Friday, October 25, 2013

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Russian submarine scare Americans. | Believe in Russia - believe in yourself!
In the south-east coast of the United States by the U.S. military was discovered Russian nuclear submarine, CNN reported, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense. The submarine was spotted in international waters about 400 km from the coast. The submarine came to the area, not far from where, just off the coast of Florida, conducted military exercises the U.S. aircraft carrier group.
The Pentagon said it is unclear what the purpose of the visit of the Russian submarine, but the agency suggested that this was a training patrol. The U.S. military tend to perceive that a return casa conteiner to the practices of the Cold War.
According to RBC, Sierra-2 casa conteiner - a Russian multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Soviet Project 945 "Condor". The submarine is equipped with cruise missiles "Granit". The submarine is designed to track the strategic submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups likely opponent and guaranteed their destruction at the beginning of the conflict. By the level of telltale signs, such as noise and magnetic field, submarines of this type have become the most inconspicuous in the Soviet Navy.
Let me remind you that in August the whole world excited the news that the Russian submarine during the month quietly patrolled the coast of the United States. According to the statements of the American press, this situation occurs for the second time since 2009.
All this is good news Russians, as it shows that domestic multi-purpose submarines continually monitor the situation off the coast of superpower. casa conteiner At the same time, "the most reliable in the world" underwater sonar systems of Americans simply do not see our submarines.
The fact that they are floating near terribly secret unique database strategic submarine type "OH", which is under water in the rock. This place is located on the coast, near the border with Canada. The whole area is surrounded by the most modern anti-submarine complexes in the design and construction of which was invested huge amounts of money. casa conteiner
Analysts and Pentagon casa conteiner planners have not calculated the capacity of Russian nuclear submarines. Another "Barracuda" with titanium hulls went on duty for that very basis. And this took place in the early 90s, as evidenced by the stories themselves submariners. Even in those days was not a single case of detection of our submarines Americans.
Has become even easier to follow the coast of the USA after the nuclear casa conteiner submarine of project 971 (NATO - "Shark"). Body of evidence submarines are made of steel, they have great speed and is virtually inaudible. According to some reports, these submarines are on combat duty off the coast of the United States casa conteiner permanently.
However, the U.S. military themselves recognize that the Russian nuclear submarine - the only thing that is a real threat to the United States. So the Pentagon statement may simply be a cover that the Yankees did not want to admit the obvious fact that our submarines casa conteiner do patrol the coast of the United States.
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