Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Last Tuesday, container sales on the basis Luzhanskaya Forestry Enterprise

Last Tuesday, container sales on the basis Luzhanskaya Forestry Enterprise "Velykyi LMG" container sales in the natural businessman, held a workshop aiming to become acquainted with the arboretum and forest nurseries reconstructed and plantation Christmas trees that laid three years ago. In the event a symbolic ribbon cutting commissioned newly built road in forest lands Verkhnye. The workshop and the opening of the road took part head of the Transcarpathian Regional Forestry and Hunting Physicist IV than industry professionals attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board Joseph Velykyi village Bozhuk, t c. about. the Upper Vodianyi Vitalina Hutsul, chairman of the village council container sales Vodychanskoyi John Watral. container sales
The seminar was opened in opening remarks. about. Director Yuri derzhlismyslyvhospu Soymy and continued the theme of Head Regional Forestry and Hunting Games Physics. Assistant Forester Forestry Luzhanskaya Elizaveta Zholobchuk acquainted with plants. Founded eleven years ago, on an area of 1.1 hectares, the arboretum container sales has become a plot where 35 species growing container sales variety container sales of exotic trees - only 768 pieces, some of whom are representatives of the Red. After reconstruction this year there are 63 species - just 597 copies, including and oak and rock, rough elm, cedar Atlas, pine, duhlasiya, ginkgo bilobed, chestnuts and others. Among the shrubs container sales found refuge deytsiya rough, Forsythia, jasmine, Japanese Cryptomeria, Aralia Manchu and others. Today, the company container sales operates five grounds Arboretum total area of 2.08 hectares, which increased in 1209 98 pieces of various container sales breeds.
It provided container sales a kind of test of knowledge and present employees derzhlismyslyvhospu. container sales When asked the head of the regional administration answered foresters and their assistants. It was also about knowing the Latin names of various tree species, soil types, characteristic of the growth conditions and so on. It was noted that the basics of the profession, whose main objective is the preservation and enhancement of forest resources, has to master container sales one who decided to dedicate his life to it.
Forest path cleared after the snowfall, breaking the set is bright bridge, the participants moved to the reconstructed container sales forest nursery in the same forest (forest master - John Mazar). Covering an area of 0.2 hectares cultivated 18,700 units (including standard - 11.3 million) container sales of eight tree species, including oak and red rock, chestnuts, walnuts and others. Also we have sown broad-leaved linden, maple, sycamore, red oak. In total, the company operates 12 forest nurseries with a total area of 3.76 hectares, which increases the standard 1182 thousand seedlings and saplings. Thanks to the hard work of forest protection, and this year harvested 481.3 kg of seed 19 trees, the company fully meets the needs of her planting.
Next to the breeding grounds, an area of 0.05 hectares, equal strings stretched plantation Christmas trees (70 units), which are laid three years ago. Innovation recently, because people need to meet forest beauty of the area, specially planted under power lines and in the quarterly cuttings. Now put a different and practice - for the company lies 2.29 ha of plantations of Christmas trees, which is cultivated container sales 6924 spruce and fir, which fully ensure the needs of children and institutions, and organizations, as well as the most discriminating tastes population. By the way, the main attribute decorating the house for Christmas and New Year holidays, anyone can legally acquire all the forest, which will run point implementation Christmas trees, as well as the Christmas markets.
The next point of the seminar was the grand entry into force of the new forest road in the forest and Verkhnye Vodice. As is well beginnings consecrated abbot of the local Orthodox church father, Michael, container sales and the corresponding part of the solemn prepared listeners school forest Superior water. On the economic feasibility of a new forest road padded told managers and ranger container sales Yuri Yasinskyi. It was not only the benefits that facing foresters during the mandatory silvicultural activities, protection of forests from illegal encroachments, and in case of emergencies, but also that the 1.3 km road from the ravine Vapnyarka saves about 18 km bypass road in one direction of motion, which leads to lisfondu main use, and this - the additional cost of fuel and lubricants, operation of vehicles, delivering material. Also, thanks to the new road Shortcut to places of priselke Tovshah.
Despite the fact that paved the way vynaymayuchy appropriate equipment, the cost of its construction was reduced almost three times, instead of 796.7 thousand. Provided estimates, using 248, 7 thousand. in

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