Friday, November 22, 2013

Planes and onion domes is a pretty peculiar sight. Since the description was not read until the end

26/10/2013 hid Ahto [ahtoj] WGS84 dd mm ss.s: 59 25 '5.31 "24 49' 50.30" WGS84 DD mm.mmm: 59 25.0884 '24 49.8383' dd . dddd: 59.418140 24.830639 L-Est: 547,161 6,586,987 Cards: Regional: GIF, Flash | Land Board | Google Type: Normal Treasure County sea container / City: City of Tallinn Difficulty: 1.5 hideout, landscaped 2.0 Size: Large
100 years ago, finished in Tallinn, Estonia theater, which is one of the symbols of statehood and the Estonian sea container culture. March bombing sea container the house was heavily damaged and was restored in 1947. Then the added elements of Stalinist architecture facing the park stairwell bulbous towers on rooftops. As such, we remember English until 2006, when the house was renovated in their natural state, and the bulbs were removed. To find a treasure in a limited area does not need to go to zero, and can be most comfortable with the bike.
Nearby Treasures: Aptetska - Sõjamäe 0.80 km - 1.15 km Jumbo - 1.75 mi Water Tower - 1.75 km Fly - 1.87 km Ruht In Gott - 2.05 km-knit T - 2.18 mi S as SUPERCOW - 2.21 mi M 56 to 2.25 km InSe No.1 - Des Anblicks - 2.40 km Gift lazy to Lauri - Eye-catching 2.43 km - 2.59 km KuMu code - 2.64 km Well Vol. 2 to 2.69 km RTL # 1 to 2.75 km Sikk gives up - 2.79 mi Wolf precipice - 2.95 km MMMMaxim as M's - zoopark 2.98 km - 3.00 km Mae - 3.03 mi
otsimisrõõmust does not have a story, I believe that the treasure had been found in one-or-so minutes anyway. rather, the bigger challenge was finding a normal parking space and access. But there's still really mysterious domes alvar lying.
I headed to the graveyard at the bush here. Kaasgeopeitur the cemetery misplaced his car approached the subject from a different angle, and so little did reach first place. To find the time is not spent, but the treasure still fast enough to put back did not get unnoticed. Thus, perhaps a little messed searchandfind. Anyway, the domes were given in the context of a very odd sight.
Planes and onion domes is a pretty peculiar sight. Since the description was not read until the end, then the moment was approaching zero suspicion that maybe should approach the other side. Fortunately, however, we have chosen sea container the right approaches sea container and soon write down the names in the logbook.
When riding a bike, then the bike became ... I hope that the last time this year winter bike again taken out of the apartment and the track started. Weather, as well as promised and the dagger is not raining sea container down from the sky. Along the newly opened Old Lake roads, which still whiff Sir Savisaare tape to cut through the smells, the rattle of lust. Even cyclists may feel himself safe because they had a strong contribution to this, in the form of bicycle paths. sea container Hoard a few hundred meters away, briefly stared at the private premises of the tag, but arrogantly continued his journey. sea container Garden went inside the agile practices that over time the tractor rpm range, which nokkis both the nose. The finding came quick and the container was impressive. However, the question arose as to why it is here? Thanks to the owner of the treasure.
There were so sibulased, sea container others quite genuine. Pref a large cask was selected, for a change, and all sorts of micro nanodele, pretty nice. Thank you! Our team went to the diary of one of the name of the accident, he actually was lying on the couch at home, pardon.
This was again one of a kind place. Although the messages are clear that wasting disabled, then just lined the roadside piles. Houses were also a touch-ridden, sea container no ajahammas sea container it was still a little red bricks carefully järanud there. Aircraft also quietly sneaked behind the fence and then quickly siuh up, I really did not managed to take off the moment the camera to capture the image. sea container Has to okay the second time to try out. Treasure was quickly sea container put back so that others do not shout out so far. Thanks, again, got wider horizons stretch: D!
We came from somewhere strap if the treasure was published descriptions by the GC-S, however, it seemed that we would still see them in the daylight "bulbs" and some ilupildidki to others. Frisky sea container today, and "thanks" to the finder of the previous experience we got was just the dome because there was no need to look for. Well, do not happen at all, and have another go tomorrow to try ascending and descending a flight winged pictures in there close. Big thanks Concealer for treasure!
Njaa. Going there was a separate opus. First, we went to the woods upper boot. Baskets full of boots found a place where the CPSU still honored. Objects were also, of course, a treasure to be found. Forever beefs others, sea container those of the Orthodox Church of spare parts.
A few days ago I went to the onions näperdamas but unfortunately it was the thing to be found. Not really that big things come to expect. The city has an eye recalibration terribly complicated,'d still like to look for the size of a grain of sand. However, sea container the joy is great, there is a hidden Linnakatu where you feel free to take advantage of a pen can hold. A very good result.
I was there before the domes are noticed, but now had a reason to even touch the switch. Initially sea container came near the course through aiaaugu, GPS was not there, the phone was in the car, only the Land Board in memory of the card image. Domes that touched touched them, but no luck. Back at the car threw a quick look at the description after the j

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