure that when you set the maximum large text in IE appears unimobunka with no horizontal scroll bar on resolution 1024? 768. In any case, you can see my solution unimobunka for CSS Zen Garden. The next step would be to layout are to permit 800? 600 with the same condition. As an example, you can see my flexible layout site hosting (limited hybrid unimobunka rubber and elastic layout). I plan pereverstaty it for a year, but now fully working example.
As you can see, each of the above kinds of models have their pros and cons (maybe you know and others *). And I can not say with certainty which of them is better. It's just the level of representation of the site, I noticed in the beginning, because unimobunka of the great responsibility and no less confidence unimobunka I can say that any of these layouts can be applied to the layout of affordable, user-friendly websites. So I suggest not Have No trail supporters "ideological correctness" doing something just because it is "right", at the expense of accessibility and convenience. I'm not trying to criticize them because they make us reflect on each step and a source of inspiration, but if you are going on their way, do it with caution. May You Have a purpose and a plan will be.
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