Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dani Rockhoff correspondent konteiner Hotnews in Germany, published an incendiary article about ...

DANI ROCKHOFF ... mystification Truth About MSC FLAMINIA | Alexa Blog
Dani Rockhoff correspondent konteiner Hotnews in Germany, published an incendiary article about ... Mystery of the Flaminia. A ship damaged containers carrying dangerous content headed to Romania.
Articles while tracking the lady in question. With regret, I must confess that even though the character seems benevolent, yet practical types of fine manipulation. In certain key moments Rockhoff posts by Dani joins perfectly with USL posts. Do not do it in a flashy, so it's harder to notice konteiner the hurried reader. Sufficient examples found in older articles like these:
Hundreds of churches in Germany are closed konteiner or demolished. Orthodox konteiner estate boom is still high, both in Romania and in Germany: BOR-episcopal residence built a monastery in Munich, other cornerstones of the Romanian Orthodox Church were put in Mannheim and Berlin. In all cities of Romania, after the Revolution churches have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. In Bucharest, struggling with labor pains, Cathedral Nation. May have moved it, all faith, konteiner in the East.
Dani Rockhoff konteiner suggests how to understand the movements of street January 2012, the time of Boc. About the Metro coming out today, Mechel, the Romanian Post, Oltchim HIDROELECTRICA ... the time of Ponta-silencing. They no longer see. USL has happened similar opinion.
Like all creatures novel abroad, watch TV, read in the press and you can not remain indifferent. Center of Bucharest is a volcano. People out on the streets and in other cities. Their alleged lack of coherent manifesto. They are called "inept slums" konteiner are treated as a mass and indiscriminate political information. But I think any normal person and satisfied with the life you lead is not out on the street, in the cold, for days, risk being struck by a boulder or taken by the police, if it hurts. If it hurts, somewhere hot. If you did not hit bottom. konteiner University Square in Bucharest are thousands of people unhappy, and they are bullies are political tools for teachers, coaches stadiums. On all these people not bind only one thing: the street. Took to the streets, because there can make their voices heard. In Romania, voices were raised.
Dani Rockhoff suggests how to understand and suspend Basescu in the summer of 2012. What coup? High Gate ... remember? Merkel to see her her job! USL has happened similar opinion.
In ancient history of Romania, disobedient rulers were ordered from Sublime Porte, to account. konteiner History repeats itself in new times, with old methods. Romanian Prime Minister realize Brussels. Romanian Ambassador in Berlin is "ordered" to report Angela Merkel. konteiner German Chancellor is worried deviations from the foundations of the rule of law and values that would have occurred by suspending President Basescu. It's an uncompromising high position, which requires a single measurement. In terms of domestic politics European project Merkel government, this measure seems to apply just as consistent.
MSC Flaminia October 15: NSB at last, published a press release on October 12 with update offload containers. So far, a total of 442 containers have been unloaded. konteiner This includes both damaged and undamaged containers, NSB writes, adding, That "unscathed containers are Stored in a closed off area of the port until the general average has been processed."
It is still Planned That Will sail the vessel to Romania on ITS own power. There, preparations have already been made to exchange the damaged sections of MSC FLAMINIA center at shipyards Daewoo Mangalia. The shipyards Daewoo Mangalia is a subsidiary of the shipyard in Korea WHERE MSC FLAMINIA was built.
In other words ... the ship was built at shipyard Daewoo in Korea. konteiner Where you are able to repair Daewoo shipyard ship? Simple, Mangalia in Romania. We cleared? I know ... it looks good for the world to stay current administration with the idea that Angela Merkel send us waste per capita.
Ms. Dani Rockhoff should be better documented. It's sad to see such unethical article Hotnews. Watch in the coming days where it will be rolling news and see who uses them.
Tags: Angela Merkel, churches, BOR, Daewoo, Dani Rockhoff Flaminia hotnews, the coup in 2012, handling false data, MSC, NSB, USL You Can Comment konteiner Below, konteiner or link to this permanent URL from your own site. 19 Comments on "DANI ROCKHOFF ... mystification konteiner Truth About MSC FLAMINIA"
If we were talking face to face, I say: "nonsense, moncher" konteiner with rigor smile What business have I with PSD, do not live in the country and do not even agreed on a

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013 9:32 p.m.

Two luxury vehicles stolen in Western Europe and cloned thieves were discovered by police in a container in the port of Constanta. The two limousines were registered tank container in Ukraine and Romania were introduced by the border Oancea. Constanta police have determined that the two luxury cars were stolen from the West, arrived in Ukraine, where they changed identity thieves and now plan to go back to Western Europe through tank container Romania, to sell. Police confiscated their continuous research to discover the entire tank container network tank container of traffickers. The cars were then cloned acts and series engines never left the territory of Ukraine and currently circulating on the streets of Kiev.
Daily Summary: Commissioner Berbeceanu, explosive interview
Simona Halep, unstoppable! 50th victory in 2013 and qualified for the semifinals tank container in Sofia American espionage scandal VATICAN REACHED. NSA to intercept the Pope Francis, including during Conclave Next Star Daily summary wins. They are the most talented kids who brought the show on Antena 3 ONLY. Bank damage in Pitesti: I was robbed and the bank made us liars us
October 30, 2013 9:32 p.m.
UPDATE: Alex Popescu our user sent us the email address more photos captured last night in Pitesti after torrential rain turned the streets lacuri.UPDATE: & ...
October 30, 2013 9:01 p.m.
October 30, 2013 8:21 p.m.
Daily Summary: Drama Romanians robbed banks. "Without the help of someone inside could not do that"
The agenda
Badea, the "great idea" Ponta Government to increase excise E aberration
Laszlo Borbely joined Sunday march Székely, attended by over 100,000 people Bianca break the silence! See what the redhead said! / VIDEO
October 29, 8:15 p.m.
An X2.3 class solar flare occurred Tuesday at 9:54 p.m. GMT, which is the third highest class explosion within a week on Wednesday Russian Institute of Applied Geophysics, ...
Deputy Hungary, on march Székely: Autonomy tank container we deserve
11:00 happens in Romania
0:00 News
Mircea Badea presented a "theory" of Romanian music hits, while recognizing tank container that recent musical productions are not very familiar with them. "Before Hello, have stuff to ghiorlă ...
Foreign historic decision in New York. UN Proposes U.S. embargo on Cuba
GIRL WITH COMMISSIONER BERBECEANU "reaction" LA ICCJ - Supreme Court Iulian Dragomir, Francisca Mirela Popescu Vasile and have heard more than five hours former chief BCCO Alba. The lawyers ...
Foreign Americans tested MIG Soviet secret base Area 51
The "most promising Romanian brand" designated big winner
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Romanian workers working on site shopping arcade next "Rheinberg-Gallerie" in Bergisch Gladbach (village located zim container tracking 10 kilometers zim container tracking east of Cologne) German authorities asked for help because they have not received money promised, writes the Koelner Stadtanzeiger. zim container tracking
Radu T. (name changed), an engineer from Romania, working on the aforementioned site foreman, from January, and were promised for the post in 2500 to 3,000 per month, but after three months does not even have money for a ticket home. Radu T. works six days a week from seven in the morning to seven in the evening, on the site "Rheinberg-Galerie" being officially employed by a Romanian company that entered into an agreement with German construction corporation Oeverman. Accordingly, he and his colleagues zim container tracking were sent to the German customs office lawyer zim container tracking Heinz Weyer, T. Radu now fearing the consequences, especially as a fellow countryman threatened that if she tells the truth, you will have problems.
Denounced zim container tracking before the Romanian case is unprecedented, given that so far no worker came to work in Germany (Gastarbeiter) has not asked for help customs authorities said Stefan Tacke. zim container tracking According to the newspaper, Romanians have talked about some incredible zim container tracking work conditions, zim container tracking which made the lawyer Weyer to exclaim that "something not thought possible in Germany." The workers lived in a three room container eight feet square, and they had to pay were given only receive money for survival promiţânduli the rest later. At the end of the contract liaison disappeared zim container tracking from Romanian company, instead of defending one another, which offered a new contract at a new site, asking them to declare at the customs office that everything is okay. Romanian Some have agreed, but others have complained to the authorities.
Executive Director of the corporation Oevermann, Dirk Krueger, Bergisch Gladbach personally came and agreed with Weyer to take over payments to subcontractors Romanian company, showing Krueger is terrified that the money sent regularly corporation did not reach recipients. zim container tracking Krueger described the living conditions as a standard container, showing him that his company is not responsible for the condition of containers. Krueger added that Oevermann will care and return home to Romanians. Asked by similar cases in other sites of the corporation, the chief executive of Oevermann Bergisch Gladbach stated that only cooperate with Romanian firm.
But its claims are contradicted by reality. For example, in Lohmar (20 kilometers east of Cologne) came news that some Romanian still working on a construction zim container tracking site Oevermann the corporation were not paid and ask for help from the authorities. Krueger apologized, saying that although subcontractors are subject to control, there is always a certain risk.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

RECENT We invite you to the premiere msc schedule of a documentary Romanian only women can be - Dum

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In the Moscow region, five newborns were found dead in a dumpster, said a source at the regional police. This discovery was made in the city Balaşiha Saltâkovskaia neighborhood, located east of Moscow. "All bodies are in plastic bags, the circumstances of their deaths are being investigated," the source said. Press Service of the Moscow Region police msc schedule confirmed that they found the bodies, but details were not specified. (Voice of Russia)
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RECENT We invite you to the premiere msc schedule of a documentary Romanian only women can be - Dumitru Valentin Anghel Matcovski requires impeachment of his mother (!?) Record fine for DD: 100,000! Alexander Pushkin msc schedule - I have loved you Gigi Becali, secretly transferred to Wear White Chocolate drug benefits as animal-assisted therapy DROP OF POISON: Why go off protests in University Square CC: The new insolvency code that is unconstitutional Ten sausage would be better not ever touch Andre Rieu - Fiesta Mexicana Shell sells exploitation of shale gas in the U.S. Ponta returns: All pensions will be raised by 3.75% Băsescu no longer buy vegetables for three years Dâmboviţa: A student died school Hundreds of thousands of dollars have disappeared from the safe deposit boxes of BCR Pitesti To keep anger in you is like ... ION MINULESCU: Rows for words "no" and "yes" Turgenev to Tolstoy: "My dear friend, great writer Russian earth, hear my plea "good night! Orange Cats Dog Champion, brutally murdered in Craiova Hurricane that hit ravaged Europe from Petru Voda monks brought a crucifix in Pungeşti Tavern Medieval Father Justin Antonescu Pārvu about Rosia Montana case: If Ponta running for president, Dumitru Dragomir USL farewell Becali will be released until November 14 Sexual Curiosity: What is the country vibrators sexual Curiosities: How many adults have sex daily sex Curiosity: What do women read romance novels sexual Curiosities: Semen contains 30 different substances DROP OF POISON: Secret Services Romanian do not know what that is Adjustment Budget crisis: Government cuts to health and gives the secret services and the Chekhov House: There is no happiness, nor should be Chekhov: Life should not be shown as it is, but as we see in Dream Chekhov: A smart man loves to learn. A fool to teach Ponta announces that all pensions will increase next year tallest man in the world married 60 million phone calls in Spanish, NSA intercepted only a month in the home of missing student found drowned Arges: Man fatally shot in hunting IMF disagrees msc schedule with ACS

Tomorrow begins the adventure # CalatorPeValeaPrahovei October 24, 2013 - 7:44 pm 7 days to eTravel

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We are always in search of new destinations perfect dream hotel. But if you take a mega crazy next holiday and choose to sleep in a container? Haha, sounds city container like a good joke. In fact, you can do this on their own to choose a container for your holiday sleep.
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Now imagine the jokes and devilish plans in our head: imagine what it would be troublesome to put c

After the news a few days ago (plus euphoria caused .. and growing fatigue that I feel), we begin to return to a normal way and eventually .. to May and from. So I still gather strength to write something more serious stuff, I think entertain you with a little random in the past.
Let everything be some years when we planned contain an outing at beutorii beer. It was at numismatist, numismatic fair attended by half time and dojo to wander into town to do some shopping perhaps. Not much, but enough to feel her cringe and true.
What's a good life together, we thought he should be peeled twice as good, so I invited us love his sister and nephew. " It was a weekend, so they could release both to work and school schedule. With great glee we strategically placed in his car love chicks back, gentlemen front, plus one small bag of tourist head cover, which, contain unlike what I have to Corsa can take more than one purse and some mineral water.
Once passed through Prague (and absolutely impressed contain by the beauty of the city, even if I visited contain the night), we stopped in a parking lot and I slumbered 2-3 hours. Mircea contain is usually as good if the road feels exhausted to sleep half an hour even stopped somewhere, but, ladies, keep, sleep sleep straight folks driving it bravely.
Before we get camera in the receipt (planned that later), we have stuck to some shopping, and our mouth that just had to eat. I got sausage, some delicacies for lustful us, plus an assortment of cheese that I love Mircea's sister and her family. I put all bulendrele contain in the trunk and we put on a walk and took pictures.
As evening came, we gathered contain and new legs to the car, got in it, destination contain hotel a few kilometers from the city center. Because we ovaries frozen, and cold, heat was released, so within minutes we were revived.
Immediately the car but the air seemed to be deteriorating rapidly. Perceptible contain stench caught the "quick" contain and force max. 3 minutes, and the car was pretty good mood dissipated. I began to snort, ashamed to ask who's escaped. Eventually, the sister took courage and asked amused "Hey, that is bad guts at this hour?". After the fun question, we realized that all personal guts stay well, thanks for asking.
Aha, so it was not that, plus the smell started to go to a combination of corpse, dressed in unwashed socks. It was clear something inhuman means, because we had experienced none with such flair. I felt suddenly bald nose hair and the smell was starting to confuse us. How temporary freeze sounds better than smother the smell aceala criminal, opened all the windows of the car up to get to the hotel.
In the hotel parking lot and opened her luggage, contain find out where it comes from unique flavor. From cheese that you like them so much. It seems that it was packed too clever by those at the store, plus the contribution of heat given machine suddenly gave "life". Right next to us was parked a Golf, left the trunk open (perhaps to the Proprietor longer take the luggage). contain
Now imagine the jokes and devilish plans in our head: imagine what it would be troublesome to put cheese in the human machine contain (somewhere where you will not find it too fast) and see morning faces poor fool. And how he would sell the car 100 euros, something like cuckoos from Mythbusters (or have been), the left a pig carcass in the car, so compromise and metal body could move your nose hair.
The good thing for our victim was that despite their opinion about Romanian, we are still civilized men, so we took ourselves "stinky" in the room (with fridge, thankfully) and we proceeded to fucking future anyone. Plus the cold and laughing shift suddenly reminded contain us that each have a bladder and smell not only missing (although I say without fear of error that the cheese that was so dirty that he no longer felt if we drop the us).
Despite the initial intention to seek any container of "chemical waste" sister re-wrapped cheese and promised that if they start the car stinking long way home, threw before you leave us to stand to the occasion by Germany. Ironically, that little stinky ceased (probably has consumed miasma first night, holy know), contain so I got in Timisoara nostrils unstressed intact livers.
Also ironically, cumnaţii ate the cheese and they swore it was sensational. They offered to give us aducăo piece, but I preferred not to mock our luck. Berlin that evening the smell us about low mood cheese "special" contain even as

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Badeschiff (bathing ship) created by recycling a container floating on the river Spree is the most

Badeschiff (bathing ship) created by recycling a container floating on the river Spree is the most unconventional pool in Berlin. Since its opening in 2004 has become a very cool place in town: deep blue pool, wooden piers, an outdoor bar, stunning views and a lot of people in fashion. The small pool 32 m long and 8 m wide is maintained at a temperature of 24 degrees. People who can not swim are not allowed in the water, so do not try! Originally designed by local artist Susanne Lorenz, Badeschiff inspired similar urban projects on rivers around the world. The fun is not limited to the summer season - every year between November and March the area is covered by a translucent shell and transformed into a closed container store miami area of wellness. Architect Gil Wilk won a design award for the winter Badeschiff which includes two saunas, an outdoor cooling platform, a heated pool, bar and seating areas, making long winters in Berlin anymore.


The marked fall in Sakhalin gray whales swam to the coast of Alaska | RIA Novosti
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The presidential election in Georgia's main candidates for the presidency maersk global service centres of Georgia voted in elections Olympic Torch relay reached the St. Isaac's maersk global service centres Square in St. Petersburg Over 450 gamers maersk global service centres will compete for the money in World of Tanks in Primorye Light returned to the house nearly 17,000 residents of Sakhalin burning maersk global service centres one-story cafe in Moscow violations in the presidential Elections in Georgia are not recorded skater Lipnitskaya became the heroine of the second stage of the Grand Prix in Canada Deliveries began at the observer at the elections in Georgia Energy completed the repair of the heating system in the Moscow district of St. Petersburg
Two gray whales with satellite transmitters-tagged sailed to the Aleutian Islands and are just off the coast of Alaska, reports the Institute of Marine Mammals (USA), maersk global service centres on the site which presents the latest satellite tracking data.
MOSCOW, December 27 - RIA Novosti. Two gray whales with satellite transmitters-tagged sailed to the Aleutian Islands and are just off the coast of Alaska, reports the Institute of Marine Mammals (USA), on the site which presents the latest maersk global service centres satellite tracking data.
The gray whale was wiped off the coast of Sakhalin Island to the mid-20th century, but in 1983 scientists discovered 20 species of mammal, and assumed the existence of a relic of the Okhotsk-Korean population numbering 125-150 whales. However, in 2009 researchers whales hypothesized that a single population of animals there, and there is a single population in the North Pacific Ocean, which re-populated the Sea of Okhotsk. If this assumption is correct, gray whales migrate to the "northern way" to Alaska, and not to the south of Korea and Japan, as previously thought.
To test this hypothesis in the last year started the Russian-American team of researchers. In the summer of 2011 marked the specialists of five gray whales near Sakhalin. Currently, the signal is transmitted only tags are installed on two females.
"The female agent sailed through the Strait of Unimak (onshore sea) and moves along the continental shelf of Alaska. Currently, it is east of the islands Shimagina (a group of islands in the eastern part of the Aleutian chain.) Female Barbarian swam between Aleutian Islands somewhere next to the Strait Amukta and moving east into the deep part of the Straits of Alaska. Varvara is a 200 kilometers to the east of the Agent, "- said in a statement.
According to the scientists, the Agent - female age 6.5 years, which is often observed off the coast of Sakhalin, beginning in 2005. Barbara about 8.5 years, the first time she was seen in the Russian island in 2003. This female has a reputation as a curious whale who likes to "flirt" with small vessels.
In December last year, scientists have provided the first label gray whale named Flex off the northeast coast of Sakhalin maersk global service centres Island, hoping to get through the satellite data on the movement of the animal. maersk global service centres The device maersk global service centres worked until February 2011 and handed over 1.5 thousand messages about the location of the whale. The last signal was received from the Alaskan coast. maersk global service centres
17:42 27/12/2011 Two gray whales with satellite transmitters-tagged sailed to the Aleutian Islands and are just off the coast of Alaska, reports the Institute of Marine Mammals (USA), on the site which presents the latest satellite tracking data.
14/10/2012 17:24
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Online Events Geopolitics Opinion The Week Translations Interpress Polls Sniper Artillery and M

New Online Events Geopolitics Opinion The Week Translations Interpress Polls Sniper Artillery and MLRS Army Corps of Engineers Aviation and Transportation Systems Strategic Missile Defense Armored Fleet Individual weapons containers and more torpedoes and mines Weapons of mass destruction Ammunition Uniforms and Personal Protection Documentary Elite Army Russian Army Special forces of the world History Photo Archive Science Soldiers' stories of survival Demobee album UIC Technology Space
Invincible and legendary U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet hastily left the Mediterranean containers and more Sea on the approach to the coast of Syria, the Russian naval group. Actually, the Sixth Fleet and Commander - Vice Adm. Craig Pandolfo have not gone away - they are still in their respective area of responsibility, including all operational reports and financial statements. On the bases of numerous Mediterranean Sixth Fleet life also flows in the usual way - clothes, leaves of absence, perimeter protection, painting fences, stealing wealth, containers and more unpaid bills for electricity, gas and fresh water. Another thing is that from the Mediterranean strangely disappeared ships of the Sixth Fleet! containers and more The fleet is, and ships not - you probably wonder - Is this possible?
Yeah, maybe, when it comes to American naval forces. In contrast to the structure of the Russian Navy, where each fleet has a constant list of the ships assigned to it, including its flagship (the Northern Fleet - TARKR "Peter the Great", the Baltic Fleet - Destroyer "Pushy", Black Sea Fleet - GRKR "Moscow", Pacific - RRC "Varyag"), the term "fleet" for the U.S. Navy - no more than the scope of responsibility. It is impossible to give a specific answer to the request, "Show the ships of the Sixth Fleet" - the fleet is changing almost containers and more daily. Here's a quantum mechanics! For example, any aircraft carrier strike group, which took the Strait of Gibraltar, is automatically assigned the designation Task Force 60 (Operational Compound 60) and AUG becomes the main striking force of the Sixth Fleet. A carrier battle group commander, respectively, is operatively connected to the post of commander of the 60, and now directly responsible for the situation in the Mediterranean. Following this logic, everyone went down into the waters of the Mediterranean amphibious assault ship and its escort receive the designation Task Force 61. Now they - the main amphibious forces of the Sixth Fleet. Any squadron of destroyers in the Mediterranean becomes DESRON SIX ZERO (and simply - "minonosnuyu squadron 60"), will leave the destroyers - "minonosnaya squadron 60" disbanded. As the Americans can not get lost in this cycle, and you do not accidentally lose your six dozen destroyers, the world's containers and more oceans? Imagine this conversation on the sidelines of the Pentagon: - Where is the destroyer, "John Paul Jones"? - Last year, he was seen off the coast of Jamaica ... - Damn, he is scheduled to arrive in Norfolk in September. Where has he gone? A "John Paul Jones" quietly containers and more rusting containers and more in the harbor of Pearl Harbor, waiting for a new order, which may be to send him to the coast of Greenland. Avoid this mess is assisted by three things: a specific home port for each ship (standard and mandatory international practice), rather unclear division of the Atlantic and Pacific Command, and, most importantly, regardless of the number of the fleet, the American ships brought into permanent divisions, battle groups and aircraft carrier strike groups.
Refueling at full speed Any carrier usually for many years at a constant list of ships and their escorts a clear structure with permanent wing squadrons that are sometimes attributed to decades of this aircraft carrier. And nothing else. For example, an aircraft carrier "Abraham Lincoln" together with the guided-missile cruiser "Cape St. George", the four-Aegis destroyers ("Sterret", "Haslam", "Momsen" and "Shoup"), and several support ships and frigates, form the "aircraft carrier battle group number 9. " Based on this concept, each of the six American fleets constantly has in its composition (ie - in the area of responsibility) of one or more aircraft carrier containers and more battle groups, amphibious groups or divisions of destroyers, of which formed and state of the fleet. The ships come and go, but the number containers and more is always the same. And now - seeing on the horizon, the Russian squadron, most of the American ships rushed to leave the Sixth Fleet area of responsibility, leaving the Mediterranean frontier of NATO, sorry, bare behinds. Speaking in Russian - Sixth Fleet ceased to exist, remaining only in the form of paper instructions and deserted piers Mediterranean bases. History And this is not new - a similar scenario acted brave British containers and more sailors who barely getting information out to sea the German battleship "Tirpitz" abandoned to their fate unarmed transports convoy PQ-17 and shamefully fled on 30-node run. It is significant containers and more that the British fleet, at least not inferior to the German ships and even had the advantage due to the presence of carrier-based aircraft

Friday, October 25, 2013

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Russian submarine scare Americans. | Believe in Russia - believe in yourself!
In the south-east coast of the United States by the U.S. military was discovered Russian nuclear submarine, CNN reported, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense. The submarine was spotted in international waters about 400 km from the coast. The submarine came to the area, not far from where, just off the coast of Florida, conducted military exercises the U.S. aircraft carrier group.
The Pentagon said it is unclear what the purpose of the visit of the Russian submarine, but the agency suggested that this was a training patrol. The U.S. military tend to perceive that a return casa conteiner to the practices of the Cold War.
According to RBC, Sierra-2 casa conteiner - a Russian multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Soviet Project 945 "Condor". The submarine is equipped with cruise missiles "Granit". The submarine is designed to track the strategic submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups likely opponent and guaranteed their destruction at the beginning of the conflict. By the level of telltale signs, such as noise and magnetic field, submarines of this type have become the most inconspicuous in the Soviet Navy.
Let me remind you that in August the whole world excited the news that the Russian submarine during the month quietly patrolled the coast of the United States. According to the statements of the American press, this situation occurs for the second time since 2009.
All this is good news Russians, as it shows that domestic multi-purpose submarines continually monitor the situation off the coast of superpower. casa conteiner At the same time, "the most reliable in the world" underwater sonar systems of Americans simply do not see our submarines.
The fact that they are floating near terribly secret unique database strategic submarine type "OH", which is under water in the rock. This place is located on the coast, near the border with Canada. The whole area is surrounded by the most modern anti-submarine complexes in the design and construction of which was invested huge amounts of money. casa conteiner
Analysts and Pentagon casa conteiner planners have not calculated the capacity of Russian nuclear submarines. Another "Barracuda" with titanium hulls went on duty for that very basis. And this took place in the early 90s, as evidenced by the stories themselves submariners. Even in those days was not a single case of detection of our submarines Americans.
Has become even easier to follow the coast of the USA after the nuclear casa conteiner submarine of project 971 (NATO - "Shark"). Body of evidence submarines are made of steel, they have great speed and is virtually inaudible. According to some reports, these submarines are on combat duty off the coast of the United States casa conteiner permanently.
However, the U.S. military themselves recognize that the Russian nuclear submarine - the only thing that is a real threat to the United States. So the Pentagon statement may simply be a cover that the Yankees did not want to admit the obvious fact that our submarines casa conteiner do patrol the coast of the United States.
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Technical presentation ceremony of the

Technical presentation ceremony of the "Emmy" (the version of the West Coast of the U.S.) will be held October caru containers 23 at Loews Hollywood Hotel in Hollywood, California. Among this year's winners, companies such as YouTube, Aspera, Digital Dailies, iZotope and Lightcraft Technology. Philo T. Farnsworth Award will be presented to the company Sennheiser for her years of service, have a significant impact on the television technology. In 1987, Sennheiser won the "Oscar" for his microphone caru containers MKH 816. The company began production of wireless microphones in 1958. In 1996, Sennheiser won the "Emmy" for achievements in the field of wireless radio microphones. In addition to microphones, caru containers Sennheiser caru containers company has always produced and other high-quality products, including headphones, amplifiers, speakers. Chris Cookson received this year's award Charles F.Dzhenkinsa, which is awarded to individuals whose efforts have had a significant impact on the television technology and equipment. Cookson has done a tremendous amount of work, ensuring the implementation of digital technologies in business processes by developing innovative methods of restoration of archival materials and methods for recording high-quality data on optical media, setting the stage for the digital workflow with automated distribution. His work at ABC, CBS, Warner Bros, and now as president of Sony Pictures Technologies has been marked by numerous awards, including two technical "Emmy". Among others, the "Emmy" received the following company: YouTube has changed the way people see the TV. Each month, one billion people are viewing 6,000,000,000 hours of video on YouTube. Uploaded every minute more than 100 hours of new materials. In order for this to be possible, YouTube has created new methods of downloading, storing and transferring video. The infrastructure will allow the company caru containers to copyright owners to control and monetize the distribution of materials. The technology of Aspera FASP has provided high-speed transfer and synchronize files, thus it is possible to monitor file transfers, control bandwidth and transmission security. caru containers Fast and secure transmission of holistic processes throughout the supply chain (regardless of distance)-cost Internet-based network, which has come to replace physical media and expensive satellite networks has changed the entire industry. IZotope company has created software for audio processing, which allows sound engineers to restore old and damaged record. RX tool can remove or reduce caru containers the crackling, clicks, hum and noise in the recording, restore distorted or cropped record, delete a variety caru containers of noises: clicks and blows on the microphone, singing birds, the insects. Simple user interface, powerful algorithms caru containers separation of tonal and noise components - all of this is useful to editors dialogues and sound engineers. The virtual studio Previzion of Lightcraft equipped with the possibility of an optical motion tracking camera with built-in keying technology, rendering and compositing in real time. The system can capture the foreground and background in any kind of camera movement, caru containers including shooting from a crane, truck, steadicam. So any picture using blue or green background can be combined with sophisticated computer caru containers models or animated HD-HR, with the focus and depth of field are realistic. caru containers Virtual scenes are shot with the same ease as conventional stage. Honorary awards will Lawo AB company for audio network system for large-scale entertaining television caru containers programs caru containers and the company Final Draft for the creation of software for scripting, which has become the industry standard.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

In fact the fight with Alexander Emelianenko prosecuted

Experts: the need to develop wan hai container tracking methods of tracking celestial bodies | RIA Novosti
Another main power politics and the law of the Party and the Movement Society Health Education Media Religion Social Security Public teachers' meeting navigator Social Life without Walls Money Economy Company wan hai container tracking News Energy Auto World Economy World Europe wan hai container tracking Asia Africa North America South America Australia and Oceania Incidents wan hai container tracking Crime Investigations and trials and conflicts unrest Disasters and Catastrophes Security Forces Military Training New weapons Russian Transport wan hai container tracking Safety Sport R-Sport Olympic Games in Sochi Science Technology Innovation Global Warming Nuclear technology and nanotechnology Ekokarta Russian Culture Art Cinema Theatre Showbiz Fashion Weekend meeting wan hai container tracking of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of New appointment Onishchenko The investigation of the terrorist attack in Volgograd investigation into a fight with the participation of Alexander Emelianenko thing about the riots in Biryulyovo death near Pskov paratroopers Opposition presidential forces and the opposition in Syria. October 2013 disappearance of Russians in Syria situation around the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands
United States solely because unselfishly help the world, says Kerry Exhibition died in the siege of Leonid wan hai container tracking Chupyatova opens in Moscow premiere of the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" will present at the Opera Centre Russian film "Kokoku" received a special prize at the film festival in Tashkent wan hai container tracking American biologists have uncovered the genetic roots of Tourette's syndrome Dog found evidence against a bank robber in Vladivostok Subsidies wan hai container tracking to improve medical care to victims of road accidents in the region will have 24 Cabinet will discuss the issue of the allocation of funds for the grant of the president as vice minister for the people's happiness appeared in Venezuela engagement ring killer of President Kennedy wan hai container tracking sold in the U.S. for $ 108 thousand
Asteroid collision with Earth occur every day, but the incident in Chelyabinsk showed the need for improved methods for the detection and tracking of celestial bodies, according to U.S. experts.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 - RIA Novosti, Denis Voroshilov. Asteroid collision with Earth occur every day, but the incident in Chelyabinsk showed the need for improved methods for the detection wan hai container tracking and tracking of celestial bodies, according to U.S. experts.
On Friday morning, residents of some regions of the Urals were observed flying car - a fireball with a smoky tail. The fall ended with a bright flash and a powerful explosion. In Chelyabinsk, who was close to the epicenter of the shock wave was damaged buildings, knocked wan hai container tracking out nearly 100,000 square meters of glass, about 1.2 thousand people sought medical help.
"After today's incident, many will pay attention to this problem ... monitor the dangers emanating from space, and perhaps this (incident in Chelyabinsk) will be an occasion for a more thorough tracking asteroids" - told reporters wan hai container tracking the former astronaut Rusty Shveyhart.
In this case, an astronomer at the California Sex codasil during a teleconference organized by NASA on Friday, noted that exploded over Chelyabinsk car was small and discover his approach has been extremely difficult.
"This wan hai container tracking is a small asteroid. Discovered it would have been difficult. Not impossible, but very difficult," wan hai container tracking - said codasil, recalling that on the approach of an asteroid DA14, which flew past Earth on Friday, wan hai container tracking astronomers have warned a year ago. The size of the DA14 was three times more than the car, exploded over the Chelyabinsk. The scientist also said that the celestial bodies, similar to explode, collide with the earth every day, but it is invisible to most people, as very often the asteroids and fireballs falling into the ocean.
16/02/2013 4:40 asteroid collision with Earth occur every day, but the incident in Chelyabinsk showed the need for improved methods for the detection and tracking of celestial bodies, according to U.S. experts.
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The project

System SOSUS system container size deployed on anti borders: North Cape - Bear Island, container size Greenland - Iceland - Faroe Islands - United Kingdom (Faeroe-Iceland abroad) in the Pacific Ocean. One way to boost antisubmarine barrier is the wiring under the hull of the ship. The system container size was effective in detecting submarines of the Soviet Navy 1st and 2nd generations. The appearance of submarines container size third generation with considerably less noise dramatically reduced detection range. [1] At the turn of the 1990s in the Norwegian Sea was an experiment to detect container size the submarine with the help of SOSUS, including a complex of "Caesar" as a result of the estimated coordinates of the submarine formed the ellipse of 216 by 90 kilometers. [2]
Since the time of the First World War until the mid 60s the fight against submarines refers to the phenomenon of tactical plan. With the advent of the fleets of ballistic missile submarines and nuclear power plants are able to solve strategic container size problems in the war at sea, which explains the sharp increase in anti-priority actions in the U.S. Navy and its NATO allies. During the "cold war", evaluating the strategic options of the Soviet Navy, the military-political leadership of the United container size States acknowledged that one of the main threats to the strategic offensive forces, military and economic potential of the country's armed forces and groups will represent our submarine fleet. Therefore, and due to its complexity, anti-submarine threat was a separate area in the war at sea - anti-submarine warfare (PLF).
The logical consequence of such views was the creation of the U.S. Navy and NATO permanent system for monitoring anti theaters of possible military action. Its core was formed stationary sonar system (GHS), which were one of the most remarkable achievement in the development of the forces and means of naval warfare container size in the post-war period. Their practical application on a large scale made possible by the great progress in the study of acoustics and engineering exploitation of the oceans, to the technical means for receiving and processing of sonar emissions.
GHS originally created for the purpose of search and rescue support ships at sea. However, soon showed their ability to observe the underwater conditions in the vast waters of the ocean and sea theaters. Since the beginning of incurring Soviet missile submarine combat duty off the coast of the U.S. in the early 60's, container size CGS has become a key element of the strategic PLF designed along with early warning of missile attack the enemy to protect the territory of the North American continent from ballistic missiles. It is to this period container size is the creation of the first two combat systems, long-range sonar observations in the East and West Coast of the United States. They were entrusted with the detection of submerged submarines, container size their classification, and determine the location of the elements of motion, output the data to operational centers PLF management maneuverable anti-submarine forces (FL).
Since the 70s GHS operate under a single strategic container size system of underwater container size reconnaissance and surveillance SOSUS (SOSUS - Sound Surveillance Undersea System). In the second half of the 80s, by means of SOSUS controlled all the most important in the operational and strategic areas on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The role of early warning system in SOSUS PLF currently characterized by the fact that it accounts for 80% of primary submarine detection. Data on the submarine detected by the system SOSUS, used for pointing maneuver PLC, which, container size using its on-board detection, location updating is performed submarines and monitoring container size them in readiness to use weapons. The history of research and development activities stationary surveillance systems underwater conditions originates from the second half of the 40s. At the end of the Second World War, scientific research department of the U.S. Navy come to grips with the issues of sound propagation in the ocean. Launched at the same time basic and applied research has led to the fact that in the discovery of the long-distance propagation of sound noisy objects in the so-called underwater sound channel container size (USC).
In 1952, in the Pacific Ocean were tested device Zophar (SOFAR), which made it possible to capture the sounds of underwater explosions at USC, at distances up to 3,000 miles. Intended use of the system on the basis of these devices to locate container size the emergency aircraft, submarines and surface ships that could signal an accident with special explosive sound sources.
The project's success has spawned Zophar the direction of research on the surveillance systems of n

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Most recent: News 17:44 Hämeenlinna plans to build a giant park for rock concerts 16:16 Arctia Ship

Uutiset Aiheet Kotimaa Ulkomaat Politiikka Talous Kulttuuri Viihde Tiede Luonto Terveys Tekniikka Liikenne Media Internet Pelit Ilmiöt Blogit Plus Alueet Etelä-Karjala Etelä-Savo Helsinki Häme Kainuu Keski-Pohjanmaa Keski-Suomi Kymenlaakso Lahti Lappi Oulu Perämeri Pohjanmaa Pohjois-Karjala Saame Satakunta Savo Tampere Turku Lisää Aamu-tv Ajankohtainen kakkonen A-studio Pressiklubi Silminnäkijä Yle Uutiset viittomakielellä Yle Uutiset selkosuomeksi News in English Novosti safmarine container tracking Yle Svenska Yle Yle Sápmi Teksti-tv RSS-syötteet Urheilu Lajit Alppilajit Ampumahiihto Ampumaurheilu Golf Hiihtolajit Jalkapallo Jääkiekko Koripallo Lentopallo Lumilautailu Moottoriurheilu Nyrkkeily Paini Pesäpallo safmarine container tracking Pikaluistelu Purjehdus Pyöräily Ratsastus Ravit Salibandy Suunnistus Taitoluistelu Tennis Uinti Yleisurheilu Muu palloilu Muu urheilu Tapahtumat Lentopallon EM 2013 Koripallon EM 2013 Yleisurheilun MM 2013 Jalkapallon EM 2013 Suunnistuksen MM Confederations Cup 2013 Jääkiekon MM 2013 MM-hiihdot 2013 MM-alppihiihto 2013 MM-ampumahiihto 2013 MM-salibandy 2012 Paralympialaiset safmarine container tracking Lontoo 2012 2012 EM-jalkapallo 2012 EM-yleisurheilu 2012 MM-jääkiekko 2012 Suomen MM-ralli Lisää Tulospalvelu Suorat lähetykset netissä Urheilun tv-lähetykset Yle Areena Elävä arkisto Teksti-tv Yle Puhe Kolumnit Urheilukatu 2 Veikkauksen safmarine container tracking tuloksia RSS-syötteet Suora linja Sää Tuoreimmat
Monitoring is carried out with the help of satellite data and aerial surveys. Pasatelnye border service of Russia and Finland signed an agreement on fighting forest fires. While the Russians to help from abroad in fire was not needed, but the Finnish rescuers are ready to participate in fire extinguishing operations in Russia.
Most recent: News 17:44 Hämeenlinna plans to build a giant park for rock concerts 16:16 Arctia Shipping sponsors Curling Club 15:00 MTV3 reduces workforce of 20 people and will close the program "45 Minutes" 13:36 Ministry of Labour: situation of immigrants gradually improving, but the young faces marginalization 12:38 Stora Enso Imatra safmarine container tracking cuts 156 jobs 10:16 Seppälä court ordered to pay the sellers of language allowances 9:35 tablets sales are growing rapidly 8:48 HS: True Finns' again bypassed by popularity" The coalition parties' 22.10. The opposition offered their alternative budget projects 22.10. Hundreds of Russians every year asking for political asylum in Finland
Sellers Seppälä clothing shop in Lappeenranta are entitled to a supplement to the salary due to the daily use English at work. News 15:00 MTV3 reduces workforce of 20 people and will close the program "45 Minutes"
It is projected that in the next few years, the plates can displace laptops from the home segment. News 22.10. "Syphilis heal pike blood, and impotence - a hammer" - and others have survived sexual Finnish traditions safmarine container tracking and superstitions
Finnish folklore has brought safmarine container tracking to our days a lot of proverbs and pribautok revolving around the topic of sexuality. They were a source of vital information for our ancestors in the form of jokes by word of mouth passed recipes of traditional medicine, tips on how to win a girl's heart, as well as instructions younger generation. advise News 22.10. Video In Finland acute shortage in foster care for children News 16.10. 2:14 The interest of Russian tourists to Finland falls - what to do? News 12.10. Disgraced video artist opens exhibition in Helsinki: Putin and Medvedev can now be seen in his underwear News 8.10. Videos Norway competes with Finland for Russian tourists News 4.10. Video Tax-free losing ground invoice News 3.10. Video Ville Haapasalo: Acting for me - a closed chapter
Latest News 17:44 Hämeenlinna plans to build a giant park for rock concerts 16:16 Arctia Shipping sponsors Curling Club 15:00 MTV3 cuts workforce by 20 people and will close the program "45 Minutes" safmarine container tracking 13:36 Ministry safmarine container tracking of Labour: situation of immigrants is gradually improving but the young faces marginalization 12:38 Stora Enso Imatra cuts 156 jobs 10:16 Seppälä court ordered to pay the sellers of language allowances 9:35 tablets sales are growing rapidly 8:48 HS: True Finns' again bypassed by the popularity of" The coalition parties "22.10. The opposition offered their alternative budget projects 22.10. Hundreds of Russians every year asking for political asylum in Finland 22.10. Nokia has announced its first tablet 22.10. The Parliament hopes that the government will help finance Talvivaara 22.10. In Finland, safmarine container tracking a severe shortage of foster families for children 22.10. Unemployment continues to rise 22.10. In the east of the country detained several people who were trying to cross the border illegally 22.10. "Syphilis heal pike blood, and impotence - a hammer" - and others safmarine container tracking have survived sexual Finnish traditions and superstitions 22.10. The new Data Protection Act passed in review Evroparlamen

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

November 5th in the Thai resort of Phuket evacuated tourists and locals because of a false report o

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November 5th in the Thai resort of Phuket evacuated tourists and locals because of a false report of an impending tsunami. As the correspondent of RIA "New Region" from Phuket, tourists were shooting straight with excursions and prepared for shipment to the tsunami centers. Among the guests started to panic - people left in our documents, money and things. Hotels are also preparing to evacuate its guests. Rumors about a tsunami caused great concern among the local population - the islanders fled to the mountains to hide out there, parents promptly withdraw their children from schools and kindergartens. According to the local newspaper Phuket Wan, was the cause of panic fault monitoring station on tsunami cosco tracking watch, cosco tracking set in the ocean off the coast of Phuket. It was she who gave the signal of an impending disaster. The National Tsunami Warning Center said that at the moment a tsunami threat on the island of Phuket is not. Tracking systems cosco tracking have been installed tsunami in Thailand in December 2006. These monitoring stations are part of a national tracking system for giant waves caused by earthquakes on the ocean floor. They are 1000 kilometers away from the coast, between Thailand cosco tracking and Sri Lanka, their work is monitored by U.S. satellites. Recall that the December 26, 2004 Phuket and neighboring areas of the west coast of Thailand suffer tremendously from impact tsunami caused by an earthquake at the bottom of the Indian cosco tracking Ocean. Gigantic waves (up to 10 meters high) destroyed several coastal areas. Almost all the major beaches of the west coast of Phuket, especially Kamala, Patong, Karon and Kata, were destroyed. Also suffered hotels on the south coast of the island. In the countries of Southeast Asia while killing more than 200,000 people. By February 2005, most of the hotels in Phuket has been restored, and in 2005 the island life slowly came back to normal. In the meantime, this situation has provoked cosco tracking debate on Internet forums island - tourists and locals write about that warning system for tsunamis in the island out of date and are worried about the safety of their lives. In particular, the islanders criticized newsletter SMS messages in case of emergency organizing power: sms come in an incomprehensible to many Thai language, and most of the tourists do not have Thai sim-cards. It should be noted that in many of the hotels at night there was no light, no working telephone, guests many hotels Phuket issued flashlights. In addition, cosco tracking this year in the Southeast Asian monsoon as ever active. In the area of very heavy rainfall remain south of Thailand and Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. Rains cause floods and landslides strongest. Prepared by the information service portal based on MoiGorod.Ru
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As the correspondent of RIA

As the correspondent of RIA "New Region" from Phuket, tourists were shooting straight with excursions and prepared for shipment to the tsunami centers. Among the guests started to panic - people relied on what was left in our documents, money and things. Hotels are also preparing to evacuate its guests. Rumors about a tsunami caused serious concern among the local population - the islanders fled to the mountains to hide out there, parents naccs promptly withdraw their children from schools and kindergartens.
According to the local newspaper Phuket Wan, was the cause of panic fault monitoring station on tsunami watch, set in the ocean off the coast of Phuket. It was she who gave the signal of an impending naccs disaster. The National Tsunami Warning naccs Center said that at the moment a tsunami threat on the island of Phuket is not.
Tracking system for tsunami had been established in Thailand in December 2006. These monitoring stations are part of a national tracking naccs system for giant waves caused by earthquakes on the ocean floor. They are 1000 kilometers away from the coast, between Thailand and Sri Lanka, their work is monitored by U.S. satellites.
Recall that the December 26, 2004 Phuket and neighboring areas of the west coast of Thailand suffer tremendously from impact tsunami caused by an earthquake at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Gigantic waves (up to 10 meters high) destroyed several coastal areas. Almost all the major beaches of the west coast of Phuket, especially Kamala, Patong, Karon and Kata, were destroyed. Also suffered hotels on the south coast of the island.
Meanwhile, the current situation has provoked debate on Internet forums island - tourists and locals write about that warning system for tsunamis in the island out of date and are worried about the safety of their lives. In particular, the islanders criticized naccs newsletter SMS messages in case of emergency organizing power: sms come in an incomprehensible to many Thai language, and most of the tourists do not have Thai sim-cards.
It should be noted that since yesterday on the island - a violent storm and gusty winds. Many hotels at night there was no light, no working telephone. Today, many of the hotels guests were given flashlights Phuket.
Besides, now in South-East Asia monsoon continues. This year, he is never active. In the area of very heavy rainfall remain south of Thailand and Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. Rains cause floods and landslides strongest.
Recall that last week's tsunami hit Indonesia, which killed more than 400 people, 300 to cih been reported missing. The tsunami was caused by a powerful earthquake that struck the water off the coast of Mentawai Islands.
Tsunami warning system established along the coast of South-East Asia after the tragic events of 2004, failed to protect the inhabitants of islands of Indonesia from the giant waves. Experts point out that such systems can benefit only those who live a few hours away from the formation of waves, but they can not save people who are in the highest risk.
18:40 - Maritime Police looking for a missing 11-year-old boy 17:59 - An employee of a construction company, the fault in the death of two people will go on trial in Vladivostok 15:24 - On the island of Russian man died under a collapsed wall of the house 14:40 - In Vladivostok detained the driver, the death brought down a pedestrian and left the scene of an accident 12:14 - Forecasters smog that enveloped Beijing, will dissipate in the environment Buy lighting equipment
News People News Publications Stoppers Vladivostok Twitter VKontakte naccs RSS 2009-2013 Revision: Using materials reference to the site is required. Advertise on the site.

Monday, October 21, 2013

- Objective - to fill the existing voids and compact the soil. In the next stage, the area is cover

Work on semi-coke dump in Kohtla-Jarve begin in September | "North Coast" container cafe
First Society of Municipalities Projects Education Meeting Court Incidents Investigation Knowledge of Nature Health Statistics Frontier Economics Church Building Transport Energy Industry Analysis Business Real Estate Trade Prices container cafe Tourism Culture Festival Music Museum Hobby artist Success Theatre Scene Problem Movie Poster Sport Ida-Viru County Narva running Records London 2012 Person Policy Protests Election 2013 Parliament Elections 2011 Interview European Union Opinions Commentary Editorial Letter Star Weekly Extra Estonia today Opinions Media Travel Language Culture Calendar Portrait Act Travel
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The government in April contributed to the elimination of semi-coke fire area mountains in Kohtla-Jarve about 4.7 million euros. Following the talks, the elimination of the zone assigned to JSC Merko Ehitus , a firm that was engaged from the very beginning the work on closing the blade.
- Agreement signed last Monday (August 19), the amount of the contract is 4 million euros plus VAT. Drafting of working drawings already started - said Raimo Jaaksoo, chief specialist of the waste management of the Ministry of the Environment.
The area called the zone together with the surrounding neighborhoods container cafe is about three hectares. To begin the steep slopes make it more gentle and access roads will be built, and then start packing the soil with a vibrator.
- Objective - to fill the existing voids and compact the soil. In the next stage, the area is covered with an inert material, which shuts off the air supply to the source of fire, it is laid a layer of fresh char and then start planting. Between the layers of stacked layer gazosborki, which allows taking the gases arising from the material warms up - explains Jaaksoo.
This is done in order to prevent the possible extension of the zone of fire and smothering. In conclusion, in this area will be laid prefabricated sewage ditches, installed equipment container cafe tracking temperature conditions, which will in the future conduct constant monitoring of the situation. container cafe
- We have had to extend some, this is due to that obtained from the VKG and used to cover the fresh char, which appeal to the changeable weather conditions proved to be difficult, - explains the reasons Raimo Jaaksoo. - Work on the building are completed, which means that the mountain has found the final form, the system of collection and sewage ready to lay carpet and left to landscaping.
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Sunday, October 20, 2013

- At that time, it was a clever system - with brains and the ability to identify the numbers of pas

Video surveillance in the Narva - squandering 5,000,000 kroner | "North Coast"
First Society zim schedule of Municipalities Projects Education Meeting Court Incidents Investigation Knowledge of Nature Health Statistics Frontier Economics Church Building Transport Energy Industry Analysis Business Real Estate Trade Prices Tourism Culture Festival Music Museum Hobby artist Success Theatre Scene Problem Movie Poster Sport Ida-Viru County Narva running Records London 2012 Person Policy Protests zim schedule Election 2013 Parliament Elections 2011 Interview European Union Opinions Commentary Editorial Letter Star Weekly Extra Estonia today Opinions Media Travel Language Culture Calendar Portrait Act Travel
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In connection with the loss of 18 March Vari Ivanova police and all the Narva stated: municipal video surveillance system of the streets long ago turned into junk. It is possible that if the camera "combed" Krengol'mskiy district, the kidnapping of a child revealed zim schedule soon.
- It's zim schedule a sad story about how the city is useless spent nearly five million crowns, - said the head of the Department of Economy and gorimuschestva Narva Luigas Tamara, who at the tragic circumstances had to delve into the history of the issue.
External video camera surveillance on the building of the Narva ice hall, though works quite regularly, but I still could not help quickly find a girl missing near here. The city with the same camera monitor in the police department has long been a non-being. Narva surveillance system bought in the summer of 2001, Alarmtec AS , a subsidiary of Security Concern G4S . The purchase was made in installments, and the resulting costs amounted to 4.98 million euros (318 thousand euros).
According to the agreement, a new system for tracking the order on the streets moved to use the Narva Police Prefecture. "This great video will facilitate the work of police, expert, forensic" - commented a senior police Taraskin Alexander, when on the eve of the new 2002 first camera took their seats.
By two cameras looking in opposite directions, set at the entrances and exits of the city - Tallinn highway and Baltic power. Two more cameras were responsible for the area near the border with Russia - on Peter's square at the frontier point on the ring junction nearby. Another three rotating camera stood at busy intersections - at the Tallinn highway, streets and Tiymana Keres Avenue Kreenholmi. Also in the area is allegedly worked Krengol'mskiy some mobile camera.
- At that time, it was a clever system - with brains and the ability to identify the numbers of passing cars, of course, if they unmessy. In Russia, such a system called "Flow" - Pärnoja recalled, adding that it was in working order until his retirement from the police in January 2004.
As far as is now known, zim schedule Narva assumed that after the final redemption of the cost of its video service will be held by the police. Before this service was engaged as an owner-seller firm.
The last payment made to the city in 2006 - and turned to the prefecture with the intention to give her the system in use is documented. The answer was that the host can only be a Ministry of Internal Affairs zim schedule and the Ministry, in turn, said that he could not bear the cost of maintenance of the property, whose owner is not. In that situation, Narva, as it is now evident from the correspondence, at least twice offered to confer, but none of Tallinn has not arrived.
Actually was at the police zim schedule equipment over the years did not receive proper zim schedule care. A pair of cameras appeared at security firm Securitas Eesti , guarded objects of the Narva Power Plants zim schedule (data of the camera followed the entry and exit points of the city in this direction). In the nearby Narva-Jõesuu cheat At the entrance to the resort town a few years is a sign, which read that the town is under video surveillance. The Mayor Andres Noormyagi not want people to discover the secret of how many cameras there are and where, they say, ignorance promotes law-abiding citizens. But we know that a couple of years ago, the city had another trick - came up and created a mobile surveillance camera disguised as an ordinary board power supply. "For zim schedule example, if we see an unauthorized landfill, we can establish there our inconspicuous camera - said Noormyagi, but then admitted that this contrivance zim schedule responsible officer gorupravleniya some reason does not use: - The idea is good, but its results could have been better . "
At the next request of the Department gorimuschestva and economy of the state of video surveillance systems

As explained by the head of the Narva Police Sergey Andreev, the video image will come to a control

New video surveillance Narva not save you from the dark recesses of a delishek | "North Coast"
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Narva install 11 high street surveillance cameras. They will appear in busy areas, where most of the day and so many potential witnesses. Constant monitoring will be carried out Jõhvi.
In Narva City Council is preparing container track to permit the Department of Urban Development and Economics to organize a competition public procurement, and the city government - to provide the budget for next year money for the service of street surveillance cameras 11th.
The Director of the Department named Georgi Ignatov studied the market and determined that applicants for this city order will be many. "The other question is what price they will call." According to preliminary calculations, the video surveillance of streets 11 cameras will cost over three years is about 40,000 euros. Of these, 13,600 euros have already been laid in gorbyudzhete this year.
Control over the streets of the capital is by cameras. Operators can remotely direct the camera, zoom, display it on the central screen. According to Ignatov, the contract for three years, the city plans to conclude by the end of this summer. A little more time will need to purchase the Executive cameras, installation, laying electric wires, etc. "Ideally, by the middle of September, they will begin to function."
Ignatov said that the detailed container track specifications infotehnologichesky asked the city police department. In particular, each camera must be able to bring the 20-fold to using optics conduct night mode, to transmit a signal over several container track kilometers without wires.
The signal will be supplied to equipment which artist will place the police. Records must be kept for at least 30 days, but better - to 90. In addition, the equipment should allow future increases in the number of connected cameras from 11 to at least 64.
As explained by the head of the Narva Police Sergey Andreev, the video image will come to a control center in the prefecture Idaskoy Jõhvi. There is already being monitored for a similar picture of Rakvere. Servers will also be located in Narva office.
- Do not hit (the list) municipal cultural and sports facilities, such as, for example, the same ice hall - Gordeeva said, recalling that the problem of missing video manifested itself in 2012, when the Ice Hall's body was found murdered Varya Ivanova ...
In the following comments for "North Shore" Georgi Ignatov said that should not be considered a sports facility called simovolom of Narva atrocities: "One particular case can not be extrapolated to the entire future and believe that in this area, this place will always be committed crimes."
One way or another, but the places where they will be installed 11 cameras are really determined by the availability busy urban roads, intersections and shopping centers with parking. Exception is the area at night establishments "Lux", "hot" in a sense, as well as Peter's Square. Last - also, in fact, the parking lot, but it happens violations and crimes against people just came out of Ivangorod left border checkpoints.
- One of the criteria (in site selection) was the maximum coverage area. While the cameras and will stand at the crossroads in the main, but still there is the busy traffic - not only cars, but also pedestrians ... Yes, of course, it would be good to put the camera in every dark corner, but so much money we do not have.
- Only three or four cameras, we proposed to establish at intersections, and the rest - in parks and shopping centers, where most violations. And there is no parking - but the protection of public order, - the words Andreeva still has not quite clear which parks get into the lenses. - We gave the top-10 places. This is a pilot project and if it will work, as we had planned, we will additionally provide for other camcorders. Of course

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Search for news in Kuban arrested a suspect in the murder of the priest 3:00 Cobyanin back was agai

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The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Korea reported that two missile destroyers equipped with multi-purpose combat systems "Aegis", will be placed at the east and west coasts of the country. They will carry out the task of monitoring the situation.
It is a question of medium-range missiles, "Musudan" 20 who are able to reach the island of Guam, where the naval base of the United States. According to some reports, the missiles are mounted on launchers.
THAAD system is a mobile ground-based missile complex for high-altitude interception of medium and short range. The complex includes a battery 20 launchers, radar tracking 20 equipment and integrated fire control system.
More from Garry Kasparov leaves the leadership of "Solidarity Viktor Yanukovych pardoned former 20 Minister Yuriy Lutsenko in Qatar to discuss the allocation of aid Darfur Photos All Photos 6441 271 ITAR-TASS
RIA Novosti April 5th Seoul sent destroyers 20 to track possible North Korean missile launch
Search for news in Kuban arrested a suspect in the murder of the priest 3:00 Cobyanin back was against the division 20 police 3:00 Legend ago rock and roll Chuck Berry will tour concert in Moscow, 53 minutes ago Violin with "Titanic" was sold for nearly 20 1.5 million 4:00 journalist Vladimir Solovyov back 50 years ago, 2:00 UFC President Vladimir Klitschko 20 has called a disgrace to boxing 4:00 deceased back in Italy Nazi buried 20 in a secret place 3:00 back in Moscow six high-rise buildings were without electricity 6:00 Sobyanin offered to take back with money for the entry of migrants in Russia yesterday attacked a pensioner accused 20 of raping 20 Kyrgyz and arrested 4:00 back Chevrolet Malibu sedan updated
Yesterday Users were unable to prevent the arrest 20 of the head of ovoschebazy yesterday Tolokonnikova made the change on October 18 colonies media learned of Railways plans to raise 600 billion rubles on October 18 Named the most law-abiding migrants in Russia on October 18 Zeynalov was the "hero of a bad movie," 18 October the EU has limited period of stay in the Schengen area October 18, Ukraine is ready to revise the price of gas has renamed the State Duma on October 18 day siege of Leningrad 20 Oct. 18 Week Isaev lost his post in the leadership of the "United Russia" on October 11 Shutdown cost the U.S. $ 24 billion in October 17 The police detained participants of the conflict on the Ring Road on October 15 " Mitka "comforted by Ivan the Terrible 20 and his" defenders "October 13 Month Protection 20 and Greenpeace activist 20 was given half an hour to get acquainted with the case on October 20 8 McCain: Putin is not worthy of Russia and its citizens on September 19 Peskov told about the personal life of Putin's Chechen Sept. 25 memorial are asked to check on extremism September 19

Friday, October 18, 2013

Note that the Project 945A submarines

U.S. Navy nuclear submarine spotted Russia for 275 miles from its coast News
The U.S. Navy announced the discovery of the Russian submarine near U.S. territorial waters. Noted nuclear submarine 945A refers to the project "Condor" (NATO - Sierra-II). The submarine is part of the Russian Northern Fleet. The submarine is designed contecon manzanillo to track the strategic enemy ships and aircraft carrier battle groups. According to the statement of the U.S. military, the submarine was not part of the territorial waters, and as monitoring their borders - 275 miles off the east coast of the United States.
Note that the Project 945A submarines "Condor" in terms of telltale signs and indicators such as the level of noise and magnetic fields are the most inconspicuous submarines in the Russian fleet. However, the submarine of this type were easily able to detect over 275 nautical miles from the coast. It is noteworthy that all were built only two submarines of this type - it is the K-336 "perch" ("Pskov") and K-534 "Catfish" ("Nizhny Novgorod"). Both of these submarines are part of the 7th Division contecon manzanillo of the Northern Fleet from homebase at the naval base of Ara-lip (Vidjaevo), which is 48 kilometers north-west of Murmansk. Most likely, the U.S. military spotted exactly one of the two submarines.
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